People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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Legal Moderator, Esq.
wait i thought we just did it to have a place to get fucked up and rant and rave
did i post on wrong thread where is this pussy thread ?
lol you came in after the first 6-7 pages of demolishment that dude suffered then we jacked it and rant and raved


Well-Known Member
Just lookin' through my pics:joint:

Thought I'd share all my favorite bud pics that I've smoked recently...
Even though I'm sure I'll miss 10 pages while I upload these!

That's how much I care for you all and want to provide you with some quality (IMO) bud porn :joint::shock:.

Name the strains just by looking at the pics and I'll give $100 reward LOL...



New Member
lol you came in after the first 6-7 pages of demolishment that dude suffered then we jacked it and rant and raved
naw u guys talked to him for 6-7 pages then i came in and he left shortly after is how i see it
was a group effort
anyone disagree?


Well-Known Member
ok nice and high again yeah me!
Check my pics.. hahahA I got like a years worth just from my damn computer, I could post like 30 strains if I took pics of it all... I know there is hundreds/thousands/millions...whatever... I just like posting about what I've experienced. Anyway I least had that to share... anyone else?? I'm interested on seeing bomb ass nug pix of smoked nugs...whether you bought or grew them... if you got'em.


Well-Known Member
I don't shave my balls! I don't care if you want to know or not...

My girl thinks it's more manly if I got hair down there... so I keep it just so she'll lick my balls and let me cum all over that face and tits...

Not to get graphic. But I swear, it's completely true...
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