Official IRS Scandal

They use to call Ronald Reagan the "teflon president" because no matter what scandal his administration was steeped in nothing ever stuck to him. I think Obama was cast in the same mold.

not really, it has everything to do with the retarded "scandals" you guys try to advance.

"scandals" include:

*obama killed his gay lovers!
*obama is the anti-christ!
*obama is a secret muslim!
*obama is a commie!
*obama is a foreigner whose mother planted hawaiian newspaper articles!
*obama faked the bin laden death!
*obama staged a false flag massacre in newtown to take our guns!

it's not that obama is immune from scandal, it's the track record of mental retardation from the right.

but go ahead, keep crying wolf. i don't mind mocking you guys as "scandal" after scandal eventually devolves into an international joke at your expense.
but go ahead, keep crying wolf. i don't mind mocking you guys as "scandal" after scandal eventually devolves into an international joke at your expense.

Crying wolf eh?

1. IRS targets conservative groups
2. IRS questioned about targeting and lies to congress
3. White house informed of investigation of IRS targeting groups mid 1012
4. White house does nothing.
5. Obama carefully wording "I didn't know about the IG report until Friday"
6. Obama grandstanding about ousting Miller who was set to leave in a month.
7. Earlier Scapegoat now over Obamacare.
8. Letters from democratic senators uncovered urging IRS to audit groups.
9. No one at IRS knows who said to target the groups but let it go on for almost 2 years.
10. Democratic groups approved without any delays
11. Obama refusing an independent investigation
12. Holder caught up in a wiretap scandal in charge of IRS investigation.
13. Holder has twice admitted he doesn't know what the fuck is going on under his administration.
12. IRS gave out private conservative information to left wing media.

Yep nothing to see here.
I like 12 and 13.
Eric Holder always looks paranoid and reason to be.
Obama will just pardon him again like the 'fast and furious' deal provided he doesn't blow his brains out first.
Crying wolf eh?

1. IRS targets conservative groups
2. IRS questioned about targeting and lies to congress
3. White house informed of investigation of IRS targeting groups mid 1012
4. White house does nothing.
5. Obama carefully wording "I didn't know about the IG report until Friday"
6. Obama grandstanding about ousting Miller who was set to leave in a month.
7. Earlier Scapegoat now over Obamacare.
8. Letters from democratic senators uncovered urging IRS to audit groups.
9. No one at IRS knows who said to target the groups but let it go on for almost 2 years.
10. Democratic groups approved without any delays
11. Obama refusing an independent investigation
12. Holder caught up in a wiretap scandal in charge of IRS investigation.
13. Holder has twice admitted he doesn't know what the fuck is going on under his administration.
12. IRS gave out private conservative information to left wing media.

Yep nothing to see here.

we did you guys a favor. remember the horrible ROI you guys got during the 2012 elections?

might as well have taken all those political donations and tipped your clown with them after he fucked you straight in the ass. at least then the clown might have kissed you goodnight after he came in your hair following a good ass rampage on you.
a higher influx of illegals?


it's actually the opposite, the number of illegals has been going down recently from what i recall.

but do go on and tell us how my wife's family members totally didn't die in the holocaust, this promises to be grand.

Even the beloved liberal media report different... Despite safer border cities, undocumented immigrants flow through rural areas

Please point me to my denials Uncle foxman.... If she's a strong supporter of "never again" why did she marry you? As you'd think living with a parasitic nazi like mooch would be the last way she want to squander her inheritance...
Crying wolf eh?

1. IRS targets conservative groups
2. IRS questioned about targeting and lies to congress
3. White house informed of investigation of IRS targeting groups mid 1012
4. White house does nothing.
5. Obama carefully wording "I didn't know about the IG report until Friday"
6. Obama grandstanding about ousting Miller who was set to leave in a month.
7. Earlier Scapegoat now over Obamacare.
8. Letters from democratic senators uncovered urging IRS to audit groups.
9. No one at IRS knows who said to target the groups but let it go on for almost 2 years.
10. Democratic groups approved without any delays
11. Obama refusing an independent investigation
12. Holder caught up in a wiretap scandal in charge of IRS investigation.
13. Holder has twice admitted he doesn't know what the fuck is going on under his administration.
12. IRS gave out private conservative information to left wing media.

Yep nothing to see here.

Don't follow 6-7.

#10 has not been shown to my knowledge.

11-12-13, is why a President has an Attorney General. Remember Janet Reno?

But, the gut punch here is #8 and #12. Senator Leahy, very powerful, long termer, mentioned names of these groups that were singled out. The DEMS may lose the Senate over this.

Fun in Crazyland. The summer of our Content.
But, pun....???

The winter of my

Oh right, plus the entendra on Content, we finally get some real conten....dashea j0q
More details are emerging. It is being reported that the Scandal was broken by the IRS, !!!!, by having the question planted in the audience of a Conference. WFT??? And it is being said, the White House Council knew, but didn't tell the President. But, the Preident did know after a few weeks. And he knew full well the IRS was working to throw the election his way.

But, when asked, if he or anyone knew, he said, "Let me answer your question specifically." Then he proceed to answer about the IG report.

That was not the question....specifically was not. :)
More strange than fiction, the ways of self rule in Crazy Land.
More details are emerging. It is being reported that the Scandal was broken by the IRS, !!!!, by having the question planted in the audience of a Conference. WFT??? And it is being said, the White House Council knew, but didn't tell the President. But, the Preident did know after a few weeks. And he knew full well the IRS was working to throw the election his way.

But, when asked, if he or anyone knew, he said, "Let me answer your question specifically." Then he proceed to answer about the IG report.

That was not the question....specifically was not. :)
More strange than fiction, the ways of self rule in Crazy Land.

The IRS setup to out and apologize for it before the IG report became public showing they knew what they did was inappropriate. Yep for Obama to not know anything a lot in of people in the white house did and he is choosing his words very carefully.
The newest drama is Sebelius has admitted to soliciting money from insurance companies to help pay for Obamacare. Besides being highly unethical, it's illegal.

Yes, the head of Health and Human Services asked company she has domain over to donate money to help pay for a system she presides over.

Probably deserves it's own thread, but I'm suffering from scandal overload.
More red herring.....watching CSPAN Senate hearings on IRS. The DEMS are being very tough and cold. The Bush guy and Miller are tap dancing prettily.

But, the red herring is SCOTUS on Citizens United. It is supposed to be the cause of the problem, but the 501c(5) Labor Unions, were not molested, just passed through..,that was a real flood. From the SCOTUS decision.

Just to keep us intact....

Democrats on the Ways and Means Committee focused like a laser on the Supreme Court’s 2010 Citizens United decision as the true culprit for this targeting. But there are a few problems with this explanation.
First of all, this excuse blames the victims and turns the perpetrator — the IRS — into some kind of victim of their constitutional rights. It’s one thing if Democrats don’t like what the law or the Constitution or the Supreme Court has to say about free speech — they are welcome to attempt to change it. But that doesn’t justify the singling out of conservative groups, who were not given any special status above and beyond their liberal peers. At best, it’s a separate issue.

Second, the data show that there was no surge in 501c(4) applications by Spring 2010,