Passing Drug Test Using "The Urinator"


New Member
Hello all,
I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get faint lines which I think indicate a negative test but sometimes no line with more expensive home tests. Im afraid I maybe someone who takes months to finally be clean which is annoying since I am of average height and weight (6ft tall, 190lbs) and only smoked for roughly 5 weeks when I was previously smoking. Anyways, I have a drug test coming up for a new job that will be conducted at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory. I believe it will be an unsupervised urine drug screen. I was planning on using clean urine from a friend and then using the Urinator to supply the sample when it comes time to it. Has anyone used this system and can report on your personal experience? Any recommendations on how I should prepare for test day in regards to the clean urine? (store it in the fridge to preserve until day of test? Heat in microwave before putting it in the urinator?) Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I am really stressed out over this.
Thanks in advance everyone :)
Hello all,
I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get faint lines which I think indicate a negative test but sometimes no line with more expensive home tests. Im afraid I maybe someone who takes months to finally be clean which is annoying since I am of average height and weight (6ft tall, 190lbs) and only smoked for roughly 5 weeks when I was previously smoking. Anyways, I have a drug test coming up for a new job that will be conducted at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory. I believe it will be an unsupervised urine drug screen. I was planning on using clean urine from a friend and then using the Urinator to supply the sample when it comes time to it. Has anyone used this system and can report on your personal experience? Any recommendations on how I should prepare for test day in regards to the clean urine? (store it in the fridge to preserve until day of test? Heat in microwave before putting it in the urinator?) Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I am really stressed out over this.
Thanks in advance everyone :)
Simply follow these sure-fire instructions:

Shit in the cup.
To get THC metabolites (stored in fat cells) out of your body, you should eat, drink, piss, shit, exercise (not in that specific order).

If you have the metabolites in your system, exercising will process that stuff out of your body... so you wouldn't want to exercise leading up to the test.

Do not give them the beginning of your piss.
To get THC metabolites (stored in fat cells) out of your body, you should eat, drink, piss, shit, exercise (not in that specific order).

If you have the metabolites in your system, exercising will process that stuff out of your body... so you wouldn't want to exercise leading up to the test.

Do not give them the beginning of your piss.
Avoid asparagus ? :hump:
Hello all,
I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get faint lines which I think indicate a negative test but sometimes no line with more expensive home tests. Im afraid I maybe someone who takes months to finally be clean which is annoying since I am of average height and weight (6ft tall, 190lbs) and only smoked for roughly 5 weeks when I was previously smoking. Anyways, I have a drug test coming up for a new job that will be conducted at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory. I believe it will be an unsupervised urine drug screen. I was planning on using clean urine from a friend and then using the Urinator to supply the sample when it comes time to it. Has anyone used this system and can report on your personal experience? Any recommendations on how I should prepare for test day in regards to the clean urine? (store it in the fridge to preserve until day of test? Heat in microwave before putting it in the urinator?) Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I am really stressed out over this.
Thanks in advance everyone :)
What kind of job makes one get a urine test for marijuana?
Hello all,
I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get faint lines which I think indicate a negative test but sometimes no line with more expensive home tests. Im afraid I maybe someone who takes months to finally be clean which is annoying since I am of average height and weight (6ft tall, 190lbs) and only smoked for roughly 5 weeks when I was previously smoking. Anyways, I have a drug test coming up for a new job that will be conducted at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory. I believe it will be an unsupervised urine drug screen. I was planning on using clean urine from a friend and then using the Urinator to supply the sample when it comes time to it. Has anyone used this system and can report on your personal experience? Any recommendations on how I should prepare for test day in regards to the clean urine? (store it in the fridge to preserve until day of test? Heat in microwave before putting it in the urinator?) Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I am really stressed out over this.
Thanks in advance everyone :)
Boy did you post in the wrong place. Since you actually did the right thing and stopped smoking I'll give you an honest answer. You are clean if you're telling the truth, at this point you are taking more of a risk using the urinator than just going pee pee in the cup.

I once smoked on a Sunday and passed a test that Wednesday all I did was drink a gallon of water a day. The other Good advice listed above is don't let the beginigg of your pee get in the cup let it go for a second or two and then start filling her sure to get some on the seat too, they respect that.
Boy did you post in the wrong place. Since you actually did the right thing and stopped smoking I'll give you an honest answer. You are clean if you're telling the truth, at this point you are taking more of a risk using the urinator than just going pee pee in the cup.

I once smoked on a Sunday and passed a test that Wednesday all I did was drink a gallon of water a day. The other Good advice listed above is don't let the beginigg of your pee get in the cup let it go for a second or two and then start filling her sure to get some on the seat too, they respect that.

Most likely he is clean if he didn't have heavy usage prior to quitting.

However, the 30day thing is not scientific. Human bodies vary greatly.

You drinking a lot of water and passing does not mean that you didn't have THC metabolites in your system. You could have just watered down your pee and timed it right. Food for thought.
Dude dude fear a piss test no longer. Get any job you want , ANY job that demands your piss. Give them this20210121_003443.jpg
Its cheap if you plan ahead. If you need it within days shipping, costs extra. Works. Everytime. Follow instructions upon delivery once received
Hello all,
I am posting this thread to see if anyone has experience using the urinator to pass a pre-employment drug screening. I haven't smoked since December 13th (roughly 37 days) and am still having trouble getting consistent negative results when using a home drug test. Sometimes I get faint lines which I think indicate a negative test but sometimes no line with more expensive home tests. Im afraid I maybe someone who takes months to finally be clean which is annoying since I am of average height and weight (6ft tall, 190lbs) and only smoked for roughly 5 weeks when I was previously smoking. Anyways, I have a drug test coming up for a new job that will be conducted at Quest Diagnostics Laboratory. I believe it will be an unsupervised urine drug screen. I was planning on using clean urine from a friend and then using the Urinator to supply the sample when it comes time to it. Has anyone used this system and can report on your personal experience? Any recommendations on how I should prepare for test day in regards to the clean urine? (store it in the fridge to preserve until day of test? Heat in microwave before putting it in the urinator?) Any help with this is greatly appreciated as I am really stressed out over this.
Thanks in advance everyone :)
You were clean like 10 days ago.