One man and his bush - 1 plant SCROG in Stealth Cab - Chocolate Berry

Yea I think smell also has a lot to do with the strain your growing if I'm not mistaking. My plant is a month and a half into veg and I can smell it when I open my cab She is looking really good other than the yellowing, but doesn't seem to be a serious issue. Is it a nitrogen deficency do you think? Also, aren't you worried about your tops getting over crowed? Something I was worrying about with my grow, I'm curious to see how your tops fill out and if you have any issues with mold or light penetration ect.
What kinda' yield you gunnin' for?

The dense carpet look is unreal. How did you come up with that reverse tying method?
Yea I think smell also has a lot to do with the strain your growing if I'm not mistaking. My plant is a month and a half into veg and I can smell it when I open my cab She is looking really good other than the yellowing, but doesn't seem to be a serious issue. Is it a nitrogen deficency do you think? Also, aren't you worried about your tops getting over crowed? Something I was worrying about with my grow, I'm curious to see how your tops fill out and if you have any issues with mold or light penetration ect.

Completely agree with u on the smell thing, im sure when this one gets going she'll be stinky as. At the moment im assuming it was some sort of lock out, but if N has quite a wide PH it mustve gone waaay off to be a N lockout. Maybe it was caused over a period of time, i duno to be honest. She's looking alright, just checked up on her and really gave her a good clean up, removed all unhealthy leaves under the canopy, looks much more airy and penetrable.

Yeh im big time worried about the tops getting overcrowded, thats why i wamted to use the 2nd screen, to spread everything out, but it doesnt look like i'm going for that idea anymore. I just stuck a 3rd 6" fan in there under the canopy on the left blowing up and to the right. Also wired up and attached the 4" inline on the reflector, there's a lot of air movement to try nd combat mould, i duno what else i can do. Will also get a dehumidifier in a few weeks.

I'm also hoping to overcome the light penetration problem by keeping the light low and canopy fairly airy. Dont forget its a 600W in a 28inch by 18inch footprint, there are a lot of lumens per sq inch! Hoping this together with all my plans will result in something nice.

What kinda' yield you gunnin' for?

The dense carpet look is unreal. How did you come up with that reverse tying method?

My target is 10oz but im not overly fussed if i dont make it. Originally i was lazy and couldnt be bothered to hang a screen, and figured k'nex was strong enough to sit ontop of the pot and stay flat. I was also impatient to start training her into a scrog and couldnt b bothered to wait for the plant to grow up to a screen before real training started, sounds stupid i know, but there we go. Once the screen was sitting on the bucket it was all a matter of going with the flow as to what to do and what to tie down/tuck ect. Reverse tying method as you call it kindve made more sense to me in my head at the time.... Felt it easier to picture and therfore plan, had no idea i'd end up with what i've got, infact all grow i'd been picturing a completely different looking plant! I hadn't a clue what i was doing from the start and still dont!
I guess I did forget your using a 600w lol, my bad. But the possibility of overcrowding was why I was considering adding another light below the canopy soo instead of trimming off tops that would otherwise produce little bud, pulling them back underneigth towards the light to make a few more buds?? Just a crazy thought I had but I think it might work, or at the very least not stunt growth like trimming would do. From your pics. It seems like u still have a good amount of space underneigth.
I don't think you have to worry about mold at the moment. Mold becomes an issue with high humidity and low or no air movement and you also need some buds to mold. So seeing no buds at the moment I don't think you have to worry. It's really only about the sixth week on when your buds are filling in do you need to start worrying about mold. I try to keep my humidity about fifty percent when I flower and only at the end do I try to keep it at forty five percent humidity with a lot of air movement in my room. After over two years of growing, no mold problems at all.
I guess I did forget your using a 600w lol, my bad. But the possibility of overcrowding was why I was considering adding another light below the canopy soo instead of trimming off tops that would otherwise produce little bud, pulling them back underneigth towards the light to make a few more buds?? Just a crazy thought I had but I think it might work, or at the very least not stunt growth like trimming would do. From your pics. It seems like u still have a good amount of space underneigth.

That could work, but some of the smaller branches that might get stuck under the canopy are in the middle of the screen and aren't long enough to be pulled down and to the side. Yesterday i found a few baby tops that were struggling to reach for the light, so i untied the last tie i wrapped around the branch to allow them to reach the top of the canopy. They're under-developed tops compared to the rest, i'm hoping by sticking them in direct light they'll mature a bit and become a standard large top.

I don't have space underneath anymore, i've stuck a 6" fan here to blow up and through the canopy. U'll see in todays update. I'm still considering hanging a blue CFL in there....really want to test whether they make a difference.

I don't think you have to worry about mold at the moment. Mold becomes an issue with high humidity and low or no air movement and you also need some buds to mold. So seeing no buds at the moment I don't think you have to worry. It's really only about the sixth week on when your buds are filling in do you need to start worrying about mold. I try to keep my humidity about fifty percent when I flower and only at the end do I try to keep it at forty five percent humidity with a lot of air movement in my room. After over two years of growing, no mold problems at all.

I'm not worried, just staying overly cautious. Again i've never really used figures when it comes to humidity. During Veg i know they like humid environments so i try and keep it as high as possible, in flower i try and keep it as low as possible, keep things simple. Those figures will probably come in handy though when i have a dehumidifier, i'll stick my hygrometer in there and see how effective it is.
gunna be a monster mate...
  • Just given her a flush with approx 50L of water, its an organic grow so i'm hoping things will flush out easier. Anyway she's draining now, in an hour or 2 i'll give her a light feed of the following:

    1/2 strength calmag
    1/4 strength vega + rhizo
    1/2 Flores + Boost
    1/2 strength silicon+

    I was recently told if i am to use silicon+ i should be using it every watering, otherwise there's no use, hence why i have started including it each time, even if its just a little bit.

    My foilar feed today consisted of Halo and Organic B, full strength. The plant was drenched with the mix an hr prior to lights on, so it has time to settle before being evaporated off by the warmth/fans.

  • Drainage system was tested today for the first time and works a treat, no more carrying buckets of dirty water around my house, and wiping up messes i make during watering ect ect. Makes life sooooo much easier having a drainage system where-ever u grow.

  • The plant is actually looking in good health, dare i say it better than yesterday. Don't know how that makes sense but nevermind. Maybe i'm just getting used to her colour. She looks on the most part healthy and happy and is starting to shoot out pistils all over the place. Still no smell though.

  • So many tops keep popping up! Hard to manage them all. Gona spend an hour or so repositioning as many as i can as soon as they're big enough to do so.

  • As soon as the plant has stopped growing vertically and all energy is being put into buds, i'll lower the light by around a foot, so each top should be getting nearly twice as much light as they're currently receiving.

My target is 10oz but im not overly fussed if i dont make it. Originally i was lazy and couldnt be bothered to hang a screen, and figured k'nex was strong enough to sit ontop of the pot and stay flat. I was also impatient to start training her into a scrog and couldnt b bothered to wait for the plant to grow up to a screen before real training started, sounds stupid i know, but there we go. Once the screen was sitting on the bucket it was all a matter of going with the flow as to what to do and what to tie down/tuck ect. Reverse tying method as you call it kindve made more sense to me in my head at the time.... Felt it easier to picture and therfore plan, had no idea i'd end up with what i've got, infact all grow i'd been picturing a completely different looking plant! I hadn't a clue what i was doing from the start and still dont!

Really? From the look of it, I thought this was derived from years of practice. Very nice.

Yeah, there's always a name for a technique, even if you didn't know there was and just did it. Lol.
say huh? ummmmm not in my experience. The real stink doesn't kick in until like week 4-5 at least.

Agreed, thats the way its always been in my experience, think the SLH was an early smeller but the rest took a while to develop

Really? From the look of it, I thought this was derived from years of practice. Very nice.

Yeah, there's always a name for a technique, even if you didn't know there was and just did it. Lol.

Yeh man, i take each day as it comes. This is all a big experiment. If i'm successful with this one, ive got another crazy idea thats similar to this, just x10 better...... if i can pull it off.... I feel ive got the basics of growing down, now i wana start playing around with my grows, trying new products, methods and strains
  • Really having a hard time telling if the yellowing has stopped spreading, she's looking quite yellow in the lights off pics which is slightly concerning. I'm gona give her another 50L flush as soon as ive transplanted her to get her all settled in to her new pot. The soil i use to top up the extra space will be a mix of Canna Bio Terra and Bat Guano. Don't know what ratio, gona do it by eye.

  • I've got everything ready for the transplant, just waiting for her to dry out, tried lifting her an inch up earlier on and she weighs a TON at the moment. The air-pot is only about an inch or 2 bigger in diameter than the bucket.

  • Pretty much figured out how i'm gona transplant her in my head, its long to explain so i'm not gona bother, but it should work hopefully without any hitches. Will probably do the transplant day 18/19 of flower.

  • As you can see the tops looks strong and healthy, just a bit yellow. Any brown stuff u see on the leaves is probably left overs from the foilar spray i gave her yesterday.

  • Gona have to re-design my drainage system for this air-pot. The base of the pot is pretty much exactly the depth of my cab!

  • Preeeeetty much scrapped the idea of the 2nd screen, well the way i'd planned to use it anyway.

sooo many budsites. Can't wait to see this thing fill up. You definitely gave me some inspiration with your scrog.

Thanks man, got an exciting few weeks ahead of us! Cheers for stoppin by. SCROGS are fun, look nice, yield insanely, its a win win win, so go for it!
Wow its going to be a forest of buds :)
Good luck with the transplant.

Thats the plan, lets just hope for no more fuck ups. Still i wait for a grow to go 100%.... Maybe next time.

Feeling much more confident now about this transplant though, she's gona love me after this.
AirPots seem like fantastic things, I'm defiantly going to using a pair of them for my next grow.

Ive only heard/seen good things when it comes to airpots, makes me wonder why the guy at my local hydro shop gets so disappointed with me everytime i mention the word
so wait i never really researched air pots

how the hell does all the water/medium not come dripping out everywhere with all the holes in the sides of the pot
what is the concept behind why air pots work well