Paulbots,, Paulinistas You have been duped


New Member
This email is going around now.

PATRIOTS! WE have been duped! It is obvious that we who have supported Congressman Paul have been suckered into believing a lie by the NEOCON conspiracy of the Zionist Bankers! Mr. Paul is not an honorable champion of our cause but is in fact a member of the Jewish Cabal that seeks to control the world through the Illuminati by establishing the New World Order UPON US ALL!
This is disturbing because Mr. Paul has appeared before us to be one of us. We have all worked tirelessly to raise his poll numbers and gain him support and awaken the nation to the threats of Israel as they foist upon us perpetual wars at their behest to destroy all other religions from their ZIONIST seat of power.

However, look at the facts! Mr. Paul speaks softly at times about the need to throw out the Jews at the unFederal Reserve but even his own efforts to this end have been very light handed. He wants us to believe that it is because there is no support for such an action and to exterminate the ZIONISTS. But the truth is that he himself does not want to end the unFederal Reserve system. If he did he would be calling for us to take up arms against this Jewish led government and take them out by force. But he has NOT! He insists inexplicably on working through the system, a system engaged and controlled by the Jews.
It has been true throughout history that the Jews have used disinformation to lead us astray and they are doing it again. Further look at his response when asked about the TRUTH of 9/11! He declines to speak of Mossad’s involvement which we all know to be true. In the past he has eluded to this but he falls silent today when queried on it and pretends as through it did not happen. All truly awakened souls know that when the evidence is presented to the public the public no longer can deny the truth that 9/11 was a Jewish plot! We have all had experience with the nonbelievers who when we force them to see the evidence all turn away from the LIES! BUT MR. PAUL REFUSES TO PUT FORTH THE EVIDENCE!!! DESPITE MANY PRIME TIME DEBATE APPEARANCES WHERE HE COULD HAVE!!! INSTEAD OF ANSWERING QUESTIONS FED BY THE JEWISH MEDIA HE SHOULD HAVE DECLINED TO ANSWER SUCH IDIOCY AND INSTEAD ANSWERED THE UNASKED QUESTIONS!

No one who truly understands the issues and the threats that come from the SATAN STATE of ISRAEL would be so neglectful of their DUTY!
WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Clearly we can all see! Mr. Paul has deceived us and led us to increase his army of followers under the false perception that he was one of us. In Iowa and New Hampshire we brought him nearly a quarter of the vote. The Jewish Media has attacked him vociferously for being a nut! He has sat there and taken it without putting forward the facts to the dullards of America. The dullards of America have then viscerally reacted and the resulting blow has been that they have flocked to Mitt Romney! THE BIGGEST JEW OF THEM ALL! This is not by mistake my friends. It is by design. Mr. Paul is not defending himself because he is not wanting to. He wants to appear as the biggest threat to the JEWISH ESTABLISHMENT and place a fear within the dullards and sweeping them towards another SATAN to lead us to HELL!
We must regroup! We must forget the MYTH of Ron Paul! He was perhaps one of us once. But if he ever was he has long been since corrupted by the ZIONIST WORLD ORDER. THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THIS!
Blood for liberty!
i was going to say that paulbots have been duped by continuously donating to a campaign that has no chance of winning. paul just basically takes the money after he loses. he walked away with $4 million in 2008.

but this explanation sounds much more plausible and i support it.
i was going to say that paulbots have been duped by continuously donating to a campaign that has no chance of winning. paul just basically takes the money after he loses. he walked away with $4 million in 2008.

but this explanation sounds much more plausible and i support it.

Because the fat guy from ATHF wrote it?
Because the fat guy from ATHF wrote it?

Aqua Teen is an exemplary american television program and I would have all faith restored in my patriotic beliefs in this country if only the black man could be replaced by the milkshake in 2012. MASTER SHAKE FOR PRESIDENT. atleast he LOLs me
i was going to say that paulbots have been duped by continuously donating to a campaign that has no chance of winning. Paul just basically takes the money after he loses. He walked away with $4 million in 2008.

But this explanation sounds much more plausible and i support it.

​more lies!!!!
This email is going around now.

PATRIOTS! WE have been duped! It is obvious that we who have supported Congressman Paul have been suckered into believing a lie by the NEOCON conspiracy of the Zionist Bankers! Mr. Paul is not an honorable champion of our cause but is in fact a member of the Jewish Cabal that seeks to control the world through the Illuminati by establishing the New World Order UPON US ALL!
This is disturbing because Mr. Paul has appeared before us to be one of us. We have all worked tirelessly to raise his poll numbers and gain him support and awaken the nation to the threats of Israel as they foist upon us perpetual wars at their behest to destroy all other religions from their ZIONIST seat of power.

However, look at the facts! Mr. Paul speaks softly at times about the need to throw out the Jews at the unFederal Reserve but even his own efforts to this end have been very light handed. He wants us to believe that it is because there is no support for such an action and to exterminate the ZIONISTS. But the truth is that he himself does not want to end the unFederal Reserve system. If he did he would be calling for us to take up arms against this Jewish led government and take them out by force. But he has NOT! He insists inexplicably on working through the system, a system engaged and controlled by the Jews.
It has been true throughout history that the Jews have used disinformation to lead us astray and they are doing it again. Further look at his response when asked about the TRUTH of 9/11! He declines to speak of Mossad’s involvement which we all know to be true. In the past he has eluded to this but he falls silent today when queried on it and pretends as through it did not happen. All truly awakened souls know that when the evidence is presented to the public the public no longer can deny the truth that 9/11 was a Jewish plot! We have all had experience with the nonbelievers who when we force them to see the evidence all turn away from the LIES! BUT MR. PAUL REFUSES TO PUT FORTH THE EVIDENCE!!! DESPITE MANY PRIME TIME DEBATE APPEARANCES WHERE HE COULD HAVE!!! INSTEAD OF ANSWERING QUESTIONS FED BY THE JEWISH MEDIA HE SHOULD HAVE DECLINED TO ANSWER SUCH IDIOCY AND INSTEAD ANSWERED THE UNASKED QUESTIONS!

No one who truly understands the issues and the threats that come from the SATAN STATE of ISRAEL would be so neglectful of their DUTY!
WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Clearly we can all see! Mr. Paul has deceived us and led us to increase his army of followers under the false perception that he was one of us. In Iowa and New Hampshire we brought him nearly a quarter of the vote. The Jewish Media has attacked him vociferously for being a nut! He has sat there and taken it without putting forward the facts to the dullards of America. The dullards of America have then viscerally reacted and the resulting blow has been that they have flocked to Mitt Romney! THE BIGGEST JEW OF THEM ALL! This is not by mistake my friends. It is by design. Mr. Paul is not defending himself because he is not wanting to. He wants to appear as the biggest threat to the JEWISH ESTABLISHMENT and place a fear within the dullards and sweeping them towards another SATAN to lead us to HELL!
We must regroup! We must forget the MYTH of Ron Paul! He was perhaps one of us once. But if he ever was he has long been since corrupted by the ZIONIST WORLD ORDER. THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THIS!
Blood for liberty!

An email from Carl, well that IS indisputable proof.
This email is going around now.

PATRIOTS! WE have been duped! It is obvious that we who have supported Congressman Paul have been suckered into believing a lie by the NEOCON conspiracy of the Zionist Bankers! Mr. Paul is not an honorable champion of our cause but is in fact a member of the Jewish Cabal that seeks to control the world through the Illuminati by establishing the New World Order UPON US ALL!
This is disturbing because Mr. Paul has appeared before us to be one of us. We have all worked tirelessly to raise his poll numbers and gain him support and awaken the nation to the threats of Israel as they foist upon us perpetual wars at their behest to destroy all other religions from their ZIONIST seat of power.

However, look at the facts! Mr. Paul speaks softly at times about the need to throw out the Jews at the unFederal Reserve but even his own efforts to this end have been very light handed. He wants us to believe that it is because there is no support for such an action and to exterminate the ZIONISTS. But the truth is that he himself does not want to end the unFederal Reserve system. If he did he would be calling for us to take up arms against this Jewish led government and take them out by force. But he has NOT! He insists inexplicably on working through the system, a system engaged and controlled by the Jews.
It has been true throughout history that the Jews have used disinformation to lead us astray and they are doing it again. Further look at his response when asked about the TRUTH of 9/11! He declines to speak of Mossad’s involvement which we all know to be true. In the past he has eluded to this but he falls silent today when queried on it and pretends as through it did not happen. All truly awakened souls know that when the evidence is presented to the public the public no longer can deny the truth that 9/11 was a Jewish plot! We have all had experience with the nonbelievers who when we force them to see the evidence all turn away from the LIES! BUT MR. PAUL REFUSES TO PUT FORTH THE EVIDENCE!!! DESPITE MANY PRIME TIME DEBATE APPEARANCES WHERE HE COULD HAVE!!! INSTEAD OF ANSWERING QUESTIONS FED BY THE JEWISH MEDIA HE SHOULD HAVE DECLINED TO ANSWER SUCH IDIOCY AND INSTEAD ANSWERED THE UNASKED QUESTIONS!

No one who truly understands the issues and the threats that come from the SATAN STATE of ISRAEL would be so neglectful of their DUTY!
WHAT HAS HAPPENED? Clearly we can all see! Mr. Paul has deceived us and led us to increase his army of followers under the false perception that he was one of us. In Iowa and New Hampshire we brought him nearly a quarter of the vote. The Jewish Media has attacked him vociferously for being a nut! He has sat there and taken it without putting forward the facts to the dullards of America. The dullards of America have then viscerally reacted and the resulting blow has been that they have flocked to Mitt Romney! THE BIGGEST JEW OF THEM ALL! This is not by mistake my friends. It is by design. Mr. Paul is not defending himself because he is not wanting to. He wants to appear as the biggest threat to the JEWISH ESTABLISHMENT and place a fear within the dullards and sweeping them towards another SATAN to lead us to HELL!
We must regroup! We must forget the MYTH of Ron Paul! He was perhaps one of us once. But if he ever was he has long been since corrupted by the ZIONIST WORLD ORDER. THERE IS NO DOUBT OF THIS!
Blood for liberty!
Let me guess, these guys don't like him cos he doesn't hate Jews? I think we all know what sort of shaven headed Deutsch speaking person "Carl" is.
i was going to say that paulbots have been duped by continuously donating to a campaign that has no chance of winning. paul just basically takes the money after he loses. he walked away with $4 million in 2008.

but this explanation sounds much more plausible and i support it.

So, your real name is Carl, UncleCarl?
i was going to say that paulbots have been duped by continuously donating to a campaign that has no chance of winning. paul just basically takes the money after he loses. he walked away with $4 million in 2008.
That's because you're a sellout. You vote for the one who think is going to win instead of your convictions or at the very least which candidate has successful policies.
You make things up about candidates because your big government candidate is a liar and you respect and admire that. I guess that's why you make things up about Ron Paul. Like this post about him walking away with 4 million.

The best part is saying we are duped? LMAO How is 8 percent unemployment working? Did Obama get the troops out as one of the first things he'd do? The economy turn around like Obama said? Remember promises don't have to be kept as long as the lemmings that support you don't have the backbone to speak up.

but this explanation sounds much more plausible and i support it.
because you're dumb.
That's because you're a sellout. You vote for the one who think is going to win instead of your convictions or at the very least which candidate has successful policies.
You make things up about candidates because your big government candidate is a liar and you respect and admire that. I guess that's why you make things up about Ron Paul. Like this post about him walking away with 4 million.

The best part is saying we are duped? LMAO How is 8 percent unemployment working? Did Obama get the troops out as one of the first things he'd do? The economy turn around like Obama said? Remember promises don't have to be kept as long as the lemmings that support you don't have the backbone to speak up.

because you're dumb.

Lifegoesonbrah likes this.:smile:
You vote for the one who think is going to win instead of your convictions...

not at all, my angry little friend. in fact, the opposite.

i will be voting for a known loser if my state is solid blue. if my state is not so solid blue, i will vote for the viable candidate tat best encompasses my views.

so basically, GJ if oregon is solid blue, or if romney seems a threat to take our electoral votes, then obama.

i like the idea of supporting a third party, but not if it could potentially tip electoral votes to romney.
Did you really just say that when he voiced support for the Libertarians?
