Nutrient Issue?? PLEASE HELP


Well-Known Member
WOW, they look a LOT better.
What was your diet before the 'urine treatment'?
Do you think it was really something in that which helped stop the discoloration?
Nothing else changed?
Don't openly admit it if so, you'll have bmeat pissing on his plants every time something happens.
Regardless, I'm glad you got your problem stopped, but I'd like to know what was the actual problem!


Active Member
Yes, Piss piss. Diluted with filtered tap water.

But yes, they do look so much better.

I cant wait till lights on so I can see how much better they look!!! (Hopefully it works)


Well-Known Member
It's not that I don't like the idea of urine, but more so that the diet and metabolism of the person has so much bearing on the content of the urine.
If we only knew what it was specifically about the addition to the feed/ water that helped, would be much more helpful.


Active Member
That was the only negative thing I could find about using urine as a fertalizer.

Theres no way to get an exact point on the amounts minerals in your urine. (affordable way)

Im a big meat eater. Meat and potatoes type of diet. no diet, other than, no greens. Only green, is cannabis. lol (not good I know

Tomorrow morning, ill post some more photos, see if they get their color back some.


Well-Known Member
Piss has all kinds of bad stuff in it....I don't see how it can help
Piss is super high in N so that is why one of the dangers of giving it is piss burn lol and as already stated diet effects its contents largely. I do not put healthy enough stuff into my body for me to even consider using my excrement, kinda sad when I say it like that lol my plants get better nutrition than myself.
But you seem to have done fine since you diluted it pretty well, to me it looks like mg just cause your whole leaf never got yellow it looked more interveinal, but this is of course my opinion, which does not seem required anymore since the problem went away. But I like that bit on epsom salts, just had a bout of mg def myself but caught it early. Was gonna go the epsom route but I just started feeding ff grow big like I should have been and the prob went away.


Active Member
Piss has all kinds of bad stuff in it....I don't see how it can help
Piss does have things bad for the plant. But at the same time, it has things VERY beneficial for the plant. Such as very potent nitrogen.

Piss is super high in N so that is why one of the dangers of giving it is piss burn
As long as you dilute it (as you would with any other nutrients) you should be fine IMO, but thats just my opinion.

I woke up this morning, checked out my babies.... Doesnt look like it stopped the problem, just slowed it down...

Maybe not enough pee? lol



Active Member
U need to transplant...

honestly bro, after three weeks, why the hell dk you still give ne thus suggestion..

has it not registered to you that I am not going to spend money on soil when I have four bags of it in the back yard.

if all you have to say every time I post an update is to transplant, after being told numerous times, I'm not doing it, please don't reply.


Well-Known Member
that soil looks a little dense, but your growth looks O.K. looks a little bit of N toxicity maybe the problem is that the fertilizer is releasing too fast


Active Member
honestly bro, after three weeks, why the hell dk you still give ne thus suggestion..

has it not registered to you that I am not going to spend money on soil when I have four bags of it in the back yard.

if all you have to say every time I post an update is to transplant, after being told numerous times, I'm not doing it, please don't reply.

I dont intend on sounding like a dick, but it really is annoying when i keep having to repeat my self on every thread..


New Member
Well if ur plant is not worth spending less than $10 to try n save ur correct I need not reply.....cause ur name shouldn't just b big bull... it should b big bull headed....u got fucked up.soil...uve tried everything including pissing on ur plants and u won't to the most logical thing which is transplant into some decent soil....ur correct that I need not reply cause every time I do I'm wasting my time....just like ur wasting urs trying to grow.


Well-Known Member
Piss is super high in N so that is why one of the dangers of giving it is piss burn lol and as already stated diet effects its contents largely. I do not put healthy enough stuff into my body for me to even consider using my excrement, kinda sad when I say it like that lol my plants get better nutrition than myself.
But you seem to have done fine since you diluted it pretty well, to me it looks like mg just cause your whole leaf never got yellow it looked more interveinal, but this is of course my opinion, which does not seem required anymore since the problem went away. But I like that bit on epsom salts, just had a bout of mg def myself but caught it early. Was gonna go the epsom route but I just started feeding ff grow big like I should have been and the prob went away.
Agreed, you can kill an mj plant with urine unless you dilute it by more than a bit.. which.. the dilution has no set rate, depends on the 'strength' of your urine - specific to what you've eaten, how much, salt(s) you've ingested, and how hydrated you are.


Well-Known Member
Piss is super high in N so that is why one of the dangers of giving it is piss burn lol and as already stated diet effects its contents largely. I do not put healthy enough stuff into my body for me to even consider using my excrement, kinda sad when I say it like that lol my plants get better nutrition than myself.
But you seem to have done fine since you diluted it pretty well, to me it looks like mg just cause your whole leaf never got yellow it looked more interveinal, but this is of course my opinion, which does not seem required anymore since the problem went away. But I like that bit on epsom salts, just had a bout of mg def myself but caught it early. Was gonna go the epsom route but I just started feeding ff grow big like I should have been and the prob went away.
Piss should not be super high in N. Additionally, unless the donor has some sort of infection of the urinary tract, urine should be sterile.

From the story from the above link:

"The cabbage fertilized with urine was compared with similar plots of cabbage that either went unfertilized or where commercial fertilizer was used. At harvest, the cabbage enriched with the urine had several advantages: It was slightly larger, it grew to its maximum size more quickly, and, for most of the growth cycle, it suffered less bug damage than the commercially fertilized variety."


Well-Known Member
My bad harley that was poor wording on my part, without dilution it is super high. You have to dilute piss, you can use it if necessary but seems like it could be toxic to your plant after whole life cycle with that as the nutrient system but I can not entirely say so you got me.