PH opinion or fact

Correct PH for growing

  • 7

    Votes: 1 12.5%
  • 5.5-5.8

    Votes: 3 37.5%
  • Other

    Votes: 4 50.0%

  • Total voters


Active Member
I was under the impression that 5.8 to 5.5 was perfect ph for my coco a nd rockwool grown plants but I got this giant book called The Cannabis Grow Bible 3rd edition and it says they prefer a ph of 7. I was also under impression that 7.5 was way to high for ph. This is my first grow and my "Teacher" bailed because my plants are doing better then his. Ps. Sorry if I did this forum thing wrong.


Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
My plants in hydro FD seem to do best at 5.6-6.0, I have more root issues it seems, my leaf ends will start to slightly turn down as well. Mind you this just what i think is happening but I know shit other than what I see.


Active Member
Thanks dude, I had a serious problem with rockwool at first now I got one that's doing great at 5.8ish but then I get this big grow Manuel telling its 7. I'm prob just gonna stick to 5.8 until flowering. Good luck with your grow dude


Well-Known Member
For soil I don’t check or care about ph, hydro( any soilless base ) should be around 5.5 to 6.5. Using these parameters I’ve never ran into ph issues, root rot or anything like it. @Tfunk0704 man in my experience I’ve never had good luck with rock wool. I general stick with rapid rooters and use it with burpees 10 day self watering trays, using those you run less of a chance of dampening off and killing your babies.

Budley Doright

Well-Known Member
I just started a grow using RW after using root root cubes for years after using the stuff, stuff still sucks lol. Watering is really tricky to get right in my suspended pots :(.


Well-Known Member
And if anyone cares ph and to much moisture was why I failed rockwool so bad
Man I use 8 inch by 3 foot slabs and put only 3 plants in them. But you have to be careful not to water them too much. When they are small clones in 1 inch blocks put into the slabs, I only water them every few days. Same with 4 or 6 inch cubes, small plants you can't water them too often, although more often than the slabs. With 4 inch cubes when you first put the 1 inchers in there you might want to water 1 time per day. When they have roots out the bottom of the larger cube you can water them much more, like 5-6 times per day. In the slabs you want to be careful and not do it more than 1-3 times a day even with big plants. Some of my current plants are 4-5 feet and I only just switched to 2 times a day with the big slabs. Check out this guide from Grodan but ignore the EC concentrations they mention, they do not apply to ganja.

Here is some Rockwool slab grown plants
For those of you using pots, you are better off switching to Rockwool grow chunks, they work even better than soil or other soil-less
media in pots and can never be over-watered..


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Well-Known Member
Ya it does seem like a good book was just wondering what the ph 7 thing was
It stated for soil in the paragraph. Your not in soil. Soils have buffers if they’re good soil anyhow thus why I never check soil ph. I only check my hydro room. My soil room is auto pilot. Simply water and let it go.