please help me before i go nuts!!!!!


i am germinating seeds in a starter tray with rapid rooter plugs under a 8 tube t5. i currently have the light 6 inches awayand run them 24 hours on. the tempature is around 80 degrees. 2 seeds sprouted and looked very healthy. it seems now they are turning a brown color and kind of drooping a lil bit. my clones are right next to the seed tray in a ezclone and are going great. cant understand wat im doin wrong, ive read in the growers bible 5 times about germination and now im stressing losing all these seeds. fuck. after the seeds came out the plugs i took the lid off. im fucking lost, i can clone but cant start seeds wtf


thats all i can think of man, some users said 2 to 3 inches away with a t5, but man i dont know wat to do, ruining doggy nuts seeds is making me fucking sick, the rapid rooters are drying out but i am rewetting with a dropper. i also put the lid back on for now?????????????????????????


New Member
Are you feeding the sprouts any nutes? I haven't used nutes until about 14 days from sprouting. I used rapid rooter plugs on my seeds, just used 5.5-6.0 ph adjusted RO water to get em going then the same for 2 weeks, then 1/2 strength nutes with GH Flora line.


no nutes yet, they look like they r getting too much light and shriveling a little,but i need some opinions these are my first germinations. im trying to catch problem now before its too late


New Member
I held my (2) 6500k cfls about 2 inches away and no issues. general consensus is if you can hold your hand at that distance from the light and not feel hot or burning then its ok.


Active Member
i am germinating seeds in a starter tray with rapid rooter plugs under a 8 tube t5. i currently have the light 6 inches awayand run them 24 hours on. the tempature is around 80 degrees. 2 seeds sprouted and looked very healthy. it seems now they are turning a brown color and kind of drooping a lil bit. my clones are right next to the seed tray in a ezclone and are going great. cant understand wat im doin wrong, ive read in the growers bible 5 times about germination and now im stressing losing all these seeds. fuck. after the seeds came out the plugs i took the lid off. im fucking lost, i can clone but cant start seeds wtf
Did you put the seeds under the light before or after the preleaves came up ?


Active Member
i put seeds in light before the preleaves came out.
Well I dont think you should have done that. I dont know exactly what you mean by before the preleaves came out, I guess I should have asked better, what Im really wanting to know is did you germinate under the light? reason I ask is if the tap root ( what you see when the seed first cracks) is exposed to light that can be bad, roots dont like light, and if you only have one root well then you can see how detrimental to the plants life it can be if you damage or kill its only root by letting light shine on it.

I germinated seeds like that once and payed the price for sure. now I soak the seeds overnight in R/O water with a drop of H2O2 Ive heard using superthrive is good But I havent used that. and usually within a day the seeds crack, I then set the cracked seeds in a pre soaked starter plug inside of a rapid rooter tray and pour in a cup of water then place the dome on top of it and keep in a warm place that has no light... I like to use my stove top I turn the oven to warm (lowest setting) and it keeps my babies a perfect temp, then in about 4-5 days I see the colytedons (pre leaves) once you see them under the light it goes (t5 HO 8 tube) at about one inch away from the tops.