overgrow with pigeons?

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
I understand that some seeds in berries pass right through the digestive system, but why would a bird eat a large seed it can't digest? Unless it's wrapped in a berry I don't understand why a bird would eat in the first place, unless it is eating it for the nutritional value of the seed itself in which case it would either break it open and eat it, or just eat it whole and have the ability to digest it.

Either way if I find some random bagseed plants growing around my neighborhood pollinating my indoor crop I know who's throat to slit.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Even if they sprouted, I doubt they'd grow.. right?

If they just grew without watering and care, why would guerilla growers even check on their spots? Obviously they check on them because they'd die if they didn't.

Sorry to be a downer haha.. On a positive note, if wherever the shit lands at gets alot of rain water, then there might be a decent chance the plant would grow.
uh...how does any wild plant survive then?


Well-Known Member
uh...how does any wild plant survive then?
By surviving on its native land. If I spread cannabis seeds in shit throughout texas, do you think they'd survive? Fuck no.. They'd die from lack of water.

The reason people can grow cannabis almost anywhere in the world is because we keep a close eye on them.. And other plants grow on their own because that's where they grow best.

An example is an avocado tree. They don't grow well where I live, so you don't see wild avocado trees. BUT, I have seen one in my city once because the owners provided whatever the tree needs to survive.

See what I'm getting at?


Well-Known Member
It's like trying to plant a pepper seed (which needs a hot climate) in a cold part of the world.. It won't work unless you keep a close eye on it and create its habitat for it.. Same with cannabis.. We gotta keep a close eye on them and grow them in good weather conditions or they'll die.

But it could work out if you had a specific strain that naturally grows well in your area without any supervision.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Cannabis can be grown almost anywhere other plants are though. Think about if you spread sunflower seeds all over the globe. It would be impossible for you to name all the areas of the globe those seeds would grow and thrive in. Millions and millions of square miles of very habitable land. Pretty much anywhere that gets enough water and light for other plants to survive. They wouldn't all be as awesome as the ones in your personal garden, but they would certainly survive. And yes I think marijuana could grow wild in texas. Texas is a huge state.


Well-Known Member
Like I said, if you planted certain strains that grow naturally in your area, you might have a chance. But I'd like to see somebody plant a strain that needs lots of water in a hot climate and watch it grow.

So yeah, in short, we're on the same page.. kinda. I can see it happening, but you'd HAVE to have a certain strain for your area.

guy incognito

Well-Known Member
Then why didn't my bagseeds grow in the wild after I germinated them using native soil?

It was an experiment, and it failed me lol.
It was not a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion from. No survival rate is 100% in the wild. Even a success rate as low as 1% would produce wild plants all over the world.

Ever notice when you plant packet of seeds they say to plant several in one spot, then thin out the weakest ones? Even in ideal gardens you won't get 100% success.


Well-Known Member
It was not a large enough sample size to draw a conclusion from. No survival rate is 100% in the wild. Even a success rate as low as 1% would produce wild plants all over the world.

Ever notice when you plant packet of seeds they say to plant several in one spot, then thin out the weakest ones? Even in ideal gardens you won't get 100% success.
Yeah but I had like 5-8 going.. I get what you're saying though. Maybe I was just unlucky haha.
well the trick is to get seed sthat are suitable for your climate so something automatic with high mold resistance would be perfect for me...

and just as a side note i have grown both peppers and chillies...

and the reason people go and check their gorilla grows is becaus they want to help and nurture their plants to produce large luscious flowers (and for peace of mind that thier plant is ok) something which isnt necicery for an overgrow