Plant problems


Well-Known Member
Well, I looked in the FAQ, but it's hard to diagnose.

Let's start off with the easy one, How do I fix stretch on a plant that is outside? I have this plant hidden in our garden between a rhodedendrom and some other bush, with 2 LARGE fir trees above it. This plant gets little to no direct sunlight, I think only like 3 hours a day of direct. I realize this isn't the best of places for a plant, but it's a good hidden spot.

As for my other plants.. the bottom leaves are yellow on two of them. A few of the upper ones kind of twisted around and are somewhat droppy. According to grow faq this is sulphur deficiency? I may have overwatered them a tad much over the past few days... And I've -NEVER- PH'd the soil, how much of a problem can this be? I haven't fertilized.. yet.



New Member
well as for the first question go' basically awnserd your self..little to no sun light...the plant is streching to get more for the other problems what kind nutes you use an is it all outside growth...or indoor...what kind lights if indoor..


Well-Known Member
No nutes yet, except whatever was in the FoxFarm potting soil.

I have 7 26w 6500k CFLs, but due to inability to keep my cabinent below 100 degrees I only run 5 of them.. and temp is still at 91. During the day I put them out in the sun, at night under the lights.


Active Member
this is my first plant that im growing.
My plant sits outside in my backyard. It gets enought sunlight and water, but latley, I've been noticing that on some of the new sprouted leaves, that it looks like a bug or something was eating it. Like a catipiler or something just came n sat n took a few bites. I haven't seen any bugs in the soil or anything. Does anyone know whats wrong and how I can help it? Here are some pics

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Active Member
im having some problems well i started a kush sprouted seed just a week ago and it was fine till yesterday but when i woke up it had black around the tips of my 4 leafs its only a week old i keep it under a floresent light for 24hours straight non stop its 24watt but tech its 100 watts so can any one help me out on this its the outer tips are blackish =p