
Fertilizer soil, that’s potting soil inside and I was told tfsts for veggies, miracle grow fertilizer soil. The pot is a nice size and pretty deep. The deeper the roots can go the bigger the plant, right?
Hi man, welcome to RIU.

Look imma give you some of the basic info, and you fill in the gaps later by doing some good reading.

How do plants grow organically?
- Plants take up nutrients from the medium they in which they live, but they need their food decomposed first, microorganisms in the medium eat and digests nutrients, decomposing them, they will be plant available once they die or they get eaten by bigger microbes such as nematodes. The plant roots absorbe the end product. What do you do with this info? simple, you need to build a proper medium for your plant yo grow in, and a proper medium where microbes can multiply and feed your plant. Take care of the microbes and they will take care of your plant.

There are a ton of soil mixes in this site, but a simple one would be peat moss+ perlite+ earthworm castings and or compost + dry organic amendments (ask around for good amendments, there are a bunch out there). Or buy a proper soil mix like Fox farms ocean forest soil.

How to water?
Plants and microbes need water, they need they medium to be moist at all times, (moist, not soaking wet) so you gotta water slowly and let the pot be completely filled with water, then water a little every time you feel the top of your soil get dry, the leaves of your plant will also get droopy a little bit when they are thirsty.

Now cannabis is a very hungry plant, they need lots of nutrients, and different kind of nutrients given their stage of life. Lots of nitrogen when in vegetative stage, less nitrogen and more phosphorus and potassium when in flower stage.

That pot you have is not big enough for an outdoor plant, especially if you are growing organically, you could try to grow in it and see how it goes, if you don't like the results change things a little next time, or get a bigger pot and prepare a soil mix, mixing soil is fun.

Remember if you grow organically, you gotta take care of the microbes, increase their numbers (I use mulches, and top dress stuff like compost or ewc from time to time), sing their favorite songs and give them multiple sources of food, and your plants will be green and healthy as they can be.

Growing weed is pretty easy, hardest thing is to be patient. Good luck and ask around there are some pretty knowledgeable people, not me, in this site. Also some pretty good threads. If you like a little light reading then look up "Teaming with microbes", its an old book but has good content.
I was using potting soil but I am going in the morning to get fertilizer soil and change it over quickly tomorrow . That straw pot has a clear plastic pot on the inside of it Sonia that okay? And thank you
Look brother.. do what needs to be done and don't try to figure out other ways, it will end u up where you're at. Figure out a growing medium you want.. so soil I'd assume.. you need to know if it has nutrients in the soil or not. If they do you need to know when and how to top dress to add more nutrients in later stage. If your soil has none, you add it with your water for feed. You get nutrients (and ph up/down, cal mag, rapid start, ect.) And a pH kit. Get mesh pots so the soil can breathe and the roots can grow out the bottom. You can put them in a tray and feed from the bottom tray, forcing the roots to grow down. Ever piece of education cost so spend from free time and learn. You'll thank yourself in the future.