WV: Jetson
Well-Known Member
@WV: Jetson - I took your warning to heart, got out there this morning with my Streamlight Stinger and and got as good look at the buds as I could. Long story short, didn't find any bud rot... but did find bud worm!!!!
In one sense, I think its the lessor of those particular two evils in our climate. It's cool enough that I am thinking the worms will be eating slowly, and however many there are is what they are, and while they might move from one bud to the next, I think their destruction will be slower than the spread of bud rot? At least that's my guess. But hey, the seasons not over, I could still get bud rot too! LOL
So far I've only spotted the worms on one plant, and only found two of them. Not every problem is an "infestation", I might get lucky and there might only be a few? I'll need to go through the girls all top to bottom if the sun comes out, and get a better look. I never saw that one coming.
Edit: OK, I've got it all... PM, bud worm, and bud rot. Even found a worm on one of the plants I brought into the garage to finish. I thought I was looking at them closely, but obviously not close enough. I didn't get to spray much this year because it kept raining and washing it off. Bummer.
That's a drag @Humanrob a real gut check. And my own theory of the moment is the worms facilitate the rot w/their shit. The early rounds of rot were all on colas that had worms. Once bud rot is there, it spreads on it's own: insidiously, deviously, under the cover of cola darkness. Next year (let's all sing along: next year) my plan is for horticultural fabric covers to stop them mf'in moths. I found a worm tonight on a trimmed, drying cola. I scan and I look and I check and I always seem to find one more. I was shaking a cola on Sunday evening and a worm fell off. Bastards...