i think it is silly to think that everything around us.. not just on this planet but in our galaxy.. our galaxy which is in space, where there is an infinite amount of galaxies expanding through the vacuum... just happened by accident.. a big bang.
one of the few things that we know for sure about this energy field that swirls around us is that energy cannot be created or destroyed, it can only change forms.
if this is true then that means that every star, every galaxy expanding, every planetary orbit had to come from somewhere. it didn't just show up after two molecules collided, that's just ludicrous. i could go into all the technicalities but that is a totally different thread...
anyways all of this energy, life, space, was created by something... whether you want to call it a god, or a cosmically intertwined energy continuum, or whatever.
now, as far as religion goes, if you go back and study ancient religions, they all have many correlating stories such as giants among men, gods on earth, great floods etc. and they also have many correlating ideas such as treating others well, not to kill each other, be a good person and whatnot..
the bible contains many of these themes and stories, even more so when you look at the books of the bible that were "voted" out by the church like enoch, gospels of thomas, 14 books of apocrypha, acts of peter and the apostles, not to mention parts of the books that have descriptions of a creation of "man" before adam in the kabbalah with lilith, and other aspects which battled the direction the church was going, and the control it had over the people...
anyways more people have been killed in the name of religion than anything else.. are these holy warriors crusaders of god, or vicious murderers? or does god have mercy because they were mislead? what about all the barbarians on the other side? were they punished and banished to hell because they did not have the privelage of being born in israel, or england instead of an eastern nation? what about the numerous corruptions in the church, and the use of religion as a tool of control for thousands of years? what about the priests who rape little boys and are just moved to different chapters of the church? christian leaders seem to be more evil and twisted than the so called heretics in other religions such as the buddhists and taoists... but both sides of the coin can be debated so i dont want to get into that..
the point is that i dont see how a god would create something so beatiful, not only on this earth but throughout our infinite universe.. then confine us to this planet, and put us in this epic battle between good and evil just as some kind of sick test to punish those who cant see past the hypocricy of the church? and the various historical flaws in the bible? and the similarities of other religions? what kind of god is that?
that being said, heres what i believe..
i believe that we are spiritual beings trapped within an earlthy vessel. no doubt about it.. i believe that we are trapped by our senses into a reality that is engrained into us by our surroundings.. ancient civilizations were supposedly so barbaric, however they had a much deeper understanding of the world around us, and astrology, and spirituality than most people care to admit... i believe that over time we have degressed from spirituality, to reality, and have forgotten our spiritual roots..
we are in a life long struggle to find our spirit, be in touch with our cosmic energy, and to fight off the distractions of the world around us.
i believe that there is a spiritual world going on all around us that we cannot see or interact with.. call it a dimension, call it an alternate universe or whatever.. but is it so hard to believe? we have radio waves, microwaves, infra red, radiation and all kinds of different energies passing through our body every milisecond that we cannot see, hear, taste smell, or feel, but that does not mean that they arent there..
when we die, i believe that our spirit is released into our next life, which is a spiritual life.. back to the law that no energy can be created or destroyed.. when we die, that energy field that has been coarsing through us doesnt just stop and dissappear and go cold, it changes form. what form is what we do not know, and that is the quest that we look for our whole lives...
so in short, i do believe we are spiritual beings, i do beleive we were created by something, at some time, and i do not believe that there is any one religion, or any one path to a heaven or a hell (which was created by the church in the first place).. i believe that nobody will be able to tell you what it is until you get there..