One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Yeh actually thats true, the tops are healthy, its just a small percentage of the surrounding fan leaves. Gona try and get my drainage system all sorted for tomorrow so i can flush her then. I'll hit her with a touch of flower nutes, molasses and calmag after, maybe half strength, see how she reacts. Bet u anything the lower leaves underneath the screen will then begin yellowing.

PH meter will be my next investment

i think you should test ph run off first to see if that is the problem. also you would want to flush with phed water
I doubt it's ph. Nitrogen has a very wide ph range. If you made me guess I would say a root issue.

If I were you, I would circumvent potential problems with roots, ph, soil imbalance, etc. and just give it a good foliar feed

Alrite well in that case i think she might have to get repotted on tuesday.... Wish me luck with that one.

She's already started budding, don't want to go spraying anything on the tops. However all the fan leaves under the screen are easily accessible and are far away from the tops so could give these leaves a good spray. Will foilar feed her with some groigen to try sort things out before i go to sleep

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6546267 said:
i think you should test ph run off first to see if that is the problem. also you would want to flush with phed water

Kind've strapped for cash at the moment so i wont be able to just shoot down to the shops nd buy one. I've managed to survive scares before without a PH meter and wont be using one to sort out this problem. I've flushed plenty of times in the past with tap water and its worked a treat so i'm sure it'll be fine. She's well over due a flush anyway really and truely.
I'm guessing you have a lockout of some sort looking at those leaves. That is not a yellowing due to a lack of N. You might have gotten through other grows with no ph meter but it is one instrument every weed grower should have. Unless you know what the ph of your liquids is you can never tell what's causing that problem. I'm not real good at plant problems but I too would try a few doses of cal-mag to see if that helps and cutting out N completely from your flowering feedings in my humble opinion is not a good idea.
I'm guessing you have a lockout of some sort looking at those leaves. That is not a yellowing due to a lack of N. You might have gotten through other grows with no ph meter but it is one instrument every weed grower should have. Unless you know what the ph of your liquids is you can never tell what's causing that problem. I'm not real good at plant problems but I too would try a few doses of cal-mag to see if that helps and cutting out N completely from your flowering feedings in my humble opinion is not a good idea.

I agree, nearly sure its a lockout of some sort but thats as much as i can tell without a ph meter as u stated. She'll be getting a half strength feeding after the flush of flower nutes molasses nd calmag with a bit of vega for N. We'll take things from ther i think.
I think that would be a good idea, a flush, you're not even two weeks into flower so you have plenty of time for your girl to recover, however, without knowing the ph of your liquids you will just be starting the whole process over again. I know my tap water, it comes out over 8.00, I have to use ph down with everything. I can only imagine what my plants might look like if I was watering them with liquids of over 8 on the ph scale.
locks like lockout mate hit the flush button pal..

Yes sir right away sir

I think that would be a good idea, a flush, you're not even two weeks into flower so you have plenty of time for your girl to recover, however, without knowing the ph of your liquids you will just be starting the whole process over again. I know my tap water, it comes out over 8.00, I have to use ph down with everything. I can only imagine what my plants might look like if I was watering them with liquids of over 8 on the ph scale.

I feel like i went over board on the nutes anyway, fed her a serious concoction last time, in fact 2 in a row, so u know, half expected.

Did a bit of research and it seems the water in my area is officially "Hard". Apparently the water company are promising an average PH of 8.1, and it fluctuates, so cant say anything for sure until i get a tester. Believe me the PH isn't THAT out of wack to cause me any sort of serious concern, as i said i only seem to have problems like this once a grow and because i try and push the plants hard at some stage. Once i calm down again everything sorts it self out usually after a good flush which i'll do tonight.
calmag has nitrogen in it... Also, you are in no way shape or form far enough along in flowering to worry about foliar feeding. The big thin you want to avoid is bud rot when foliar feeding. Its not a dig, but you barely have buds at this point.

I will foliar feed (carefully) in week 5.
calmag has nitrogen in it... Also, you are in no way shape or form far enough along in flowering to worry about foliar feeding. The big thin you want to avoid is bud rot when foliar feeding. Its not a dig, but you barely have buds at this point.

I will foliar feed (carefully) in week 5.

Cool, cheers for the info. Its meant to stimulate a flush of green growth so i assumed it had N in it somewhere. This grow is the first time i've ever foilar fed, up to this point ive never done it in flower and ive suffered bud rot before hence the extra cautious approach. I agree, no smell, no buds. Maybe i'll go a bit all out in my foilar feed today then, however the only foilar feed i got at the moment is a veg one. Ideally i'd use Florigen but i dont have the money to afford it at the moment so have to work with what i got.
ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6551252 said:
well good luck with whatever lol you should post some pics of your tops. Happy Halloween! like my new avatar?

U too, just went out "trick or treating" with my 3yr old nephew dressed as batman, haha. First time ive munched on sweets in tiiiiiiiime. Anyway yeh i'll get some close ups of my tops tomorrow hopefully, missed the time slot today to take lights off pics.

Ratin the avy, specially the pumpkin!
  • Just given her a flush with approx 50L of water, its an organic grow so i'm hoping things will flush out easier. Anyway she's draining now, in an hour or 2 i'll give her a light feed of the following:

    1/2 strength calmag
    1/4 strength vega + rhizo
    1/2 Flores + Boost
    1/2 strength silicon+

    I was recently told if i am to use silicon+ i should be using it every watering, otherwise there's no use, hence why i have started including it each time, even if its just a little bit.

    My foilar feed today consisted of Halo and Organic B, full strength. The plant was drenched with the mix an hr prior to lights on, so it has time to settle before being evaporated off by the warmth/fans.

  • Drainage system was tested today for the first time and works a treat, no more carrying buckets of dirty water around my house, and wiping up messes i make during watering ect ect. Makes life sooooo much easier having a drainage system where-ever u grow.

  • The plant is actually looking in good health, dare i say it better than yesterday. Don't know how that makes sense but nevermind. Maybe i'm just getting used to her colour. She looks on the most part healthy and happy and is starting to shoot out pistils all over the place. Still no smell though.

  • So many tops keep popping up! Hard to manage them all. Gona spend an hour or so repositioning as many as i can as soon as they're big enough to do so.

  • As soon as the plant has stopped growing vertically and all energy is being put into buds, i'll lower the light by around a foot, so each top should be getting nearly twice as much light as they're currently receiving.

ҖҗlegilizeitҗҖ;6551521 said:
nice man that drainage system is convenient lol

U have no idea how i've been struggling all this time, spilling water here and there and just generally making a mess. Everything cleaner and quicker now.

Then again not everyone waters every time with like 5L run off like me...
Not everyone needs something like this, but i sure do
What concerns me is your report of no smell.

A plant at that stage should be stinkin' up a storm by now.

  • Just given her a flush with approx 50L of water, its an organic grow so i'm hoping things will flush out easier. Anyway she's draining now, in an hour or 2 i'll give her a light feed of the following:

    1/2 strength calmag
    1/4 strength vega + rhizo
    1/2 Flores + Boost
    1/2 strength silicon+

    I was recently told if i am to use silicon+ i should be using it every watering, otherwise there's no use, hence why i have started including it each time, even if its just a little bit.

    My foilar feed today consisted of Halo and Organic B, full strength. The plant was drenched with the mix an hr prior to lights on, so it has time to settle before being evaporated off by the warmth/fans.

  • Drainage system was tested today for the first time and works a treat, no more carrying buckets of dirty water around my house, and wiping up messes i make during watering ect ect. Makes life sooooo much easier having a drainage system where-ever u grow.

  • The plant is actually looking in good health, dare i say it better than yesterday. Don't know how that makes sense but nevermind. Maybe i'm just getting used to her colour. She looks on the most part healthy and happy and is starting to shoot out pistils all over the place. Still no smell though.

  • So many tops keep popping up! Hard to manage them all. Gona spend an hour or so repositioning as many as i can as soon as they're big enough to do so.

  • As soon as the plant has stopped growing vertically and all energy is being put into buds, i'll lower the light by around a foot, so each top should be getting nearly twice as much light as they're currently receiving.

What kind of camera do you use that doesnt have those black lines in it from the HPS light?