PM "priveleges" revoked? Am I still welcome? Should I leave here?

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
I noticed that after the fiasco over the Growers Book, my PM "privileges" were removed from my account. I have no idea why that happened. I feel that I have been a solid contributing member here since I've been on. I have also been a member of at least 3 other sites, all of which I have referenced in PMs to other members at one time or another, generally in an attempt to help them solve a problem in their room.
Yes, I referenced the Growers book to a few others here, as a fill in for the time that this site was down, and as a break from all of the "drama" that goes on. Everyone I told about the growers book were older members, who are in general very unimpressed with the drama that the kids here bring, and whom I thought would appreciate a break from it. I did not see an exclusivity clause here when I signed on, and feel that my having a membership on another site is none of the admin's business. I did not then, nor do I now advocate anyone "jump ship" or "dump" this site. I have had a very productive relationship with many members here, newbie and veteran alike, and enjoy this site immensely. But no site can fill all shoes, or fill all needs. If I recommend another site in a "PRIVATE MESSAGE" to another member, it is NOT with the intention of creating drama here, god knows that there is enough of that already. It's something I accept as a part of being here, but periodically, I need a break from it, as I'm sure others do as well. And a private message is supposed to be just that, private. What's up with that?
Like I said, I feel that I have been a constructive, contributing member here. I do not feed in to the name calling or other drama, in fact I try to quell that whenever possible. I enjoy helping new growers find their way, rather than ridicule or belittle them. I have never once bad mouthed or in any way disparaged this site. If you feel that I am encouraging sedition here, let me know now, and that will be the end of it. However, if I am to continue to be a contributing member here, and continue to help others as has been my purpose, I need the ability to PM help to others. Either way, something has to give. There is some really great talent here, no doubt, but many of those talented people are less than desirable members who cause more hate and discontent than I ever could. I would feel a loss If I were to leave this site, however I also feel that this site would lose a very civil and KNOWLEDGEABLE contributor as well.

Jack Harer


Well-Known Member
I enjoy reading what you have done, hope it gets worked out. For what it is worth....OhMy


Active Member
I enjoy reading what you have done, hope it gets worked out. For what it is worth....OhMy
I have to agree. I have read numerous posts by you, and you seem to give straight advice. I have never seen you belittle anyone, nor anymore than give sound advice. I am in favor of you getting back your previous status.


New Member
Hi Jack it appears as being a mod on another site would effect being a mod on this site which my mod status has bin revoked with out just cause and any explanation ?? and to be honest it really don't bother me that its gone either with all the drama and baby sitting on this site who really needs it Right
as for my pm privileges also have bin revoked which i find very sad as a grower of mass production i have given valuable knowledge to this site and many members friends and non friends list that normally pm me they mention spam filters on your private messaging which i question in general being what www.something .com sure i have messages concerning drying and or curing i pm links that might be helpful, same goes for alot of things plant food links different types of bugs for instance ohmy has a bug issue i search the internet for that bug that's just the way i am
i haved helped and have gotten help thru via PM's
i understand that spaming on main forums is intolerable which i never have
so i sit here wondering what rules or regulations are changed on a regular basis on this site is it admins decision
final sitting here thinking what our ancestors fought for rights and freedoms to only be taken away by whom chooses
is there not Innocent till proven guilty
i believe this is pretty much the norm in our society today

Jack Harer

Well-Known Member
Jack, just curious.
How did you find out your PM capabilities were gone/revoked?

There is no way I can PM anyone. Usually I click the name above the avatar, and the area that says send PM is now a white blank, When I go to their profile, the "send a PM" thingy is gone, and it's gone from my profile as well. It would be funny if it wasn't so petty. Oh the dead giveaway was at the Private messages button at the top of the page when I click that it tells me I do not have permission to do that.

[h=2]vBulletin Message[/h] Jack Harer, you do not have permission to access this page. This could be due to one of several reasons:

  1. Your user account may not have sufficient privileges to access this page. Are you trying to edit someone else's post, access administrative features or some other privileged system?
  2. If you are trying to post, the administrator may have disabled your account, or it may be awaiting activation.


Well-Known Member
doesn,t make any sense, because of a misunderstanding, you give plenty of positive feedback, ime. good luck bro....peace


Well-Known Member
Jack one thing i have learned here .is read your posts! i always make it a point to read your post.. although i havent comented on most of them i have learned alot from reading them .. i agree !


Well-Known Member
We work very hard to keep the spam from our members. We are bombarded with spam and most of you see very little of it. Our spam filter scans the Private Messages, and when a new member spams repeatedly, his account is banned. If an older member spams repeatedly, then his Private Messaging privileges are removed. I'm sorry that happened to you, Jack, you must have done it several times for that to happen, but I will restore it. Dr Fever, you were spamming repeatedly before, and you have been spamming again this week, so I can't restore your privileges yet.



New Member
well how can i spam if i can;t pm i see no started threads of anysort ???? while reading your rules stated below

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below. If you agree to the terms, please check the 'I agree' checkbox and press the 'Complete Registration' button below. If you would like to cancel the registration, click here to return to the forums index.

Registration to this forum is free! We do insist that you abide by the rules and policies detailed below.

If you are 18 or under, YOU MUST LEAVE NOW.
We are serious about this.

If at anytime you make it known that you are under the age of 18, we will delete your account and all of your posts. This is not a joke, please come back when you are over 18. Although the administrators and moderators of will attempt to keep all objectionable messages off this forum, it is impossible for us to review all messages. All messages express the views of the author, and neither the owners of or Jelsoft Enterprises Limited (developers of vBulletin) will be held responsible for the content of any message.

By clicking the Agree button, you warrant that you will not post any messages that are obscene, vulgar, sexually-orientated, hateful, threatening, or otherwise violative of any laws. It is strictly prohibitted to post any message related to drug-exchange, trafficing or drug-dealing. The owners of have the right to remove, edit, move or close any thread for any reason.
By clicking the Agree button, you confirm that you are over the age of 18.
By clicking the agree button you confirm that you do not work or are associated with any government agency, and information obtained through this site will be inadmissible in a court of law.
By clicking the agree button you agree that you will be growing marijuana for medicinal use only, you also agree that you are licensed by your state to grow marijuana for medical purposes

by reading this it trully doesn;t say anything about spamming or even signature guide lines so trully could we have invasion of privacy issue here meaning everyones pm are filtered have members bin notified of such things could it cause concern of safety via passing along adresses phone numbers ??? meaning there are strict guidlines laws of the internet that every person and or site has to adhere to concerning privacy issues only ordered by a court warrant to be viewed


New Member
i might add spam is a nusiance it not against the law maybe its time to contact a lawyer and revise your rules and regulations :mrgreen:


New Member
OK, Man, have your lawyer email me at

I just removed a spam link in your signature again yesterday.

never knew that would be classified as spam i see lots of links in ppls signatures

you say you removed from my signature again i only put a link in once its not again ????
but what does that got to do with private messaging pm's Are your saying i spammed there and if so are you telling me you actually saw my the pm's ??? in order to say its spam you mention private messaging is under some kind of filter shouldn;t every member here know about this is and be aware there being monitored many members might add a face book link of them or messenger link is this not spam and or anyother link reason i say this is
doesn;t PM stand for private messaging yet on other hand it really isn;t private at all

funny tho really this all stems down to a few ppl signing up on another site and yet admin signed up as well taking down names then revoking privilidges and to be honest i really dont care im not going to be little myself when you come down to it just doesn;t matter
which is not stated anywhere might raise a few eyebrows


Well-Known Member
@rollie me too man my private messaging is gone too! im sorry if i ever caused any major fiasco you never respond to my visitor messages im a solid riu'er growers book was a load of horseshit i have spoke with kevin murphy too regarding my account he knows im a good lad so yeh plz plz plz rollie....