Outside using tin foil?

Newbie G

Hey everyone i got a ?, say if i was growing outside from seed and the plant was a seedling and in a pot getting about 5-8 hours direct sunlight each day and about 3 or so non direct hours of sunlight too would it be benificial to layer the inside of the pot with tin foil dull side facing the plant to reflect a bit more sunlight? i herd its not good to use tin foil because it keeps heat but seeing as it will be outside surely this wouldnt be a problem? any thoughts or opinions would be helpful.


Active Member
you could setup like a little tanning reflector thingy how they use on tv and in the movies i suppose lol. i wouldnt line your pot with it though that might be asking for heat problems on your roots

Newbie G

On the roots? how so, thanks for the reply it would just be a layer around the inside of the pot, there isnt any covering the soil? could u explain the reflector thing they use on tv? dont really get that ahah

Newbie G

oh yeh i see what u mean haha well say the pot isnt full to the top with soil so the sides have tin foil on them the foil wouldnt be on the soil so its pretty much a circle of foil around the plant


Active Member
Hey everyone i got a ?, say if i was growing outside from seed and the plant was a seedling and in a pot getting about 5-8 hours direct sunlight each day and about 3 or so non direct hours of sunlight too would it be benificial to layer the inside of the pot with tin foil dull side facing the plant to reflect a bit more sunlight? i herd its not good to use tin foil because it keeps heat but seeing as it will be outside surely this wouldnt be a problem? any thoughts or opinions would be helpful.

Dunno if it bothers you, but IMHO a large shiny thingy would probably be visible from miles away. And another thing - tin foil is useless for reflecting light. If you really decide to do such a thing - use mylar.