Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
here we go on an epic quest! haha... alright so. Here is a little Cab I threw together today... might have to go to home depot today and get some Mylar insulation. let me know what you think... dont mind the dirtyness on the bottom it is all cleaned up now! :)



Well-Known Member
also some more exciting news!! red dwarf fem. auto has a tail!! gonna get this cab running tonight! just thought I would check and sure as shit there was a little tail!


Well-Known Member
also some more exciting news!! red dwarf fem. auto has a tail!! gonna get this cab running tonight! just thought I would check and sure as shit there was a little tail!
little tail is white right? I had some bad autos go black tail on me, which is bad... looking good so far though


Well-Known Member
So right now I have a S.A.G.E in soil (Unknown Sex) and I have a Dwarf Red Hair Fem that is popped and going into my first DWC setup ever tonight... so stoked! Cheers to everyone's advice and support! thanks! stay posted more to come my friends


Well-Known Member
Hey man shit is looking pretty legit. The only thing I can recommend is to bring the water level pretty high up when they are seedlings that ways that can absorb a decent amount of oxygen and water through the clay pebs. Any ways everything thing looks good. Keep up the good work. REP +


Well-Known Member
thanks man... I will... I was actually asking that question... how high do I want the water?? above the bottom of the pot?


Well-Known Member
New Cab is here!!! check it out... let me know what you think! :)


gonna run the HPS for the first grow with the Autos... we shall see how this goes... wish me luck!


Well-Known Member
New Cab is here!!! check it out... let me know what you think! :)

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gonna run the HPS for the first grow with the Autos... we shall see how this goes... wish me luck!
Man that setup is if freaking awesome. It look's professional and I can tell you put a lot of time into getting this running.

Is that your carbon filter above your light?


Well-Known Member
yeah it is an odor sock... I just have to get the air movement through the cool tube increased cause the room is 68 degrees and as soon as that light warms up it is 89 in the box... so I need to get some 4" inline fans... will pick them up this week... :) it is super awesome! till then the plants will stay in the smaller box I made! thanks man.


Well-Known Member
so while I am waiting to get my inline fans... got some T-5's in there... ill snap some pics later on tonight! :)


Well-Known Member

here are some updated pics!!!

Using the TekLight... such an awesome fixture!! loving it! bigger plant is the S.A.G.E (Unknown Sex) and the smaller seedling is the Dwarf Red Hair Fem Auto... The Sage is in the Botanicare Coco mix and the Sage is in FFOF.


Well-Known Member


Well-Known Member
yeah I am so stoked!!!! I am running the light through the night... so I will update in the morning to see the progress it makes!


Well-Known Member
i have grown 2 times in 3 gallon buckets at 12 12 from seed. i know about how tall (give or take a few inches) every plant i grow will be. in my 3 gallon buckets they never get more then a foot and a half tall. just started a 32 oz. cup grow to try and maximize yeild with my lighting. i want atleast 8 plants under a 250w hps, and 125w full spectrum CFL. but anyway the size of your plant is relative to pot size. you can grow a 5 to 6 ft. plant in 3 gal. pots, but you have to veg. for a month and a half before switching. if i had your exact set up, i would try and take advantage of all that light, and either LST like the other guy recommended, or grow in smaller pots. FYI do not veg. 24/0 do 18/6.


Well-Known Member
18/6 still stands. darkness promotes better growth. if your lookin for substantial growth then switch to 18/6


Well-Known Member
yeah I think I will do that tonight... just let them run 6 hours longer... thanks!