Occassional oroblem with heavy continued smoking.


Well-Known Member
I hear you Retired. You sound like a killer dude to hang out with and smoke some herb.

Last time I let myself go I was chilling with my gf on the couch and we started making out and she climbed on me and the next thing I know I close my eyes and my person is falling into and through her body despite the fact that neither of us were moving at all. We were just sitting there but I felt the sensation of forward momentum. I love experiences like that.


Well-Known Member
I honestly wouldn't know how I am to smoke with...

I've not smoked with any hardcore smokers since I was 18 ...

I know that a high sativa for me is the best way to make me social....

If I smoke an indicia, forget it, I get stuck inside my own head and lose track of the fact the universe exists.

A sativa will keep me social, strange as al hell, but social.

Another 'point of torment' I've gotten was since I'm a classically trained musician I get sucked in to music. I'm particularly a fan of certain rock musicals. The 1968 play Hair being my favorite (do NOT confuse with that piece of crap Hairspray!!!)

Anyway I was cooked out of my gourd and I screwed around with the Zune until I found the soundtrack to Hair. Apparently I spent the next hour singing the whole damned play. The comment of torment is one my wife smacks me with from time to time. "Hey, is your husband sitting on the floor singing show tunes?"

Damn that was a good night.



Well-Known Member
Me and my friends have this book. Its called the "Idea Book". Its filled with scribblings, phrases, and facts we have uttered while we are baked. This book started back in the middle of 2006

Here is a few of my favorites from the book:

Adam goes to the store to buy poop for 5 dollars.

Adams mom is the internet.

Black is the color of dark.

Adam turns people into hotdogs because he is evil!

"The only thing I miss about her is her vagina"

Adam tells girls on the internet that he is 4 ft tall.

"If you eat enough taco's your vagina can do anything!"

Change first name to doctor so I can open a fake hospital.

"I feel like a wizard with tons of powers"

You can burn a dildo any day, and that day will always be a good day.

Anyone can do anything with the power of the internet.


Well-Known Member
Some of the same thing from my quote book started in 1990

JB: "Dude she has the most intense elbows."
To this day I don't know WTF he meant.

Me: "Think of this. We're stoned and completely relaxed. That means our minds are free to do anything. I propose we think ourselves backwards in time.
Since the synapses in the brain fire at the speed of light, theoretically we should be able to think backwards in time to whenever we want. At a bare minimum we should be able to slow the passage of time to where a minute takes an hour. Trust me this will work."
<slight pause>
Me: "See it worked, that last minute took a whole hour."
<slight pause>
RL: "Man, what time did you start looking at your watch?"
Me:"One fifteen, why?"
RL: "Dude, it's only one 16 now."
Me: "See what I mean?"
RL: "Dumbass, you just watched a minute tick on your watch, your just stuck in weed thought."
Me: "Oh fuck!"
RL: "What?"
Me: "Dude why the hell did you kill Einstein like that?"

That was dictated off of tape into the journal.

Me: "Man I could go for a saspirilla right now? Where can I get one."
HM: "About 1500 miles from here."
Me: "Shit that sucks."

Wife: "He's watching me talk to you on the phone with a grin, it's creepy. Think I should worry? Shit the brownies are burning."
Me: I told you not to cook stoned.



Well-Known Member
Shit that is great. One more for you. This is a movie idea based around a bag of rotten grapes we found in an old roommates fridge after they had been sitting in there for over a year:

Taken word for word from the good book:

- The sick grapes that were in Rachel's refrigerator get thrown out but they are actually mutant turkey eggs from the country turkey. They hatch and have mutant abilities that include, but are not limited to, being invisible and giving Adam's mom dysentery.

- This might make a better musical.

- The lead turkeys name is pepperseat and we know this because they will all wear name tags.

- There will be English subtitles throughout the film but they wont actually be what we are saying.

End of plot script. On the following page there is somewhat of a story board/rough ideas.

A picture of a fridge radiating stink lines. Below that is a drawing of a turkey with a name badge on. Below that is a toilet with a flux capacitor on it with the words "Time Machine" attached to it. There is also a turkey spaceship.

Pretty impressive stuff eh?


Well-Known Member
IDK, what u guys smoke, but i used to smoke an 8th a day of hydro. and if i was celebrating, i would go through a halfo in 2 days. I never had a problem in the morning. It just sucks because now i smoke an 8th blunt and i'm only high for about 40 minutes. No joke. And it's a bitch to quit.
Same shit is happening to me...no matter how much I smoke I will come down in like 45 min...it sucks...I get medical cannabis too, so I know its not the weed. I think its time for a break lol.


Well-Known Member
Me and my friends have this book. Its called the "Idea Book". Its filled with scribblings, phrases, and facts we have uttered while we are baked. This book started back in the middle of 2006

Here is a few of my favorites from the book:

Adam goes to the store to buy poop for 5 dollars.

Adams mom is the internet.

Black is the color of dark.

Adam turns people into hotdogs because he is evil!

"The only thing I miss about her is her vagina"

Adam tells girls on the internet that he is 4 ft tall.

"If you eat enough taco's your vagina can do anything!"

Change first name to doctor so I can open a fake hospital.

"I feel like a wizard with tons of powers"

You can burn a dildo any day, and that day will always be a good day.

Anyone can do anything with the power of the internet.
sometimes i record me and my friends while we are high. i should make a show called 'Stoners say the darndest things'. lol


Well-Known Member
Absolutely random update...

Started getting stoned last night aroudn 11:30, it's now 10am and I'm still light headed and have dry mouth. Only pulled 4 hits of the vape...

It was a really good high last night. Defiantly could have used some company. Preferably the female type.



Well-Known Member
dude your lacking major nuits of some kind..what is your diet like? do you drink alot or ingest any other narcotics? thc doesnt really have long term affect other than brain cell loss(which you get from talking on a cell phone...moreso than weed). so i agree bro see your primary care doctor and just tell him what you told us, my doc knows i burn...i burn with his son, his son grows...it wont be bad..


Well-Known Member
I am 6 ft 180 Lbs. I only smoke pot. The long term effects of pot still haven't been fully evaluated yet because pot is still illegal so major research has been stifled.

Do I think there is anything seriously wrong with me? No, I don't. Do I think that perhaps in strong enough doses a mild toxicity effect may take place? Possibly. Because this has only happened 3 to 4 times in the past 10 years of smoking pot I can say with some certainty that it:

A. Isn't that serious.
B. Has not effected my personal life or professional life to a severe enough extent to seek professional help.

I have no problem telling people I smoke pot. In today's society, the illegality of marijuana is a fucking joke. Numerous times, on checkups and whatnot, I have repeatedly told doctors that I smoke and the only negative thing they have commented on is the fact that I get horribly bad munchies and to watch my weight because of this. Other then that not one has told me to stop. Not one has said to stop or cut back or anything to that effect.

I don't know guys.. maybe its all in my head.


Well-Known Member
usually when I smoke that much it doesn't even work. but that's just me, my tolerance goes up fast when I start smoking a lot. I doubt there is an amount I could smoke that would get me high after my tolerance goes up to the point where I don't get high off a normal amount. (normal for me).

I have to bring up that 7% of the population who experiences weed differently. they almost feel schizophrenic symtoms, hallucinations, etc. this could stem from such an issue if you've seen hallucinations before, etc.

my recommendation: smoke high CBD weed, really stoney indica shit with lots of CBD. CBD is like an anti-psychotic, so you'll have a much more controllable high without the crazy shit.


Well-Known Member
glad I could help :D

also, another way to find high CBD weed by growing is to look at the trichomes.

when the trichomes are brown/amber, they have converted a good amount of &#8710;9THC to canabidol (CBD) so if you're growing your own, harvest when all the trichomes are brown for the best antipsychotic results.