The Warlord
Well-Known Member
The whole thing kinda made me feel sick.
But I guess it's ok cause obamas gonna make me go to a doctor even if I don't wanna. sig hiel.
I may be wrong here, but wouldn't the government coming in and saying that it is against the law to chose which insurance plan that you are able to get government control? So you are completely against getting them to have a insurance program, but again ok with them telling you that you are not able to get it....Don't tell me "Nothing in this plan will require you or your employer to change the coverage or the doctor you have", because that means nothing and it sure doesn't PREVENT it from happening. If you're going to bother to say anything, it had better be "We will make it a crime for any employer to throw his/her employees on to the public plan against their will". Anything less and it still allows it. I sure as hell didn't hear that... did you?
He should get a two week bump from an adequate sales job of the same old talking points we've been hearing for months. Again, saying it won't cover this or do that is nothing but words, and we've all seen how those can be manipulated or twisted. The problem with the entire speech was there was no hard evidence to back up anything he said. Just more promises and guarantees.
See you all would actually have a good debate if you would not regurgitate the lies that is being slung against this bill. You have a good angle with not doing it because of less government intervention, and more tort reform (which is kinda funny that you don't want the government to step in to provide affordable insurance, but you are fine with them stepping in and saying that you can't sue).
I think that it is sad, and well appropriate that the idiot yelled "You Lie!" when all the bills do have lines in them that explicitly say that illegal immigrants are not eligible. But I guess he is a patriot, or american, or whatever it is that you want to call yourselves to push us below you.
I may be wrong here, but wouldn't the government coming in and saying that it is against the law to chose which insurance plan that you are able to get government control? So you are completely against getting them to have a insurance program, but again ok with them telling you that you are not able to get it....
Ok, he won't make me go. He'll just make me pay.![]()
Oh, okay. So Obama invented taxes. I see.
I always wondered who invented those I know![]()
Well then I will pull some republican quotes for you.Look, One way or another I'm going to have to either be forced to pay by haveing "insurance" I don't want or be charged for NOT having it as a tax.
Wow, your right. He is going to "invent" a new tax.![]()
About 60.......
Well I hope that your gamble pays off. Because hospital stays get damn expensive very quick, and if you don't have insurance (and they don't kick you if you do) you will blow through that in no time.
Oh wow! I am SOOOOOO impressed. Look at the big dog!!!!!!
How silly. 60,000 ain't shit, son! Especially concerning medical care. Educate yourself.
Oh lord. A fully grown man.