yeah thats the only system it came out on sega saturnFor the Saturn?

yeah thats the only system it came out on sega saturnFor the Saturn?
yeah thats the only system it came out on sega saturnwas a japanese game did quite poorly here still i loved it and played it for hours and hours and hours and hours
yup i posted that video in this thread i believe....
yeah thats the only system it came out on sega saturnwas a japanese game did quite poorly here still i loved it and played it for hours and hours and hours and hours
American, and Japanese versions both on Ebay.. American still sealed in the box is up for sale as well but pricetag is a tad high - to be fair though, the game was quite rare in the big picture. I guess it'd depend on how much you trusted used copies of it, and how much was budgetable to obtain it.
i only trust really trusted sellers on ebay usually
games sucked back in the days they where decent enertainment, but games now days... they are much better. but still i think the storylines of older games where much better and that some remakes with up to date shit should be made. my favorite game of all time has to be half~life and star craft brood war on some shit dial up laggin like a mother fucker.
I've been playing Clash at Demonhead lately, and I just beat Fallout 1 for like the 4th time lol. Anyone else playing any old school games?
Just dug out my trusty Colecovision thanks to this thread. Blew off the dust and fired up some mousetrap!! lol Yep, i was one of those kids. Spent so much time dreaming about when or if the day would come where i could be a proud owner of brand new Atari. Then that day came..or so i thought. I got the word my pop's was on his way home, with a new game!!! Could barely contain myself!! Jumpen outa my socks as he pulled in the driveway..he's waling up the sidewalk..HE HAS A BIG BAG...sets it on the pissing myself at this point!! I ripped that shit open and yanked out the box and...NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! I was like wtf is this?!?!? He say's COLECOVISION!!!..the guy at the store said this shit is state of the art!! I grabbed what looked like a big t.v. remote with a weird dial on it and a retarded number pad. Hooked it up..and was immediately depressed lol. Only kid i knew anywhere that had a Colecovision that nobody wanted to play. I basically felt at the time like it was just a sick cruel joke to rune my life ha. Now i just realize i was spoiled lol. I actually have fun playing now!!! 30 years later..
Played some Contra, river city ransom, and wizards and warriors.
Also played Uniracers for SNES the other day, use to love that game!
when i was a kid the music on river city ransom tortured my mom half to death. that and a boy and his blob. i heard a rumor that if you timed it just right you could get the blob to eat a ketchup jelly bean. i never did pull it off. was that bullshit or what?