it was a bad idea from the start. if this place doesn't have the community it isn't going to magically get it back. I thought something radical could bring us together but this is still ridiculously fragmented and it will fade away unless something bigger happens.
Now what kind of attitude is that for a stoner? You mentioned the prohibition on weed quite a bit earlier in this thread so I am going to bring it back up for you.
The prohibition on marijuana has been going on for how long now? Quite a few fucken years now, and though they have been saying "marijuana should be legal in 5 years" since the 70's, it would almost seem like no movement forward has happened, yeah? Fast forward to now where there are multiple states that are now medically legal, some states are toning down their hunts for marijuana users, and there are ballots now that ONE (

) can can use to vote to possibly get marijuana legal, if not yet on a federal level, it's at least almost legal on a state level. Those small steps forward through years have become quite the movement, look how freely marijuana is advertised and talked about as compared to just 5 years ago.
Now, relate it on a smaller level to this thread. Yes, nothing big is going to happen overnight to where the trolls and burners are gone, BUT we can make small steps forward to correct where other members have gone wrong in feeding their fire, and hopefully discourage trolls from multiplying like mormon rabbits.
I am not saying you should change the way you go about responding to people, that's your choice man and who am I to try telling you to change it up. I will back you up full board when it comes to something that we both agree on and can see the greater cause in the end, I'm just gonna go about my defending it (and you) in my own way.
Did I ramble too much? I've been smoking my pressed keif all day with some joints on the side