Seems like a waste of money if you ask me... Or are you that naive?

im sorry i have to have the best of everything... im looking into silk bullit proof vests... they are super light weight, and can be woven into jackets and what not... super expensive to... but you know i gotta have the best
got ur comment express, you're right he is a "troll"/ asshole. I'm done, I just wanted to let him know.

damn man. i seriously hurt your feelings. i apologize. i'd offer you a tissue but i used them all spanking to growmans girl pics.
Since 420God was nice enough to share a pic of his hot wife, I asked mine for her blessing. She knows I'm a fucking geek now but ultimately said yes.


Btw 420God, well done.
got ur comment express, you're right he is a "troll"/ asshole. I'm done, I just wanted to let him know.

im too fucked up for all this... im gone off that bubba kush and ameretto and oj!!!!! ima fuck up some zombies online holla at ur boy... and yea dont worry about dudes vic ass.. he just want attention... he wishes he could troll like me lol.. love from across da pond jo... im feelin too good right now...

I call crazy!

No, I call crazy...:eyesmoke:

Insanity, craziness or madness is a spectrum of behaviors characterized by certain abnormal mental or behavioral patterns. Insanity may manifest as violations of societal norms, including a person becoming a danger to themselves or others, though not all such acts are considered insanity.


Waynes World waynes world!
bde0001, correct me if im wrong, but your location puts you in NEW England, which is the United States, putting you in the upper north east area of the country. And NOT England, the country in United Kingdom. Am I right?
im sorry i have to have the best of everything... im looking into silk bullit proof vests... they are super light weight, and can be woven into jackets and what not... super expensive to... but you know i gotta have the best

You clearly miss the point. I have said this thing before as well. If you are the high roller you claim you are, then all the bullet proof vests in the words are worthless, you'd just get shot in the head. Your vest means bugger all :-) if someone wants to kill you, you will be dead, you could spend as much as you wanted on your vest and it woundnt change shit ;) seems Mr big shot gangsta has no common sense :-)