Og Raskals the White x Deadhead Og, Couple of Cali Con Strains n a Bog in a Pear Tree

That will happen, because of different genos or phenos.

For instance, just because siblings come from the same parent doesn't mean they will all look the same.

Same goes with clones, but sometimes it is good because it is like a diamond in the rough.

Also no problem.

blah blah blah.. did you say something???
Yeah actually I said the same thing to you not so long ago or did you forget?

Lol smart ass bastard, but I still love ya.
still didn't quite make that out, maybe you need to speak up?? not sure, but i think we're breaking up or something, must have a bad connection.. :) :) :)
thanx very much......indirectly racer helped figure out a plant illness issue....or at least possible pant issue...........Midnight is very pretty......gonna be a very tight to the stem kinda bud on her im believe......i'll get ome good shots with the good cam here real soon.......eyes open......she is tall and mostly canopy.
That will happen, because of different genos or phenos.

For instance, just because siblings come from the same parent doesn't mean they will all look the same.

Same goes with clones, but sometimes it is good because it is like a diamond in the rough.

Also no problem.

sorry for talkin about ma shit in ur thread brother................................peace
sorry i read that whole thing wrong.....................

lol. did doob's and i's banter get you a lil confused real, lmao.. i was just playing around with her acting as if what she said doesn't matter to me, but she knows differently i'm sure and know's that i love her like a sister too.. she's good people as are you real, which of course is why i enjoy picking on her so.. if she were around, i'm sure i'd be pulling on her pigtails, lol..
ooooooooo....dont pull hair if ur not riding ya know never mind...........lol jkdoobieus no offence i swear
lol. did doob's and i's banter get you a lil confused real, lmao.. i was just playing around with her acting as if what she said doesn't matter to me, but she knows differently i'm sure and know's that i love her like a sister too.. she's good people as are you real, which of course is why i enjoy picking on her so.. if she were around, i'm sure i'd be pulling on her pigtails, lol..
ooooooooo....dont pull hair if ur not riding ya know never mind...........lol jkdoobieus no offence i swear

trust me, she is much harder to offend then that time, believe that one, lol.. and i'm not really her type being i have a penis and all, lol...
doobs is a lot like us, being she loves the pussy, and who can blame her after all if you know what i mean, lmao...
yea yea.....................................................................................

and yo homes u said u cant figure out plant issues.........seem u can in one way or another, muah ha ha ha ha ha ............
evil laugh~
Yeah I don't have pig tails and you know this, you also know you totally have a dick and balls and yeah not down with that.

Man parts make me cringe, I've been brained too many times, so gross.
ok brained................ whut do u mean.......??????????????

she told me, and i think we were better off not knowing real.. i've never done it to anyone, nor have i seen it done to anyone either, kinda odd that it only would happen to a lesbian.. wtf is wrong with some men in this world is what i'd like to know..
5-14 013.jpg5-14 020.jpg5-14 016.jpg5-14 015.jpg5-14 023.jpg5-14 019.jpg5-14 030.jpg5-14 025.jpg5-14 033.jpg5-14 031.jpg5-14 027.jpg5-14 018.jpg5-14 034.jpg5-14 012.jpgso, i finally got around to taking some new pix of the girls a few momo's ago.. looking pretty good thus far, and i have to say, the larry og is starting to frost up quite nicely now.. woot woot..
whatever the problem with the last grow was, looks like i've got it straightened out now, thank god, as i would be pissed if some of the changes that i had made didn't have any affect on the girls at all..
anyhoo's, here's some new pix of the girls for your viewing pleasures..
ma fuka's r just that ............................same with scum ya know..........................................

yo ho homes all them ladies look great.............love the Larry she is cali also right budt.......
nice ...tghe more i look at cail connect the more i likie their gear

yah, the funny thing is i picked up these larrry's over at potpimp back when there was such a place, and when cali connect were still kind of hard to get, but for some odd reason i've been putting off growing any of their gear for probably like two or so years now..
i think it was after i saw pix of skunkmunkie's tahoe og grow that i finally broke down and cracked some of my cali beans.. i've got maybe, idk, ten or so different cali connection strains in my collection, i may have to crack some more for the next grow..
i've been thinking of doing some of the chem berry's that are fem'ed that i got from sow amazing ages ago for the next attempt.. either them, or maybe, idk, jamaiican me crazy.. i'm really digging the larry's though.. i was touching the buds last night, and they smelled like straight up lemon pledge... i've heard that term used to describe the smell before, and i never really knew what they meant, but after last night, i think that term is dead on for the odor of the larry...