Paulbots,, Paulinistas You have been duped

Do a google search, "ron paul white nationalist", and decide for yourself.

Not you Unclebuck, your mind has been barred from independent thought by years of swallowing left-wing cock, in fact I think I can see an imprint of Al Gore's ballsack on your chin.

Odd. YOU are the one argueing utilising the usual Liberal methods of adhominem , hyperbole and deflection , how do you explain that little issue?

Whatsamatta , everyone doesn't fit into your convenient little labeled boxes? Waddaya gonna do about ME , wh despises ALL the available candidates **including** the Faux Libertarian known as Ron Paul.

Ever READ Lysander Spooner , Murray Rothbard , Josiah Warren , Proudhon , Rose Wilder Lane etc.etc.etc.? What about Von Mises and the other pertinent proponents of the Austrian school of economic thought?

Or have you just read the " Ron Paul Cliff's Notes of Libertarian Thought"?