Official Novichok Dissent Thread

tRump STILL Remains Personally Silent on the UK Poisionings, and speaks of what a great relationship he can have with Putin.:lol::lol::lol::lol: Yet he says 00000 about using Nerve Agents on people.:finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump::hump:

This was an Act of WAR, yet, he would still love to get down on his knees, and blow putin.:cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::shock::shock::shock::shock::shock::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::spew::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::finger::finger::finger::finger::finger:
Porton Down can't confirm the original of the substance used in the attack.

The people screaming, 'Russia did it!' the loudest aren't scientists, they're politicians with an agenda.

But of course I'm the one with blinders on.
Porton Down also said it is not their job or within their capabilities to say here it came from.

But you ignored that part or never heard it from

Fucking sad.
Porton Down is not supposed to determine origin.

There were other Intelligence Factors that led the British to determine the Russians were responsible.

Porton Down is No Way in the position to say where it came from.

Britain says they have enough Intelligence info to say Russia did it.

He said establishing its origin required "other inputs", some of them intelligence-based, that the Government has access to.

Mr Aitkenhead added: "It is our job to provide the scientific evidence of what this particular nerve agent is, we identified that it is from this particular family and that it is a military grade, but it is not our job to say where it was manufactured."
Porton Down is not supposed to determine origin.

There were other Intelligence Factors that led the British to determine the Russians were responsible.

Porton Down is No Way in the position to say where it came from.

Britain says they have enough Intelligence info to say Russia did it.

He said establishing its origin required "other inputs", some of them intelligence-based, that the Government has access to.

Mr Aitkenhead added: "It is our job to provide the scientific evidence of what this particular nerve agent is, we identified that it is from this particular family and that it is a military grade, but it is not our job to say where it was manufactured."
It took less than 48 hours for the drumbeat of 'Russia did it!' to start.

People don't make miraculous Easter weekend recoveries from nerve agents, yet his daughter is doing fine.

Whatever 'additional intelligence' British authorities have leaked to the press smack of desperation instead of reason.

Even if Russia was interested in bumping Skripal off, why not just make it look like a robbery gone bad? Why not wait until after the World Cup?

The contempt for Russia drips from the coverage this has received as well as many of the comments here. Keep in mind that none of the Western Nations has used the OPCW process set up for exactly these kinds of situations and indeed they're acting in an extreme show of bad faith.

Putin is indeed a former KGB agent who has risen to rule a major world nation for nearly a quarter century. He's many things but stupid is not one of them.
Even if Russia was interested in bumping Skripal off, why not just make it look like a robbery gone bad

The Russians killed Georgi Markov with a ricin pellet fired from an umbrella in London in 1978.

They poisoned Alex with pulonium in England in 2006.


They shot German in London 2012.

They poisoned Alex with gelsemium in London in 2012.

They killed Boris in the U.K. in 2013

They got Scot in 2014.

They don't typically make it look like a robbery gone bad.
The Russians killed Georgi Markov with a ricin pellet fired from an umbrella in London in 1978.

They poisoned Alex with pulonium in England in 2006.


They shot German in London 2012.

They poisoned Alex with gelsemium in London in 2012.

They killed Boris in the U.K. in 2013

They got Scot in 2014.

They don't typically make it look like a robbery gone bad.
No, they aren't boy scouts.

Still, it would be nice to actually have proof.
Anything to get her ongoing Brexit Trainwreck off the front page.

I am not a Tory, but it certainly isn't fair (or indeed accurate) to attribute Brexit to Theresa May. After all, David Cameron, who was PM at the time, called for the referendum, not May. Further, the poisonous rhetoric came from Borris Johnson and Nigel Farage (of UKIP fame).

Just keeping things honest.
Pukin is nothing but a War Criminal, and a Thug.:finger::finger::finger::hump::hump::hump::hump::cuss::cuss::cuss::cuss::spew::spew::spew::spew:

Its telling to see the comments by so called.... Amerikans......, that defend him. Its really perplexing if youre an American, to see people stick up for Pukin, especially with all he VERIFIABLE things he has done in the past. :?:?:?:?:?:cuss::cuss::cuss::finger::finger::wall::wall::wall:

Forget about whats up right now, hes got other irons in the fire that convict him. Pukin, consistently, along with China veto actions that involve Chemical Weapons,, and not counting other Moral, LOGICAL, And Humane actions sought by "Civilized" countries. They Obfuscate at every turn, and clog things up forever. All they want is CHAOS, and to take over other countries, and their assets, just like tRump....:cuss::cuss::finger::finger::finger:

Remember tRump says he would have kept the oil in Iraq,?... which is a War Crime.:-(:-(:-(:shock::shock::twisted::twisted::twisted:

Is also really, Really Funny, when people come here and defend tRumps Lying, then attacking the messenger ( Which is Predictable when you have No Other Argument ) )
Come on, the shit he says is easily verifiable as being a lie.:wall::wall::wall::wall:
And don't give me no Hilly, or Obama shit. Hilly aint president, and Obama is almost 2 years out of office, and tRump is still running agains he, and hilly. That argument is stale, and nobody will fall for it, and the Special Elections that have been going on, have been showing the tRump supporters shit is going to change in November.:clap::clap::clap::lol::lol::lol::lol:

The lady won the Supreme Court Seat in Wisconsin by 12 POINTS...:lol::lol::lol::lol::lol::clap::clap::clap::clap::clap:.., which has been leaning heavily Repub, and has been held by a Repubs forever. Alabama, Virginia?... Blackburn is behind 10+ points in Tennessee, nd they've lost several other seats in these special elections, and n the very few they lost, they were ALL COMPETITIVE, and were turned around on average by over 20 points, even if they lost.:clap::clap::clap:

Senator Marco Rubio (R-Fla.) challenged President-elect Donald Trump's secretary of state nominee, Rex Tillerson, to classify Russian President Vladimir Putin as a "war criminal".

A member of the Senate Foreign Relations committee, Rubio asked the ExxonMobil CEO point-blank "Is Vladimir Putin a war criminal" during the confirmation hearing before the committee.

Tillerson said he would not specifically use that term.

Marco Rubio

Being a "friend of Vladimir" is not an attribute I am hoping for from a #SecretaryOfState - MR

10:58 AM - Dec 11, 2016
4,104 4,104 Replies

Last week, pro-Russian separatists in eastern Ukraine used a sophisticated anti-aircraft missile system called BUK to shoot down a civilian airliner carrying 295 civilian passengers, killing all aboard. The rebels appear not to have known at all what they were shooting at nor does it appear cared very much, having made no effort to distinguish between military and civilian aircraft. The killing of 295 civilians is the most grisly indication yet that Vladimir Putin’s aggressive maneuvers to expand Russian power in Eastern Europe are a grave danger to the world.

In light of this latest atrocity it is time for the world to call Vladimir Putin what he is: A war criminal.

This is not rhetorical bombast. Vladimir Putin easily fits the legal definition of a war criminal under international law and can and should be indicted by the International Criminal Court.
The shoot-down of MH17 is a war crime. Article 8 of the Rome Statute (the treaty that created the ICC) plainly states that launching military attacks with the knowledge that the attack will cause a loss of life that is not proportional to any possible military advantage is a war crime. This principle of proportionality is a basic tenet of the law of war which is why this principle is written into the rules of engagement used by the U.S. armed forces and is ingrained in every U.S. soldier who goes into a combat zone. It appears that pro-Russian rebels are simply trying to shoot down anything that flies without having any reliable way of identifying what they are shooting at. This kind of indiscriminate attack carries massive risk of killing civilians with little or no possible military advantage. It is a classic case of disproportional use of force and is a war crime under the Rome Statute.

Don't believe the nonsense that Putin does not have a hand in what is happening. Nothing on an international level happens in Russia without him knowing something about it and giving at least his tacit approval. Thinking he is not involved in what is being done is the equivalent of saying that Hitler had no idea what the Gestopo or the SS where doing in German held countries.


Russia’s criminal behavior in Syria is just the latest in a long string of crimes perpetrated by Russian President Vladimir Putin.

U.S. President-elect Donald Trump’s incoming administration may be unwilling to admit it, but Putin is a war criminal. The U.S. government may need to negotiate with him, but it should remember that he is a butcher.

Russia’s leader has a long record of inhumanity. He was an agent of the Soviet secret police, a criminal institution with a record that goes back to mass killings perpetrated by the henchmen of Soviet dictators Vladimir Lenin and Joseph Stalin. Putin knew the KGB’s record when he joined it in 1975, at the height of its crackdown on the Soviet dissident movement and just seven years after the country’s armed forces crushed the Prague Spring in Czechoslovakia.

When Putin came to power in 1999, he almost certainly approved, and perhaps even orchestrated, the bombings of two apartment buildings in Moscow, in which hundreds of innocent Russians lost their lives. As Amy Knight, a specialist on the KGB, argues, the evidence makes it “abundantly clear” that the Russian security service, the FSB (which succeeded the KGB), was “responsible for carrying out the attacks.” Concludes Knight: It is “inconceivable” that the bombings would have been done “without the sanction of Putin,” who exploited the panic they created to crack down on the Chechens and present himself as an indispensable leader.

During Putin’s years in office, a series of Russian democrats, journalists and opposition leaders have been killed in mysterious circumstances.

Putin used the bombings to reignite the Second Chechen War, in which he launched a massive air and land campaign that produced thousands of refugees, reduced much of the Chechen capital Grozny to rubble and killed at least 25,000 civilians.

Putin has funded, promoted, supplied and aided and abetted the Russian and pro-Russian terrorists in eastern Ukraine. Thus far, that war has taken 10,000 lives. It was Putin’s proxies who shot down Malaysia Airlines Flight 17 on July 17, 2014, killing 298 innocent people aboard.

Russia’s ruthless bombing of Syria’s civilian population and targets has been termed criminal by various Western leaders and human rights organizations, prompting U.S. Ambassador to the United Nations Samantha Power to ask her Russian counterpart: “Is there no act of barbarism against civilians, no execution of a child, that gets under your skin? That just creeps you out a little bit? Is there nothing you will not lie about or justify?”

Some 12 opposition leaders from various parts of the former Soviet Union have also been killed in mysterious circumstances in Turkey, suggesting Russian assassins may be at work.

The record speaks for itself: Putin is a killer and war criminal — no different in the breadth and depth of his criminality than the Serbian war criminal, Slobodan Milošević. He must be treated as such by world leaders with even a minimal commitment to human rights and basic decency.

In October 1999, the newly appointed Russian Prime Minister Vladimir Putin violated all legal principles and treaty obligations with Grozny by launching the Second Chechen War. Following the systematic destruction of Grozny, Russian forces captured the capital in February 2000 and terminated Chechen independence, driving the government into exile. Putin installed the Kadyrov clan as his loyal puppets and provided it with unlimited funds to prevent renewed secession and empowered it to terrorize the population. The Kremlin’s counter-insurgency strategy throughout the North Caucasus remains heavily reliant on mass repression with little attempt to distinguish civilians from combatants.

Then you have South Ossetia and Abkhazia that had Russian intervention but like Ukraine it was more a hybrid war than all-out war. They stayed there for only a week or two but,still,managed to violate treaties.

In Ukraine, Russia’s war crimes have been camouflaged behind a proxy insurgency, as Moscow has sought to avoid direct responsibility for the slaughters. Russian forces have only rarely bombed targets, seeking to demonstrate that they are not involved in the conflict. Instead, the Kremlin uses paid mercenaries to slaughter civilians in order to seize their land and property.

And the final one and currently still happening is Syria. Russia is accused of bombing hospitals, schools and civilian homes that, according to the UN, can't be hit because these are civilian outposts. This is a strategy that was used in Chechnya and works. They bomb and destroy cities like Allepo in Syria or Grozny in Chechnya leaving no one alive or in conditions to make insurgencies or counter-attacks. Putin should be in trial in Haia.
In the 70's a certain nation state developed a gun that shot a bullet of ice with a lethal toxin. It would leave no sign of any malice..... In the 70's.

So, to think a nation state would carry out such a reckless act in such a way as to leave a "fingerprint" is as laughable as it is absurd.

Anyone who believes that Russia did need to take a step back and reevaluate your life.

What does Russia have to gain by doing this? Why now? Why leave a fingerprint? Think logically. If you can give me a solid reason I'll definitely entertain it.

Study Western history and you will see there is a pattern of false flags operations where other provocations have failed to instigate a desired effect we'll say.

The Israeli/mossad theory is my bet.
Why would Putin want to kill a double crossing ex kgb agent? Further proof there is such a thing as a stupid question. When you want people to fear you, you leave a finger print.

Try again bud, never asked why they would want to. I said why now.

Clearly you have a comprehension problem and I can see any further dialogue with you will be void of any intelligent contributions to the conversation. Good day!