Nutrient Issue?? PLEASE HELP


Active Member
So would you put two plants into a recyling bin?

I have two extra recyling bins, Im using these next time instead of the tiny pots im currently using.

Yea, I plucked them. Hopefully, it doesnt spread..


New Member
raised3sm.jpeglike this but w a bottom w holes drilled everywhere for drainage...the roots grow down and out....this would b ideal for them...all that space is wasted between pots...could be filled w dirt and roots and then ull have bigger and more buds above....that's the plan anyway.


New Member
I mean its def not neccesary...but the way I look at it is soil is cheap....I don't buy weed anymore so there's extra $....why not strive to create the best grow environment possible....weed means ALOT to me...and I love growing it...I really put a lot of care and time and attention to detail in my grows.....I would upgrade my lighting and was soooo close to ordering an hps set up the other day...but I honestly can't do any better than I have been....until these cfls let me down they're staying.


Active Member
Get a small 150 watt HPS to throw over top and remove some of the 2-3k cfls. a 150 hps will be just that much more beneficial, and you can get one for under 100$ online.


New Member
U can get a 400 for like 130$ combo...every time I go look at my plants tho jm like fuck that shit man....look at em....if it ain't broke don't fix it....ya gut cfls are better lights...quality wise...yes hid has more power but I'm good on power...if I was growing a room full of weed I'd get hid for sure...but I'm growing like half a closet full of weed....and I'm all about quality....quality quality quality....1355931607805.jpg1355930004800.jpgwhen my set up stops putting out buds like this....then I'll change my lights...


Well-Known Member
Recycling bin, :) lol.

Your going to seperate them into different boxes right?

Or if you get a massive container (like a recycling bin lol), do you not need to worry bout root bound issues?

I noticed, all the leaves that seemed "nute burn" were the ones to the very most botom of the plants.

The first set of leaves (1 point leaves, not the first set of fan leaves)
and I noticed they were the ones burried underneath all the other leaves, getting barely any light.

Could that be an issue?

I've read the leaves close to the soil end up dying off.. Could that be the reason they turned so yellow as they way they did?
I've noticed when I burned one plant, the burn started at the bottom, and worked it's way up, but also started with the fan leaves and did not affect the sugar leaves.


Well-Known Member
So would you put two plants into a recyling bin?

I have two extra recyling bins, Im using these next time instead of the tiny pots im currently using.

Yea, I plucked them. Hopefully, it doesnt spread..
I wouldn't unless I put something like a plexiglass divider between the two plants, but then you are defeating the purpose.


Well-Known Member
Get a small 150 watt HPS to throw over top and remove some of the 2-3k cfls. a 150 hps will be just that much more beneficial, and you can get one for under 100$ online.
I'm thinking about looking into that if I do another winter grow next season.


Well-Known Member
Usually for me, the yellowing from N starts lower and with older, largest fan leaves.
You're about 20-22 days now, so you could go ahead and give a small shot of food to see though if you want.
I gave mine first feed at day 25.


Active Member
I dont want to give a feeding, incase it is burn.

but reading that, is exactlyyyy what I noticed.

started from bottom, working way up, yellow n few others.

is there any recommended way to get a nitrogen boost?


Active Member
I used diluted urine water at.about 12pm today.

its now 2:33, and many of the droopy yellowed leaves have stood back up, one has got a bit of its green color back.

at the same time, a couple other leaves looked worse.

I'm guessing the plants are now in need of an actual feeding after 3 weeks of life in MG soil.


Active Member
A few days ago, there were some leaves on the plant looking just like this


I plucked the worse ones, and noticed others began to quickly get worse.

These two photos looked like the first photo this morning before being watered/fed

I used about 1 OZ of my own urine (after doing quite a bit of reading for a nitrogen boost) to a half gallon of water.

This is how my oldest baby is looking.

Just flipped to 12/12 the other day, looking nicee.
