Paulbots,, Paulinistas You have been duped

Did you really just say that when he voiced support for the Libertarians?

Unclebuck thinks libertarians are anarchists, that libertarians for life are fake, and pretty much the whole movement is just republicans who really hate taxes more than your average republican.
Unclebuck thinks libertarians are anarchists, that libertarians for life are fake, and pretty much the whole movement is just republicans who really hate taxes more than your average republican.

UB, is this your easiest troll victim or what?

He said he would vote for Gary Johnson, a LIBERTARIAN...........
UB, is this your easiest troll victim or what?

He said he would vote for Gary Johnson, a LIBERTARIAN...........

Less than a year ago he stated how he liked Ron Paul. Now he's a racist scum bag? Based on issues that were made public way before that.

He's the one who called me a Republican just because I support Libertarians For Life.

Also Bucky is a big boy and can take my razing.

At the end Doug Wead says what the Ron Paul campaign wants out of Romney in the scenario of a lost nomination race: full Federal Reserve audit.
Not even remember who you're hating on now? You must have loaded that last bowl too high ;)

UB, you reckon it's too late for Chuck Norris to join the race?

with a brokered convention, nearly anything is possible (besides paul or gingrich getting the nod).
with a brokered convention, nearly anything is possible (besides paul or gingrich getting the nod).

I'm under the sneaky suspicion that this was the GOP strategy all along. Throw out some clown candidates and once they have a brokered convention, they will introduce their "savior". Rick Perry, Herman Cain, Ron Paul, Newt fucking Gingrich (seriously America?), Robot Romney. They're all caricatures. Then the GOP will introduce the candidate they have been grooming and prepping since day one. The GOP will flock to this candidate like the Israelites to Moses. I think we're all in for an eye opener and it will threaten O'Bama's re-election.

And to think, all that money wasted on this fucking GOP bullshit.
​more lies!!!!

Hi there , interesting Sig you've got. I'm originally from Victoria , *find* me a person that actually voted for your clown , or run over to Galveston and find the person who did.

Ron Paul is the False Panacea foisted off on The People as Pablum to keep 'em quiet with false Hope , what he *really* is comes down to being the LAST Stop on The Road To Fascism.

Perhaps you'd care to discuss his links with the John Birch Society and the Christian Reconstructionist Movement? And NO I don't like ANY of the others either , but at least those Snakes are wearing their collective Rattles in the open , Paul doesn't do so.
everything is a conspiracy, ron paul and his loyal cultists taught me that.

Yeah y'all go ahead and slam UB , but READ the above and heed it , regardless of his bullshit about Libertarians the above is *EXACTLY* correct.

The whole ' Paul Movement ' is a cult of personality , a ripoff of some basic rhetoric and tenets of Libertarianism without the MEAT of the message. Paul spouts rehashed , **plagiarised** rhetoric ripped off from Spooner , Rothbard and others without really understanding it , along with economic ideals sourced *directly* from the Austrian School and which amount to nothing more than paraphrased Von Mises.

And in closing here's the DANDY , the fact that Paulista's just CANNOT get around , they're constantly yapping about " change" and " it's time for SOMEBODY NEW "...............

Well your man has been slopping at the D.C. Hog Trough for TWENTY FOUR YEARS........ and now y'all wann give him a promotion , juat exactly what;s NEW about all that.