Poisoning our water: The Fluoride Lie

past times

Well-Known Member
not trying to argue...just state facts that were recieved at an accredidated dental school in the usa. fluoride does and has been proven to be beneficial for the oral cavity in both "hardening" of the teeth as well as positively effecting the oral flora of bacteria by inhibiting it from metabolizing carbohydrates...byproduct is acid wihich errodes teeth.

Fluoride does: 1. create a stronger mineral bond in enamel making it "harder" and less susceptable to break down
2. inhibit bacterial metabolism. the byproduct created by these rxn's are acidic in nature

Fluoride is toxic and should not be ingested in excess. 1.5ppm is the high end where one will not see any more benefit. even at this level, one does not need to worry about excessive ingestion...you will drowned yourself in water prior to fluoide toxicity problems

where are you getting your information blonddie?


Well-Known Member
Fresh water = exactly how nature should have it...if fresh water has natural fluoride from the springs... by all means forget everything i said. and i agree with the fluoride being injected in our water.

Or RO water :)

It will surly make me feel a lot better about this fluoride situation!


Well-Known Member
Well, it is found in nature, so it is possible that some spring somewhere is naturally fluoridated. Look for the deer with the sparkling teeth.


Well-Known Member
Well, it is found in nature, so it is possible that some spring somewhere is naturally fluoridated. Look for the deer with the sparkling teeth.
lol, that was funny :D
i dont trust the gov't one bit after studying the things they dont teach us in school. the us gov't has done more atrocities than all the gangs combined. its all about the $$$$$$ to them.

let me give you some examples.

YouTube - Grow more pot! Part 1 theres a second part if you want to see it.

YouTube - RUN FROM THE CURE - The Rick Simpson Story (Part 1 of 7)

YouTube - The Iraq War: Legal or Illegal?


Well-Known Member
Corporations have created diseases to sell the cure time and time again.


Educate yourself, and that you for this. I've known this for years.. glad to know there is another awakened mind out there!




New Member
Corporations have created diseases to sell the cure time and time again.
So, are these "cures" responsible for our increased longevity rates? And if so, have the greedy corporations created "cures" to increase our longevity so we will have to consume their products over a longer life-span? ~lol~



Well-Known Member
So, are these "cures" responsible for our increased longevity rates? And if so, have the greedy corporations created "cures" to increase our longevity so we will have to consume their products over a longer life-span? ~lol~

where the hell did AIDs come from? i heard it came from fucking monkeys or eating their brains raw, or something like that...

so my question is, how come we have such an AIDs epidemic now, when AIDs wasn't even around back in the day. i doubt AIDs has been on this earth more than 100 years.....

idk, maybe im cynical but i do believe it might have been manifested by some eugenics freaks!!

actually i was watching a movie on eugenics and a professor said "AIDs was no good, it didn't work fast enough"..... lmao, is it really that hard to believe? some people are just loony, and dont care for anyone except their self.

edit- i was just searching eugenics on youtube and in the vid it goes and says why there is such a bad AIDs epidemic in Africa. thanks to Bill Gates and "planned parenthood" apparently YouTube - Eugenics part 2 crazy shit.



Well-Known Member
where the hell did AIDs come from? i heard it came from fucking monkeys or eating their brains raw, or something like that...

so my question is, how come we have such an AIDs epidemic now, when AIDs wasn't even around back in the day. i doubt AIDs has been on this earth more than 100 years.....

idk, maybe im cynical but i do believe it might have been manifested by some eugenics freaks!!

actually i was watching a movie on eugenics and a professor said "AIDs was no good, it didn't work fast enough"..... lmao, is it really that hard to believe? some people are just loony, and dont care for anyone except their self.

edit- i was just searching eugenics on youtube and in the vid it goes and says why there is such a bad AIDs epidemic in Africa. thanks to Bill Gates and "planned parenthood" apparently YouTube - Eugenics part 2 crazy shit.

There are scientists that developed single celled organisms for bio-warfare.. there is no doubt in my mind that AIDS was one of them.


New Member
The AIDS epidemic started, and was spread, in this country among the Gay population in San Francisco. If you want to read the history of it, pick up the book titled "And The Band Played On." The first three chapters is all you need to read. The rest of the book is technical medical jargon. Here's a review:

Michael Fumento reviews: "And the Band Played On."



Well-Known Member
i didnt read the whole thing because im lazy, but it doesnt tell us where the advent of AIDs comes from. it also doesn't explain why Africa has such a bad epidemic. i sadly believe that people are actually getting infected with AIDs from allegedly "benevolent" shots for the Africans.

it was cited in the latter link that i posted that, there are children whose parents both do not have AIDs (these children are virgins obviously) who have AIDs. these are little kids who have AIDs when their own parents dont have AIDs and they have been given shots by "planned parenthood" - a eugenics cult IMHO.
but that is hearsay from the link that i posted and i have not done much research on the subject myself.


Well-Known Member
The AIDS epidemic started, and was spread, in this country among the Gay population in San Francisco. If you want to read the history of it, pick up the book titled "And The Band Played On." The first three chapters is all you need to read. The rest of the book is technical medical jargon. Here's a review:

Michael Fumento reviews: "And the Band Played On."


I bet you believe everything that you read, don't ya?!

Get real man.


New Member
HHO.. there is no such beast.

H2O.. well, now that is water.

Electrolysis makes H2 and O2.. they burn CLEAN in any gasoline engine.

I've been working on this for some time.. soon I will have a motorcycle running on hydrogen.
Watch out, the oil companies may make you dissapear.