Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie


Well-Known Member
HHO.. there is no such beast.

H2O.. well, now that is water.

Electrolysis makes H2 and O2.. they burn CLEAN in any gasoline engine.

I've been working on this for some time.. soon I will have a motorcycle running on hydrogen.
HHO is AKA browns gas.. what are you talking about there is no such a beast? electrolysis makes two H and one O, hence h2o(two hydrogen and one oxygen).. i have studied it a little bit when i was in high school.

Brown's gas", after Yull Brown who received a utility patent for a series cell common-ducted electrolyzer in 1977 and 1978 (the term "Brown's gas" is not used in his patents, but "a mixture of oxygen and hydrogen" is referenced).[8][10] Brown's torches also used an electric arc to increase the temperature of the flame (called atomic welding):[8]

quote from Oxyhydrogen - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

good luck with your bike, and make sure you post your work on youtube if you get a working product, to teach the masses. this is the only way we can beat the oil companies- an informed public so we will demand change!!!

did you even watch the link i just posted? because it has nothing to do with HHO :lol:

Watch out, the oil companies may make you dissapear.
dont listen to MM, there are plenty of people tinkering with the technology!!!

the only thing you have to watch out for is producing HHO at a rate over-unity... if you do this than you might have a problem due to the fact that you will be getting a bigger output then an input(study a guy named stan meyer with his electrolysis process YouTube - Stan Meyer - hydrogen oxygen ( HHO ) - Zero Point Energy).. if stan meyers isnt a con artist than he was really onto something.


Well-Known Member
Electrolysis is nothing old.

H2O will split into H2 and O2, not H2 and O.

O doesn't exist in nature, O2 does.

HHO is nothing but a clever way to cover up ancient technology of hitting water, mixed with electrolytes in aqueous solution, with direct current. When this happens O2 and H2 will be produced, yielding a clean burning source of fuel.

Anyone can do it.. it really isn't that hard. I met a fellow that increased his gas mileage by 14 miles per gallon by adding a back-yard generator under the hood.

Again, HHO is just a name used to say H2O.. nothing special.. if anything, he "reinvented the wheel."

Another thing.. I'm still waiting for someone to show me how you can 'make' energy.. all of these claims of more energy out-put, of any system, than the in-put have yet to be proven.. just a bunch of marketing.


Well-Known Member
Electrolysis is nothing old.


O doesn't exist in nature, O2 does.

HHO is nothing but a clever way to cover up ancient technology of hitting water, mixed with electrolytes in aqueous solution, with direct current. When this happens O2 and H2 will be produced, yielding a clean burning source of fuel.

Anyone can do it.. it really isn't that hard. I met a fellow that increased his gas mileage by 14 miles per gallon by adding a back-yard generator under the hood.

Again, HHO is just a name used to say H2O.. nothing special.. if anything, he "reinvented the wheel."

Another thing.. I'm still waiting for someone to show me how you can 'make' energy.. all of these claims of more energy out-put, of any system, than the in-put have yet to be proven.. just a bunch of marketing.
i was just simply stating that this guy stan meyers claimed to create some resonance frequency(i think he said 20K hz) to expedite the electrolysis process, and that it might be something you want to look into(i haven't done any experiments myself).

another thing i think you might want to do it calculate how much it would cost to split ~15 gals of water into pure H2 and O2. also, im curious on how many miles per gallon you can get from water after its been split into the H and O elements....

quintessentially, i would like to know the ratio of cost per mile. cost-electric cost, maybe use 12cents/Kwh for an estimate. right now im getting ~18 miles per gallon or 20 cents per mile.(figuring $3.50/gal)..

the reason i would like to know this is because i heard it would cost roughly 20 dollars to pay the electric company in order to break down a "gas" tank of water...( i also heard HHO is 4 times more efficient than gasoline.) i heard you could travel across country with the amount of HHO produced from a "gas" tank(~15gal) filled with water.

so if we could spend roughly 20 dollars to the electric company and travel across country, it would be a steal IMHO :D

also, this link below touches on the fluoride subject too.. start watching at ~41 mins into the vid :D

Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com



New Member
Originally Posted by ViRedd
The AIDS epidemic started, and was spread, in this country among the Gay population in San Francisco. If you want to read the history of it, pick up the book titled "And The Band Played On." The first three chapters is all you need to read. The rest of the book is technical medical jargon. Here's a review:

Michael Fumento reviews: "And the Band Played On."


Enigma sez ....

I bet you believe everything that you read, don't ya?!

Get real man.

No, contrary to your assertion I do not believe everything I read. I'd be delighted to read your "factual" explaination as to how AIDS was spread in this country and where the initial contact was made. So ... have at it.



Well-Known Member
i was just simply stating that this guy stan meyers claimed to create some resonance frequency(i think he said 20K hz) to expedite the electrolysis process, and that it might be something you want to look into(i haven't done any experiments myself).

another thing i think you might want to do it calculate how much it would cost to split ~15 gals of water into pure H2 and O2. also, im curious on how many miles per gallon you can get from water after its been split into the H and O elements....

quintessentially, i would like to know the ratio of cost per mile. cost-electric cost, maybe use 12cents/Kwh for an estimate. right now im getting ~18 miles per gallon or 20 cents per mile.(figuring $3.50/gal)..

the reason i would like to know this is because i heard it would cost roughly 20 dollars to pay the electric company in order to break down a "gas" tank of water...( i also heard HHO is 4 times more efficient than gasoline.) i heard you could travel across country with the amount of HHO produced from a "gas" tank(~15gal) filled with water.

so if we could spend roughly 20 dollars to the electric company and travel across country, it would be a steal IMHO :D

also, this link below touches on the fluoride subject too.. start watching at ~41 mins into the vid :D

Esoteric Agenda - Sprword.com


HHO is no such thing.

Drop it.


Experiments estimate 100 miles per 4 ounces of water. This is also dependent on the system used to create HYDROGEN and OXYGEN from water using ELECTROLYSIS.

Of course, a vehicle getting 30 miles per gallon of gasoline will be substantially lower than a vehicle getting 70 miles per gallon of gasoline.

Keep in mind gasoline is a HYDROCARBON. Which means, roughly, it is LESS EFFICIENT than HYDROGEN alone.

Besides, it was the H-Bomb.. not the G-Bomb.




Well-Known Member
Experiments estimate 100 miles per 4 ounces of water. This is also dependent on the system used to create HYDROGEN and OXYGEN from water using ELECTROLYSIS.

Of course, a vehicle getting 30 miles per gallon of gasoline will be substantially lower than a vehicle getting 70 miles per gallon of gasoline.


"Experiments estimate 100 miles per 4 ounces of water. This is also dependent on the system used to create HYDROGEN and OXYGEN from water using ELECTROLYSIS."

ok, this is GREAT infomation (128fl oz/gal) that would mean you can run ~3200 miles from a single gallon OF WATER!!!! WHOOHOOO.. (thats considering using the same car as above and getting aprox 100miles/4oz of water)

now the question for its viability is, how much would it cost(maybe estimate and average cost of 12cents/Kwh) to convert one gallon of water into hydrogen and oxygen????

the savings will be incredible!!! and the only byproduct/"waste" will be pure water that you could literally drink(considering your guts of your car is clean)..


Well-Known Member
Originally Posted by ViRedd
The AIDS epidemic started, and was spread, in this country among the Gay population in San Francisco. If you want to read the history of it, pick up the book titled "And The Band Played On." The first three chapters is all you need to read. The rest of the book is technical medical jargon. Here's a review:

Michael Fumento reviews: "And the Band Played On."

YouTube - Vaccines - Alex Jones

start watching at 3mins Redd :(

im not telling you this is truth, but maybe something that could be plausable:-?


Well-Known Member
"Experiments estimate 100 miles per 4 ounces of water. This is also dependent on the system used to create HYDROGEN and OXYGEN from water using ELECTROLYSIS."

ok, this is GREAT infomation (128fl oz/gal) that would mean you can run ~3200 miles from a single gallon OF WATER!!!! WHOOHOOO.. (thats considering using the same car as above and getting aprox 100miles/4oz of water)

now the question for its viability is, how much would it cost(maybe estimate and average cost of 12cents/Kwh) to convert one gallon of water into hydrogen and oxygen????

the savings will be incredible!!! and the only byproduct/"waste" will be pure water that you could literally drink(considering your guts of your car is clean)..
I wouldn't drink it.. but atleast the pollution would go down quite a bit.. the trick is getting enough people to use old carbuerated vehicles.. or atleast getting a true gas-injected vehicle.

See, gasloline will not ignite when it is in liquid form. It must be vaporized first. Since Hydrogen is already in gaseous form, and it is more powerful than gasoline, I'd imagine some pretty damn good numbers.

The problem we face is that pure water DOES NOT CONDUCT ELECTRICITY.

Electrolytes such as table salt (Sodium Chloride NaCl) and baking soda (Sodium bicarbonate NaHCO3) work well aiding in the electrolysis process by allowing the electrons to be 'picked' up by Hydrogen and Oxygen.

So, sea water would be perfect.. or just keep a box of one of these substances will the vehicle along with water.

The other thing we have to worry about it OXIDATION of the ELECTRODES.

SO, stainless steel.. copper.. gold.. platinum.. iridium.. would be basic metals we'd have to use bassed upon conductivity, accessability, and the resistance of them becoming oxidized (pretty much destroyed).

Now, there was a documented test vehicle that went from Los Angeles, California to New York, New York on only 22 GALLONS of WATER.


New Member

Washington, DC - In a November 20, 2002 letter from the Office of the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, AIDS ORIGIN researcher, Boyd E. Graves, J.D. has been given sixty days to file suit in the U.S. federal court of his choosing.

"The people have forced the right to sue the United States over their "creation", "production" and "proliferation" of HIV/AIDS through the secret, federal virus development program, the U.S. Special (AIDS) Virus program (1948 - 1978)." said Graves.

"The yearly progress reports of the secret program provide the irrefutable narrative proof of the linkage of experiment to the flowchart, "research logic" of the African Holocaust. This best explains how Black people account for 13% of the population and 50% of all new AIDS cases."

Graves, a civil rights lawyer and decorated US Navy veteran, filed a similar complaint with Ohio's federal courts in 1998. After his 33 month legal battle and an appeal to the US Supreme Court in 2001, Graves' lawsuit finally prompted Congress to request an investigation into the missing appropriations of the secret federal virus development program Special Virus through the US General Accounting Office.

The US government's official report was made public following the terrorist attacks of September 11th and was highly criticized as a 'total white-wash' by many independent investigators, including Professor Robert Lee and Harvard's Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Graves and his supporters say they are confident the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS is irrefutable.

"We can show through the progress reports of the secret program, that the original name of HIV was ESP-1 virus, developed in accordance with the phases of the flowchart." Graves said. "The United States purposefully and intentionally, complemented the "small pox" vaccine that went to Africa and the "Hepatitis B" vaccine that was given to homosexuals that the United States recruited for that purpose."

Graves said he is hopeful people support his efforts by downloading the 1971 flow chart document from his website
www.boydgraves.com, and by writing to elected and appointed health officials.

"We have found the well-spring of the genesis of AIDS," said Graves. "It is our nation state, it is us."

There is also the monkey theory, you know man fucked a monkey an viola, AIDS was born.
So choose one!


Well-Known Member

Washington, DC - In a November 20, 2002 letter from the Office of the Secretary of the United States Department of Health and Human Services, AIDS ORIGIN researcher, Boyd E. Graves, J.D. has been given sixty days to file suit in the U.S. federal court of his choosing.

"The people have forced the right to sue the United States over their "creation", "production" and "proliferation" of HIV/AIDS through the secret, federal virus development program, the U.S. Special (AIDS) Virus program (1948 - 1978)." said Graves.

"The yearly progress reports of the secret program provide the irrefutable narrative proof of the linkage of experiment to the flowchart, "research logic" of the African Holocaust. This best explains how Black people account for 13% of the population and 50% of all new AIDS cases."

Graves, a civil rights lawyer and decorated US Navy veteran, filed a similar complaint with Ohio's federal courts in 1998. After his 33 month legal battle and an appeal to the US Supreme Court in 2001, Graves' lawsuit finally prompted Congress to request an investigation into the missing appropriations of the secret federal virus development program Special Virus through the US General Accounting Office.

The US government's official report was made public following the terrorist attacks of September 11th and was highly criticized as a 'total white-wash' by many independent investigators, including Professor Robert Lee and Harvard's Dr. Leonard G. Horowitz.

Graves and his supporters say they are confident the evidence of the laboratory birth of AIDS is irrefutable.

"We can show through the progress reports of the secret program, that the original name of HIV was ESP-1 virus, developed in accordance with the phases of the flowchart." Graves said. "The United States purposefully and intentionally, complemented the "small pox" vaccine that went to Africa and the "Hepatitis B" vaccine that was given to homosexuals that the United States recruited for that purpose."

Graves said he is hopeful people support his efforts by downloading the 1971 flow chart document from his website www.boydgraves.com, and by writing to elected and appointed health officials.

"We have found the well-spring of the genesis of AIDS," said Graves. "It is our nation state, it is us."

There is also the monkey theory, you know man fucked a monkey an viola, AIDS was born.
So choose one!

It is only logical that it was manufactured.. it isn't like.. whoops.. a new virus that never existed before all of a sudden popped up.. no evolution with ancesteral trace... hrm.

Thanks for the tech. info.


Well-Known Member
I love this article..

1984USA Homepage

Esp. the diagram.. I always pull it up when I've proved without a doubt that what I'm saying is truth or AT LEAST needs further examination.. but that chart always reminds me what I'm dealing with.. humans being humans, their minds working 'the easy way'..

Aids was made by our government- used to carry out eugenics experiments. Aids is racially bias extremely. I'm not even going to bother sourcing this- most of your brains will just continue the 'easy' loop..

Peace and love.


New Member
Hey, I never said AIDS wasn't "manufactured." The questions I asked were:

1. How was it introduced into the U.S.?

2. How was/is it spread?

Those questions are answered in the book I recommended: "And The Band Played On."

AIDS started in this country among the male homosexual population in San Francisco, especially among those who visited the bath houses. It quickly took on the status of "political correctness" and was covered up. Even the health department in San Francisco wouldn't do anything about it. To this day, the homosexual community takes dangerous risks and continues to spread the disease among the population.

Again, why the emphasis on where it was created and not on how to prevent the spread of the disease?



Well-Known Member
I heard the condom companies and especially Trojan finacially helped the research that led to the invention of AIDS have you guys read about that?


Well-Known Member
Hey, I never said AIDS wasn't "manufactured." The questions I asked were:

1. How was it introduced into the U.S.?

2. How was/is it spread?

Those questions are answered in the book I recommended: "And The Band Played On."

AIDS started in this country among the male homosexual population in San Francisco, especially among those who visited the bath houses. It quickly took on the status of "political correctness" and was covered up. Even the health department in San Francisco wouldn't do anything about it. To this day, the homosexual community takes dangerous risks and continues to spread the disease among the population.

Again, why the emphasis on where it was created and not on how to prevent the spread of the disease?

So, why didn't the Romans get it?