Fine ass buddage fella, stay up's!!
I'm hoping my Grape Stomper OG's taste as good as they smell.
I'm in the same boat now thanx to you putting me onto Sannies, I got Jack Hammer, JackBerry, Choco Mix, and the freebies... Killer Queen x NYCD, Chem x Cocoa Kush, Reclining Budha x Ladycane. All are must grows for me at some point along with the others I have too it's getting really hard to choose between them. If you find a GS-OG pheno like my "Daisy" then you'll have a winner for a keeper, the colas on this bitch are massive & dense, sticky, gooey and gorgeous, smells like sour grape candy so tantalising. You wont be disappointed in putting in some time with that strain.
I'll save the full report for when "Daisy" is fully matured, dried & cured. But I'll for sure let you know how "Berta" does, I chopped her at day 56.... a 'lil early tbh lol, but like I said I have no bud left and I refuse to pay out for shit weed from the dealers here, so needs must mate lol. I'm pretty impressed with the Gage Green gear, I have packs of Cindy La Pew & Morning Flight in my stash to grow soon too, but when I'll get to them I don't know just yet lol, I've seen some good feedback on a lot of their strains and they have some fire seed/strain releases coming out soon!!
good to hear about the gage stuff skunk.. i picked up the i think it was pepe le chem too awhile back.. they have a lot of killer strains, that is for sure, but it seemed that all of theones i wanted were out of stock when i went to buy some from the tude awhile back now..
I wanted the GS Bx (still do lol) when I saw the OG X come in I was on it like a shot, looked again later that day it was sold out again, glad I was online at the time tbh. All the best ones go very quick, I do know the GS Bx is coming around again soon as it's listed as coming soon on the front page of their site. Sensible seeds stock Gage Green gear have you tried there for the ones your after??
Just updated my thread with pic's of where I'm currently at, stop by and let me know what you think of my KF-f3's mate