Official Novichok Dissent Thread

Hey clown shoes, do you even have a reference?
Yes I do dumbass. Your opening sentance was:

"The story of the former spy Sergei Skripal and his daughter's poisoning just seems to get less and less believable the longer it sits, like a dead fish on the beach."

So you are saying that a dead fish on a beach gets less believable the longer it sits. Your prose are as clear as your thoughts - muddled and confused. Damn your vulcan logic.

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Excuse me, your Majesty hamster, for trying to convey a adequate point of view. Also where were no nuclear weapons in Iraq; the chemical attacks in Syria were falsified by the same people; the American(as well as Russian) military in Syria are fighting for oil plants, not for democracy; the twin towers were not blown up by Bush. Continue or give you a handkerchief?
Do continue, please. I'm trying to fill out a false conspiracy theory BINGO card and I only need to check off one more box.
So out of all the people 'exposed' to an as yet undisclosed type of 'nerve agent', NO ONE DIED.

Meanwhile an enormous amount of hay has been made of the whole affair, mainly by those with the most to gain by ginning up tensions between Russia and the West.

Fish, indeed. The whole thing stinks like a rotten carcass on the beach.
Um, actually one person did die. You must have read an early version of the story. Even Schuylaaaar knew that. You are as low information as a Limbaugh junkie.

It must have killed you that you couldn't fix your non sequitur in your first post about the relationship between dead fish rot and believablility. Now that you have made a ridiculous attempt to cover it up maybe nobody will notice.

THIS was the first medical professional on the scene?? How convenient! Even more so that her daughter was the first person to 'happen upon' the Skripals and yet somehow Colonel McCourt wasn't even mentioned as being on the scene until later.

Wow Tty, that evidence is almost as strong as that which proves that Sandy Hook was a false flag.

You are a joke. A sad, sad joke.
I'll answer for @ttystikk because he's busy taking a test right now:

"If it's so easy to find dirt on Putin, how come it only comes from countries outside of Russia? If Putin is so bad, how come no major media in Russia such as Sputnik or RT say so?"
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I'll answer for @ttystikk because he's busy taking a test right now:

"If it's so easy to find dirt on Putin, how come it only comes from countries outside of Russia? If Putin is so bad, how come no major media in Russia such as Sputnik or RT say so?"
¿ fear of being shot in the head? or of being sent to a gulag?.....(what i would reply to tty....)
your evidence is nothing but "propaganda" from russian run sites

theres nothing of worth to discuss.

its all about the pointing and laughing now...

Then you disagree. Nothing wrong with that. What are the insults for, then? Proof to the world that you can't build a counter argument?
I miss Tyronious. He was so self-righteous about believing Putin's propaganda that he made me laugh a lot.

Let's look into the latest development on the novichok front. I wish @ttystikk were here to assert that this is all bullshit because some of the poisoning victims did not actually die. It's as potent a defense as Trump's defense of his strong-arming Ukraine because it didn't actually work. I am sure Tyronious is out there somewhere reading a Caitlyn Johnstone article about how this poor guy wasn't poisoned by Russia - he just got a hold of some tainted arugula, several times.

How a Poisoning in Bulgaria Exposed Russian Assassins in Europe Stories&pgtype=Homepage
I miss Tyronious. He was so self-righteous about believing Putin's propaganda that he made me laugh a lot.

Let's look into the latest development on the novichok front. I wish @ttystikk were here to assert that this is all bullshit because some of the poisoning victims did not actually die. It's as potent a defense as Trump's defense of his strong-arming Ukraine because it didn't actually work. I am sure Tyronious is out there somewhere reading a Caitlyn Johnstone article about how this poor guy wasn't poisoned by Russia - he just got a hold of some tainted arugula, several times.

How a Poisoning in Bulgaria Exposed Russian Assassins in Europe Stories&pgtype=Homepage
it's well past time that these people were taken to account. there's no way to get them into courts, so the only alternative is to start a counter attack against them. Averyanov needs to be targetted for elimination. all of his operatives in the field need to be targetted for elimination. their hacking facility needs to be bombed into small pieces of rubble, along with everyone inside it. and every country in the world should feel perfectly free to start hacking every russian website in existence, as well as their election results....i'd love to see russian state television have to report that putin loses the election miserably and whoever his most hated enemy in russia is, wins in a huge landslide....