OK then. Biden 2020.

It seems they can't count there in michigan, guess the past cuts to education are showing...
We have 2 time zones, so voting is still going on.

Oh I see what you are talking about now, the 'no reason absent ballots' being able to be returned to change the votes.
I just wish the Bennie Bros would do the same
Hopefully Bernie steps up and unifies the party by supporting Biden in the next couple days if it continues the way it going now and Biden wins across the board tonight. MSNBC just called Michigan for Biden too.

Trump has to be in full freakout. Trump impeached himself to not have tonight happen.
Joe is gonna go presidential and act like a president tomorrow with a talk on coronavirus, he's gonna fill trump's void, America is gonna get a preview, Obama will help him with this too and shame trump by leading in an emergency, folks will be scared.
Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 9.18.48 PM.png

I am getting pretty excited about how hard Biden is going to crush the Don in November.

Even the Trump trolls seem to get how weak their talking points are.
Between unity on the democratic side and Donald fucked because of the coronavirus and economy, the dark side is feeling a bit down. The Saudi oil war has pissed off Putin, so Donald will have to threaten them. People like low gas prices, but nobody is gonna be going anywhere soon and won't burn it or buy it anyway.
Between unity on the democratic side and Donald fucked because of the coronavirus and economy, the dark side is feeling a bit down. The Saudi oil war has pissed off Putin, so Donald will have to threaten them. People like low gas prices, but nobody is gonna be going anywhere soon and won't burn it or buy it anyway.
And Biden did this with less than half the money Bernie spent in the election. Screen Shot 2020-03-10 at 9.49.05 PM.png
This was a good read on where the focus on Joe’s mental health started, on the left, of course!

"The focus" is a very interesting way to try to give any credibility to trolling Biden.

Kind of reminds me of Clinton being trolled as 'unhealthy' in 2016.