People on this forum need to stop trying to cut corners man!

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Well-Known Member
he tried to come back and act like he was part of party but got the cold shoulder and left
lol i think he got scareddd :-D

I don't shave my balls! I don't care if you want to know or not...

My girl thinks it's more manly if I got hair down there... so I keep it just so she'll lick my balls and let me cum all over that face and tits...

Not to get graphic. But I swear, it's completely true...
The "shaving your ball technique" was brought to my attention on a combat deployment to iraq in 05.
Scarey as fuck at first but soooo dam worth it IMO :-D


Well-Known Member
AH I'm 88 ahead of it... and you've only been a member 2 more years than me...

Damn, I need a life LMAO!
lol ya i search and read a lot on here have for years. Just never really posted a lotbefore was going through a military to civilian transition. Tons of drugs had to be done couldent balance the 2. RIU and Drugs.
Got a good balance on it now ;)
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