why is there a website devoted to stopping exactly what it is you are doing? YOU ARE ENDANGERING PEOPLES LIVES!!!!!!!
you go on and on about how it's "know" that 10 is ok and 11 is bad. well, it is also "know" that you keep right to faster traffic. do you realize how hypocritical you are being?
are you a terrorist? i think you might be.
California Keep Right would like to address the problems that undisciplined motorists create on our roads and freeways. People driving slowly in the passing lanes cause a hazard by impeding the free flow of traffic. Failure to Keep Right leads to three main issues: traffic safety, traffic congestion and road rage. With your support, through public awareness and tougher keep right laws, we can and will make California a safer and more enjoyable place in which to drive.

According to the California Driver Handbook(2004) Right of Way Laws, “There are times when you must drive slowly because of heavy traffic or bad weather. However, if you block the normal and reasonable movement of traffic by driving too slowly, you may receive a ticket.
When you drive slower than other traffic, do not drive in the “fast” lane. Move to the right when another driver is close behind you and wishes to drive faster. When you drive a bus, tow a vehicle or trailer, or drive a truck with three or more axles, you will be traveling slower than other vehicles. You must drive in the right-hand lane or in a lane specially marked for you. If no lanes are marked and there are four lanes in your direction, you may only drive in either of the two lanes closest to the right side of the road.” See
California Law for more information.
There are many traffic safety laws. “SLOWER TRAFFIC KEEP RIGHT” may be the most important. Not only is it a law, but also a guide on how to maintain order on today’s busy roads and freeways. With millions of vehicles and usually between two and four lanes this is the only way that motorists of differing speeds can share the road safely and orderly.
Lane Courtesy by motorists can have an immediate impact on all of California’s roads. Driver education is our number one priority! View California Keep Right
Rules of the Road.
The need for motorists to "Keep Right" is critical when an emergency vehicle is approaching with flashing lights and sirens. It is the Law! All too often drivers panic or freeze. Many drivers do not know what to do when an emergency vehicle approaches with flashing lights and sirens. In most, if not all states, the law states that you should, "Yield to emergency vehicles with flashing lights and sirens. Safely and Immediately move to the right hand edge of the roadway clear of any intersection." If motorists obeyed the "Keep Right" laws at all times, "First Responders" would reach emergencies faster and safer, which would result in more lives being saved.
Undisciplined motorists who block traffic through ignorance, inattention, or just being inconsiderate show a disregard for public safety and the normal practice of defensive driving. Driving is a privilege, not a right. Whether you drive fast, slow, or moderate, people who drive slowly in the passing lanes cause a hazard for all of us. We need your help to make our roads and freeways safer and less congested.
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Slower Traffic Keep Right[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Thank you, and Drive Safely![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]California Keep Right[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]Sign our
Petition to strengthen California's Keep Right Laws![/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]For more information on Keep Right laws, research, statistics and organizations, visit our "
Resources" page.[/SIZE][/FONT]
[FONT=Arial,Helvetica,Geneva,Swiss,SunSans-Regular][SIZE=-1]For Traffic information or resources visit our
Traffic Center.
how thick are you?
