Please check me OUT! Cab Design, Light, Seeds, GROW!


Well-Known Member
right on.. sorry got stuck in the ER with my wife last night... lower abdominal pains... we know what it is but they wont check her out there answer is pumping her full of Dilated and asking if the pain went away... well last night she told me going in she didnt want the Dilated cause she hates the way it makes her feel and our solution is much much better... anyways almost got into it with a doctor about my wifes best intrests and stuff it was bad... 8 hours later we are back home. now I am up 3 hours later to go to work... if I do not update with pictures today please forgive... I did change the light to 18/6 and through together a very light Nutrient mix... anyways I will keep you posted!


Active Member
right on.. sorry got stuck in the ER with my wife last night... lower abdominal pains... we know what it is but they wont check her out there answer is pumping her full of Dilated and asking if the pain went away... well last night she told me going in she didnt want the Dilated cause she hates the way it makes her feel and our solution is much much better... anyways almost got into it with a doctor about my wifes best intrests and stuff it was bad... 8 hours later we are back home. now I am up 3 hours later to go to work... if I do not update with pictures today please forgive... I did change the light to 18/6 and through together a very light Nutrient mix... anyways I will keep you posted!
Screw the Dilaudid! My sister spent over a year in the hospital after getting crushed by a hi-lo (and is now on dialysis, awaiting a transplant) and Dilaudid and other heavy narcotics only ever f'ed up her recovery and got her landed in the ICU over and over again. You know what really sped up her recovery? Getting approved for medical marijuana. ;) It's hard to eat or motivate yourself when you're so zonked out on meds that if you didn't have oxygen pushing into your nose you'd be dead from a lack of breathing - and if someone hadn't informed the capable hospital staff that she was indeed not breathing, due to the narcotics suppressing her respiratory system, there would've been a build-up of CO2 from not exhaling and... she would have been gone shortly, in fact, they almost weren't able to save her, multiple times, from all the drugs they pumped into her.

And yes, we had to fight tooth and nail with the docs, otherwise they would've been content to let her waste away, feeling like s***, on the verge of death, with drugs building up in her system like poison.

It's funny that we make these meds available to people while simultaneously vilifying weed.



Well-Known Member
Yeah we are hating this shit... she is getting her card this week that's all there is to it. I caught a nasty bug in the er so I'm now under the weather. Anyways plants are healthy but not a substantial amount of growth.... yet :)


Well-Known Member
cant wait only a half hour till my lights turn on and I can check on my babies!! :)


Well-Known Member
sorry guys family in town and cant get pictures... I am noticing slow growth... plants look really healthy... and maybe its normal.. but its still growing so I am happy about that!


Well-Known Member

here are some updates for everyone!! had to sneak in when I was watering to take some pics! :) I am loving the Coco mix


Well-Known Member
yeah I don't know what it could be... I mean the seeds were basically started the same day and that one is growing so much faster just really more of a lime green... maybe just the strand? has anyone grown SAGE? if so was it light green from the beginning? so anyways picked up a zip of Dirty Widow tonight and got home got it all unbagged and put into my Jar getting ready to put it away and I notice a seed in the bag... one part of me was stoked for a Dirty Widow seed and the other part was pissed my shit had seeds but after closer inspection it is the only seed so I am happy... guess whats getting germinated tonight?? haha you guessed it... Dirty Widow Bag Seed! :)


Well-Known Member
alright so I couldn't resist... Here are some more pics I took them out and think I captured the true colors a little better... the Nutes are what came with the Cab... anyone ever used the Gravity or the Hygrozyme? if so what was your experience?



Well-Known Member
dsam, let your soil dry out till its pretty much bone dry... This will help the roots move through the soil more, looking for water.... Then give them a good watering , covering the entire top of the soil and let it drain through... Im not saying flush it, so dont over do it. You should be able to come back in two or three days and the soil should just be slightly moist. Believe me, your plants will like you for this.

By the way, while you wait for the soil to dry up, just foliar spray with your pH'd water. first thing when the lights come on. Two/three sprays.

Just my advice, im sure someone will disagree!


Well-Known Member
yeah thats a great idea... will do that didnt water today and will not tomorrow... I will hit them with foliage spray in the morning and call it good! thanks mattman!


Well-Known Member
well if you want to water correctly, you will need to get a feel for how the pots feel, both wet , and dry...always go by the weight...not the " finger " method. and as for foliar spraying...kinda have to find out if it works for you without burning your plants...what i mean is. sometimes the light will sit on the leaves, and act as a magnifying glass, and burn that spot. happens to me, but i have a buddy that does it, and doesnt have problems.