Oregon Rec. Grow

If you only had a few seeds I would think maybe pollen blew in from outside your grow. But with lots of seeds, I bet you will find that it is a hermie. I've had success with hermie seeds before. If you run them next year, just space out your plants in case of more hermies.
Larry and Rob, I bet you guys are spot on about the hermie. I keep looking but haven't found any balls. But, it's crazy how full of seeds the buds are. I chopped the entire plant expect two colas that I left just to insure mature seeds. Interestingly, the sugar black rose plant right next to it has a few seeds on the internode calxys but the buds seem to be mostly seed free. I think I got lucky that the od dumped pollen early - guessing that the sbr flowers were too immature to be pollinated. Not sure but it's the best theory I can come up with. Do you guys know if a hermie plant will keep producing male flowers once it's hermied or is it possible that it only makes a few then stops?
Got a lot done yesterday, brought the two into the garage that are going to live out their days there. Since one is in a (small) SIP and has access to electricity now, I went ahead and dropped an airstone in the res. That one is hurting, so I'll throw everything I can at it. I also added extensions to the hoop-house ends, and put a fan in there. It's troubling how I'm seeing PM everywhere, so far just small amounts, but it feels a bit like seeing one cockroach...

I have to head out for a few days, going to an out-of-town funeral. I suppose if there is an upside to such a trip, at least its in beautiful New Mexico, could have been anywhere. Probably be offline until I'm back, so have a good few days everyone.
Got a lot done yesterday, brought the two into the garage that are going to live out their days there. Since one is in a (small) SIP and has access to electricity now, I went ahead and dropped an airstone in the res. That one is hurting, so I'll throw everything I can at it. I also added extensions to the hoop-house ends, and put a fan in there. It's troubling how I'm seeing PM everywhere, so far just small amounts, but it feels a bit like seeing one cockroach...

I have to head out for a few days, going to an out-of-town funeral. I suppose if there is an upside to such a trip, at least its in beautiful New Mexico, could have been anywhere. Probably be offline until I'm back, so have a good few days everyone.
Safe travels rob, hopefully nm was good considering the reason for your trip. I keep seeing pm here and there too, not bad wondering how long I can keep it in check
Larry and Rob, I bet you guys are spot on about the hermie. I keep looking but haven't found any balls. But, it's crazy how full of seeds the buds are. I chopped the entire plant expect two colas that I left just to insure mature seeds. Interestingly, the sugar black rose plant right next to it has a few seeds on the internode calxys but the buds seem to be mostly seed free. I think I got lucky that the od dumped pollen early - guessing that the sbr flowers were too immature to be pollinated. Not sure but it's the best theory I can come up with. Do you guys know if a hermie plant will keep producing male flowers once it's hermied or is it possible that it only makes a few then stops?
The ones I have had only had a couple of male sacks at the bottom of the buds. Once they dumped, there shouldn't be anymore growing.

I do have a hermie again this year. It is well away from everything else, so I'm letting it go.
Funerals is about the only time I see most of my kin. Hope you have a good visit. And come back to no PM.
My wife's family (the death was on her side) is spread out all over the place, so I'm still getting to know them. But it's true, there are only a few things that bring us all together and there are more funerals than weddings these days.

Got in late enough yesterday that it was too dark to get a good look at everything, I can't wait for the sun to rise today so I can see how they're doing.

Having never run an HPS light before, I shut it off before I left, just didn't want the possible heat issues to be on my mind while I was away. So the the girls that were moved indoors were just under COBs for a few days -- today I'll fire up the 600.

This is it folks, the whole season comes down to these next few weeks. lol... but I don't need to tell any of you that...
Safe travels rob, hopefully nm was good considering the reason for your trip. I keep seeing pm here and there too, not bad wondering how long I can keep it in check
Thanks Mike.

I've already sacrificed the bottom half of a couple of plants. I found that the lower parts were getting significant amounts of PM, and I won't give bud that's been sprayed to my patient, but I went ahead and sprayed the bottom half of the plants to see if I could stop the spread of PM (Neem/GreenCure mix). It definitely knocked back the PM, and there is plenty of bud in the top half if I can save that. If I needed anymore butter or tincture, I could still use the buds that were sprayed if I need to.

But that's why I follow the biological tendency towards overshoot -- produce as much as you possibly can and hopefully after everything that can go wrong has gone wrong, you'll be left with as much as you need.
Pretty good rain here yesterday and today.... Sure glad I have the greenhouse.

My partial cover hoop house is better than nothing, but it would be nice to have a greenhouse. Most of the PM I'm seeing is lower branches, north side. I'm starting to cut off whole branches, but when it dries out a little in a few days I'll spray the bottom halves again on the ones where I'm seeing it. I'm torn between letting the plant keep putting energy into branches/colas I'm going to compost (because once sprayed its unsmokeable), or shocking the plant by cutting off whole branches this late in the season. I guess I'm doing some of each.

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The more I look, the more PM I see. I've been down this road before, indoors and out. These plants have a solid 2-3 weeks before they'll be harvestable, that's a long time to be fighting against PM when it has solidly established (which it has all over my yard). This year will be what it is, I tried a few new things, I'll see how it plays out.

I think the answer for next year is light deprivation, and being completely done by the 3rd week of August. It's possible that the best way to win this battle is to avoid it altogether. It would be a lot of work and a big commitment, but I'm thinking it would be worth it.
The more I look, the more PM I see. I've been down this road before, indoors and out. These plants have a solid 2-3 weeks before they'll be harvestable, that's a long time to be fighting against PM when it has solidly established (which it has all over my yard). This year will be what it is, I tried a few new things, I'll see how it plays out.

I think the answer for next year is light deprivation, and being completely done by the 3rd week of August. It's possible that the best way to win this battle is to avoid it altogether. It would be a lot of work and a big commitment, but I'm thinking it would be worth it.
I've use lemon water to control PM. Seems to be helping. But bud rot is rocking my BST2's.

Have you thought about trying some of the early season stuff lookoutmountain breeds? He cut his first crop in August. He's up on the coast of Maine, so deals with the same sort of moisture you do.
I've use lemon water to control PM. Seems to be helping. But bud rot is rocking my BST2's.

Have you thought about trying some of the early season stuff lookoutmountain breeds? He cut his first crop in August. He's up on the coast of Maine, so deals with the same sort of moisture you do.

Sorry to hear about your bud rot. Part of my current set up -- a 6' x 12' scrog with a hoop house over it -- does not allow me as much access as I'd like to the girls that are under it. I put up the hoop house when I knew I wouldn't be spraying any more, but it means when its time to harvest that will be the first close up look I get at the one in the middle (other than crawling underneath and looking up...). That's all to say, if it has bud rot I might not know it until the show is over. Always learning. Many "notes to self" about what I'll do differently next year.

Yes! Found out about getawaymountain too late for this season, but am definitely interested for next season! Even with doing light dep, there are issues with covering plants every night and trapping in moisture, so I will still need hardy fungi-resistant plants!

Edit: Thanks @Vnsmkr
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Somebody got a hair cut!

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My bag lady. A little bud rot here, another little bit there and away she goes. I wish she had gone a little further, but there you are. Trying something new: dry trim vs. wet. We'll see how it goes. I did one round w/the big colas and round 2 about five days later with the smaller (still getting BR here and there) and there is still a third round to go. I'm going to leave the pollinated buds on as long as I can. Knock wood, Cindy's Blue cheese is still looking spot on, BR free.

2016-09-18 18.06.41.jpg

@Humanrob I get you don't want to crawl around under there, but man, that rot spreads fast. Me harvesting now, maybe I lost an oz. Me waiting a week between rounds, buds that had no rot, did. Had I waited longer (I shudder). The forecast ain't lookin' as pretty as I would like: fog in the mornings. And again, it goes back to genetics. Bag seed was from plants from southern Oregon, CBC not. It's interesting that PM is an issue for you. Knockin' on my head, I haven't had that negative impact...
@Humanrob I get you don't want to crawl around under there, but man, that rot spreads fast. Me harvesting now, maybe I lost an oz. Me waiting a week between rounds, buds that had no rot, did. Had I waited longer (I shudder). The forecast ain't lookin' as pretty as I would like: fog in the mornings. And again, it goes back to genetics. Bag seed was from plants from southern Oregon, CBC not. It's interesting that PM is an issue for you. Knockin' on my head, I haven't had that negative impact...

I crawl around under there about every other day at this point. The problem is that the buds are only really accessible above the screen. And the scrog is 6' x 12', with the hoop house only open at the ends. So, my reach being about 3', there's only a limited area I can physically get to. Poor planning on my part... not sure what I was thinking. But, so far I haven't seen any signs of bud rot. I had it last year in my Alien OG, so I know what to look for... hopefully if I spot some I'll figure out a way to get to it (pull the branch through from the bottom if I have to).

I'm still early enough in the learning curve that I make so many mistakes that what I do harvest is almost in spite of myself! :D
I crawl around under there about every other day at this point. The problem is that the buds are only really accessible above the screen. And the scrog is 6' x 12', with the hoop house only open at the ends. So, my reach being about 3', there's only a limited area I can physically get to. Poor planning on my part... not sure what I was thinking. But, so far I haven't seen any signs of bud rot. I had it last year in my Alien OG, so I know what to look for... hopefully if I spot some I'll figure out a way to get to it (pull the branch through from the bottom if I have to).

I'm still early enough in the learning curve that I make so many mistakes that what I do harvest is almost in spite of myself! :D
The point is you are learning from everything you do, thats good. Always learning here
@WV: Jetson - I took your warning to heart, got out there this morning with my Streamlight Stinger and and got as good look at the buds as I could. Long story short, didn't find any bud rot... but did find bud worm!!!!

In one sense, I think its the lessor of those particular two evils in our climate. It's cool enough that I am thinking the worms will be eating slowly, and however many there are is what they are, and while they might move from one bud to the next, I think their destruction will be slower than the spread of bud rot? At least that's my guess. But hey, the seasons not over, I could still get bud rot too! LOL

So far I've only spotted the worms on one plant, and only found two of them. Not every problem is an "infestation", I might get lucky and there might only be a few? I'll need to go through the girls all top to bottom if the sun comes out, and get a better look. I never saw that one coming.

Edit: OK, I've got it all... PM, bud worm, and bud rot. Even found a worm on one of the plants I brought into the garage to finish. I thought I was looking at them closely, but obviously not close enough. I didn't get to spray much this year because it kept raining and washing it off. Bummer.
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@WV: Jetson - I took your warning to heart, got out there this morning with my Streamlight Stinger and and got as good look at the buds as I could. Long story short, didn't find any bud rot... but did find bud worm!!!!

In one sense, I think its the lessor of those particular two evils in our climate. It's cool enough that I am thinking the worms will be eating slowly, and however many there are is what they are, and while they might move from one bud to the next, I think their destruction will be slower than the spread of bud rot? At least that's my guess. But hey, the seasons not over, I could still get bud rot too! LOL

So far I've only spotted the worms on one plant, and only found two of them. Not every problem is an "infestation", I might get lucky and there might only be a few? I'll need to go through the girls all top to bottom if the sun comes out, and get a better look. I never saw that one coming.

Edit: OK, I've got it all... PM, bud worm, and bud rot. Even found a worm on one of the plants I brought into the garage to finish. I thought I was looking at them closely, but obviously not close enough. I didn't get to spray much this year because it kept raining and washing it off. Bummer.

Edit-Edit: But wait! There's more! I've got spider mites on the plants in the garage. That's enough... stick a fork in me, I'm done. Luckily we live in a legal state so we can buy our meds.
I used a double SCROG screen outdors for the first time this year,the only place i have yellow and dropping leaves is in between the screens.Next year i am just going to top my plants three or four times for a less dense center and healthier plants. I don't have mold issues but if i did the crowded center would be where i would find it.It's a lot of work crawling around removing dead and yellowing leaves.Good luck


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I used a double SCROG screen outdors for the first time this year,the only place i have yellow and dropping leaves is in between the screens.Next year i am just going to top my plants three or four times for a less dense center and healthier plants. I don't have mold issues but if i did the crowded center would be where i would find it.It's a lot of work crawling around removing dead and yellowing leaves.Good luck
I only went with the scrog to try and deal with height issues, keeping the plants not visible behind our 6ft fence and all. Our house is on a long slope, and from up the street you can look slightly down into our yard and totally see the top of one of our plants that is not in the scrog. It happens that we also have several young fruit trees that are a similar height, so I think the LSD gets lost in the crowd. No one has complained so far.

I don't think I'll do a scrog outdoors again, just the wrong scale for the medium. I'm still formulating what I'll do differently next year, so far its everything. ;)