Nutrient volume in DWC? (clones right now) and then seedlings a little later.

Lots of great info but not sure whats specific to what I am doing. I have my tent with temps perfect and am getting ready to transfer dispensary clones into DWC (5 gal buckets, 6" net pot). They have been in a rockwool clone cubes and have a thin few inch root hanging down. They each have 6-7 leaves and 3 nodes (height wise)

Are they ready to go in?
How much nutrients should I start them off on? 0%?
how fast should I increase?
Also should the water be at or above the floor level of the pot?

I'll be putting my seedling into the DWC in a few weeks. How would I be able tell that they are ready?

Sorry for the machine guns questions but I thought I'd get them all out at once. Thanks Mates!


Active Member
by the sound of it I'd give em more time until more roots are established, I personally wouldn't give them any nutes for at least 2 weeks. Pics help the most.
On the Left are the test clones I got from a dispensory. Are they ready for DWC? My $eedlings are on the right and are 8 days old (from seed). How long before they can go in DWC? A million thanks.


Active Member
Looks like they are in rockwool. Are the roots poking through the bottom? If not wait till they do before placing them into DWC.

- SB -


Active Member
Then they are ready to go into DWC.

I don't know what nutes you are using but I use Advanced Nutrients 2 Part Grow and Bloom. Awesome stuff and the AN website has a calculator for the stage of the plant.

When I first put them into the DWC, I don't use any 2 part nutes, just a light dose of calmag. After that I give them seedling/clone doses of the 2 part for two weeks. After that I follow the chart for growing (veg) till the plant reaches the height I'm aiming for.

Hope that helps.

-SB -
Thanks Sil,

Do you think I should put the little seedling into the tent still in the trays or just leave them under the florescent light. I've heard I should be careful to not over water them. I don't know why I'm so Paranoid...


Active Member
The little seedings? I think they can start to be weaned out of the tent, if by tent you mean humidity dome. So for a few days take the lid off for a few hours a day, each day increasing the amount of time the lid is off. When you do put the lid back on leave a gap to allow fresh air to enter. I had to do this because where I live the air is very dry so going from 95% to 0% humidity shocks them.

As for watering, you're using rockwool so don't water unless the cube is dry. If it is dry don't soak them but take a plate and put some water in it, 1-2 millimeters deep. Place the rockwool in and let it wick up the water but don't let the rockwool fully saturate. Just a little water to tease the roots to stretch and search out the water.

You are right over watering can kill the little seedlings. I've killed many seedlings because of too much water in rockwool, they got stem rot then they are dead. I love rockwool but I had to learn the hard way on what is just the right amount of water is, and it was much less then I originally thought.

Hope that helps.

- SB -


Well-Known Member
those seedling keep in the dome for a couple more days, with the lights as close as possible. they look like they have been stretching for that light. when they have a root system they are ready.

what nutes are you using ? but start with a range 1/8 - 1/4 strength. at the bottom of the net pot.