Well-Known Member
Yeah y'all go ahead and slam UB , but READ the above and heed it , regardless of his bullshit about Libertarians the above is *EXACTLY* correct.
The whole ' Paul Movement ' is a cult of personality , a ripoff of some basic rhetoric and tenets of Libertarianism without the MEAT of the message. Paul spouts rehashed , **plagiarised** rhetoric ripped off from Spooner , Rothbard and others without really understanding it , along with economic ideals sourced *directly* from the Austrian School and which amount to nothing more than paraphrased Von Mises.
And in closing here's the DANDY , the fact that Paulista's just CANNOT get around , they're constantly yapping about " change" and " it's time for SOMEBODY NEW "...............
Well your man has been slopping at the D.C. Hog Trough for TWENTY FOUR YEARS........ and now y'all wann give him a promotion , juat exactly what;s NEW about all that.
Name me a politician that has "new" rhetoric?
Ron Paul has brought Libertarianism to the mainstream and that is why he has such a solid following.