Nutrient Issue?? PLEASE HELP


Active Member
Ur telling me?!?!?! is crazy

no one tells you to tell me to get new soil every day. thats your choice, then I'm forced to explain how dumb you are for making me once again tell you, I have ten bags of MG and if I can fix it, WHICH I DID,


if you dont like me using MG then don't fucking open my threads.

better yet, use the ignore button.


Active Member
Everybody told me not to use MG too but I did use a little and my plants are almost rdy to harvest and their buds are so big my branches cant hold them and they are by no means little skinny branches. But like I said I only used it a lil till I got something better GL cause on here people think there way is the only way but ive meet some GREAT growers


New Member
no one tells you to tell me to get new soil every day. thats your choice, then I'm forced to explain how dumb you are for making me once again tell you, I have ten bags of MG and if I can fix it, WHICH I DID,


if you dont like me using MG then don't fucking open my threads.

better yet, use the ignore button.
Ive used.miracle grow....w all my grows actually til recently...I said u may have a bad batch or ur phenotype is too bk thru the posts....never did I bash mg....uve had an issue w this plants for 3weeks u say I wouldn't know haven't really kept track...uve tried everything including pissing on the plant...and won't fucking try transplanting... u plan on growing and ur worried abt $20 worth of mg.....ha...OK man later...


New Member
And u know what bro u gotta pretty smart fuckin mouth....fuck u bitch...I hope ur plant dies...better yet I hope it suffers thru bout 10 more weeks n yeilds 6 grams....big bull...ha...the stoner football player...u wouldn't play no more football u run ur mouth like that to me in person there hot shot.


Active Member
lol. I can tell by some photos you posted, your tiny..... but im going to let you think that. and let you feel like some kind of RIU bad ass....

the issues has been 5 days, not thee weeks. you have been telling me to transplant for 2 months now.

stfu, and go some where.

so you no, I'm hitting ignore so dont wastw your time posting.


Well-Known Member
And the claws come out lol, thought I would clarify I meant mg as in magnesium not that the miracle gro soil is deficient. Forgot you guys say mg as miracle gro not the sign in the periodic table for magnesium.


Well-Known Member
And the claws come out lol, thought I would clarify I meant mg as in magnesium not that the miracle gro soil is deficient. Forgot you guys say mg as miracle gro not the sign in the periodic table for magnesium.
Is why when I mention mg (magnesium) I capitalize the M in Mg, and usually has a prefix of 'add' or a suffix of 'toxicity' or 'def/deficiency' just so I don't get my head taken off for a misunderstanding - tis all good.