I wouldnt use "soil" indoors but nutrients uptake at the rate the plant needs them too in an organic style grow. We build the substrate and the plant already knows what to do. I sooo agree with what you're saying about going backwards. I have rafters full of nice equipment, spare hoods, reflectors, ballast, trays, pumps, systems, gimmicks, maybe all of them. I now grow in five gallon bucket with a few handfuls of bagged organicare ferts and water. money was no object in my quest, but my quest was not for the biggest fastest but rather for the easiest-for me. hydro was sterile and loved and expensive and fast in veg and complicated with a perpetual harvested 25 flower flower room/7 reservoirs etc. actually burned up one wet/dry vac in three years. floods were inevitable, power outtages killed plants and plans, nutrient snafus suffered plants quickly. the water disposal was troublesome for me seasonally. I settled on my system as the very best I can do compared to everything else Ive done.
I'd say if you were not happy with your pro mix / house and garden you may not be happy with any other brand of nutrients in pro mix either, at least organic style ones. Do a side by side same strain same pro mix same light etc with h&g and one with pure blend, both should be supreme, were when I did. I use the dry because I'm addicted, but truthfully might change up to the pure blend only for the chicken shit dust breathing save.