Pazzo's S.O.G 250w Cabinet Grow


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 42
Day 56

It's been 6 weeks since i've switched to 12/12 and so far so good. I am having some problems with pretty bad yellowing on about half the plants and i'm thinking of giving them some fish fertz on the next feeding. Since i'll probably be going around 9 weeks I still have a little while to go.

I did go ahead and seed the best 3 or 4 plants.. can't really remember. I think I seeded 3 and 1 of them got massively seeded on its own, either that or a lot of the hairs just turned color for no reason. She was next to the closest passive intake to the closet so I assume some pollen got in there.. I noticed some of the others had some random dead hairs too.. but oh well, they'll get used up.

I took pics of all of them again in the same order, 1-5, then the other 3. I like to compare them to the other pics to see how much they've grown. One day it would be kinda cool to get a pic of 1 good plant every day and put it all together or something.

The runt looks great, probably one of the most dense colas of them all. 1 of the topped ones is still having some problems with being nute burned but the buds it's making are so nice so it's really not bothering me. I've fed her basically only water almost the whole time so it must some how be the soil. The other topped one looks like crap basically, really small bud production and not much happening.




Well-Known Member
Gave them a fairly hefty fish emulsion feeding today at almost 3 teaspoon per gallon, pretty sure that's more then what I usually give them.. but they need it. I gave the runt and the 2 others only a half feeding though. I'll probably start flushing in about 2ish weeks so i'll give them another flower feeding or 2 before then.

If I get over 3 ounces this will be a very successful harvest in my eyes, don't think I've gotten over 3oz. yet in this cab.


Well-Known Member
wat size were they wen u put them into flowering?? looking so nice lol
I think they were all about 4" at about 2 weeks into veg. when I switched to flower. I woulda prefered to flower at about 2-3" tall but I was gonna keep them going to find a good mom but oh well. They didn't get as tall as I thought they were going to so thats good, I was figuring they were gonna be about 2 feet tall. There really starting to fatten up now too, i'll post some pics in a day or 2.


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 49
Day 63

Ok here are pics of the big 5. That second plant is so skinny mainly cause it got really overseeded and is mostly seeds unfortantly. The buds are getting bigger but the leaves keep getting worse and worse on almost all of them. I'm kinda stumped about what the problem is, i'm kind of thinking it might be salt build up locking out the nutes because the nutes I'm giving them don't seem to be doing anything.

I suppose it could just be lack of nutes but I dunno, I tried to take some pics of the leaves that are still alive, most of the older leaves are dead or almost dead. At least I only have 1-2 weeks left of flowering. I'm moving at the end of the month so this will be my last grow for a couple weeks, I wanna let them go as long as I can.​

Any help with my problem is much appreciated. :)




Well-Known Member
I was just thinking about what I did differently and the only thing I can think of is I used some Liquid Karma. Does anyone know if that could mess with the Ph or something? In all my time of growing i've never had a Ph problem but I guess that's what it could be.


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 55
Day 69

Tomorrow will be the end of the 8th week of flowering and I think i'll let 'em go about 1 more week. Lookin at the trics on them they look about half cloudy, a couple of them have some amber trics too. I'm pretty sure I didn't get any early finishers in this batch. I might chop one here soon tho for some smoke so I wont have to buy any..​

Oh and as for my problem i'm pretty sure it was nute lockout. I flushed them each with a half gallon and they seem to be doing better. But shit at this point most of the big fan leaves are dead on most of them. At least the buds should taste pretty good for lack of nutes.. they sure do smell awesome.​

Here's some pics of all of them. Plants 1, 3, and 4 look great.. really packing on the weight like the widow did. Plants 2 and 5 aren't that bad, just kinda airy and seedy.. almost cut down plant 2 but I decided against it. The runt is probably the most dense cola of them all and maybe even the most crystally. I would also have to say that about the fucked up lookin topped one, she smells so dank and her buds are extremely dense too. The other topped one is ok but it just didn't pack on much weight, I think it might not have rooted very well. Any comments or questions are welcomed. :weed:




Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 55
Day 69

Tomorrow will be the end of the 8th week of flowering and I think i'll let 'em go about 1 more week. Lookin at the trics on them they look about half cloudy, a couple of them have some amber trics too. I'm pretty sure I didn't get any early finishers in this batch. I might chop one here soon tho for some smoke so I wont have to buy any..​

Oh and as for my problem i'm pretty sure it was nute lockout. I flushed them each with a half gallon and they seem to be doing better. But shit at this point most of the big fan leaves are dead on most of them. At least the buds should taste pretty good for lack of nutes.. they sure do smell awesome.​

Here's some pics of all of them. Plants 1, 3, and 4 look great.. really packing on the weight like the widow did. Plants 2 and 5 aren't that bad, just kinda airy and seedy.. almost cut down plant 2 but I decided against it. The runt is probably the most dense cola of them all and maybe even the most crystally. I would also have to say that about the fucked up lookin topped one, she smells so dank and her buds are extremely dense too. The other topped one is ok but it just didn't pack on much weight, I think it might not have rooted very well. Any comments or questions are welcomed. :weed:

fuck yeah show me more!!! haha dude those girls are FAT! way to go!

are you gonna keep flushing this last week?


Well-Known Member
fuck yeah show me more!!! haha dude those girls are FAT! way to go!

are you gonna keep flushing this last week?
Thanks! I'll take some more closeups for my next update. For the last week I just feed them purified water, hope theres some leaves left by the end of it.


Well-Known Member
Power Plant - Flower Day 58
Day 72

I cut down plant 2 cause it A.) Looked done cause all the hairs and some amber trics and B.) I have no smoke right now. If I let her go longer I probably woulda got more bud cause she was recovering like the others but I should still get at least a quarter off her.

My plan is going to be to cut them down this weekend and have my new seeds in there at the same time. I wasn't going to do a new grow cause i'll be moving soon but I should have enough time to squeeze in another one. I'm probably going to do my feminized NL seed, the power skunks, and some more widow/power plant.

Here's some nice crystally pics for you guys. The one in the 2nd and 3rd pics is getting massive, I can see getting an ounce off that one. Other then the nute lockout this was a pretty good grow, should get a good amount from it.. they just don't look that pretty other then up close. ;)




Well-Known Member
Well I basically got kicked out so i'll be moving by the end of the month so I've gotta cut these girls a bit earlier then I want to. I was planning on this weekend but 4 or 5 of them could go longer.. but looks like I gotta cut them all down anyways. Looking at them they could probably go another week and get even fatter, even gave them some nutes a couple days ago to keep 'em alive longer. Either way this will probably be the best harvest i've had with this cabinet so far.


Well-Known Member
Well I basically got kicked out so i'll be moving by the end of the month so I've gotta cut these girls a bit earlier then I want to. I was planning on this weekend but 4 or 5 of them could go longer.. but looks like I gotta cut them all down anyways. Looking at them they could probably go another week and get even fatter, even gave them some nutes a couple days ago to keep 'em alive longer. Either way this will probably be the best harvest i've had with this cabinet so far.
damn man that sucks hopefully you can get a new place and get going again...those girls look great to bad that cant go longer when do you expect to harvest?????:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Post some pix in the 250w club share your creation:mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
damn man that sucks hopefully you can get a new place and get going again...those girls look great to bad that cant go longer when do you expect to harvest?????:eyesmoke::eyesmoke:

Post some pix in the 250w club share your creation:mrgreen:
Yeah I should be fine, the guy i'm gonna go stay with is a good friend and he smokes too. I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with me setting up my cabinet, after all.. he would benefit as well. :D

I'm planning on chopping them all this weekend, probably Sunday to get the most out of them. I'll probably water them either tonight or tommorrow for the last time.. no need to really give them a flush cause the leaves are almost all dead now anyway. But I must say even the plant I chopped early, that was seedy and airy is still pretty damn good smoke. Already cured a bit and tastes pretty good, I got a total of about 9 grams off her too btw.. definatly the lowest producer. Almost positive i'll get at least a half ounce off the rest though, upwards an ounce on a couple.

Post a link to the 250w club and i'll be sure to post there, i've seen the 150w club but never the 250 for some reason. :confused:



Well-Known Member
So I went ahead and cut down Plant 3 today. She looks the most done compared to the others and the trics looked mostly cloudy with a few ambers. This plant is probably my favorite. She was the earliest finisher, appears to have the most overall yield, and of course she smells great. The seeds from this girl should be great. Oh and by the way, the reason it looks like theres some missing in the middle is cause there is.. cut a few testers the other day.

I'll probably still cut down the rest tommorrow even though they could go a bit longer. Yesterday was the end of week 9 of 12/12 but some were a bit stunted and slowed growth a bit imo, like plant 2, so they pry could go another week IF i had the damn time.




Well-Known Member
Yeah I should be fine, the guy i'm gonna go stay with is a good friend and he smokes too. I'm sure he wouldn't have a problem with me setting up my cabinet, after all.. he would benefit as well. :D

I'm planning on chopping them all this weekend, probably Sunday to get the most out of them. I'll probably water them either tonight or tommorrow for the last time.. no need to really give them a flush cause the leaves are almost all dead now anyway. But I must say even the plant I chopped early, that was seedy and airy is still pretty damn good smoke. Already cured a bit and tastes pretty good, I got a total of about 9 grams off her too btw.. definatly the lowest producer. Almost positive i'll get at least a half ounce off the rest though, upwards an ounce on a couple.

Post a link to the 250w club and i'll be sure to post there, i've seen the 150w club but never the 250 for some reason. :confused:

here it is ...:bigjoint: yea we need more growers to subscribe post some up!!!