Police Interactions.

How you see it is less important than how a judge sees it, and it won’t be as a descriptor.

Also, IQ as a measure of smarts is, well, stupid.
Case by case and this might be one of those precedent setters! It was either malicious or stupid, there are limited options.
goddamn, can the police in this country go one fucking week without doing something incredibly fucking stupid and racist?
i'm thinking it's about time to shit can the whole fucking bunch of them, hire the boy scouts, they'll be a lot more helpful and i highly doubt any of them will be stupid enough to sic a dog on someone when they haven't confirmed their identities...
do police not get any training any more, just get hired, get a gun and a badge, and go shoot some motherfuckers?
goddamn, can the police in this country go one fucking week without doing something incredibly fucking stupid and racist?
i'm thinking it's about time to shit can the whole fucking bunch of them, hire the boy scouts, they'll be a lot more helpful and i highly doubt any of them will be stupid enough to sic a dog on someone when they haven't confirmed their identities...
do police not get any training any more, just get hired, get a gun and a badge, and go shoot some motherfuckers?
I would like to see us start training kids who want to be cops in school so that when they graduate they can become rookies (and if still under 18, they can intern or something until they do hit 18). They can still learn math and shit, but for real, most of the day can be some kind of structured program for them.

There is no reason that people who want to go traditional route and join after school, or whatever still can do it, but we should start looking to get this next generation in right away.

idk, happy turkey day man.

“The bystander who was recording the incident was also threatened with arrest.”

We need immediate Federal protection of anyone recording the police at any time. Because this is bullshit.

“The bystander who was recording the incident was also threatened with arrest.”

We need immediate Federal protection of anyone recording the police at any time. Because this is bullshit.
sounds like the fucks at the bank owe him an apology, too
One of the biggest problems is that the cops go to school for six months or something like that and we’re lucky if they spend a day or two on the constitution and what the relative amendments mean. They get out of stupid school thinking they are above constitutional law. I've had a lot of interations with the police all very minor and many of them were instigated by myself? You don't have to show them your ID when your walking down the street and they can't legally detain you more than 5 minutes before they arrest you. Those are just a couple of examples of the stinkies violating your rights but i could list dozens. I have an app that i just tap on and immediately up to 3 people are alerted that I'm "interacting" with the police. It also immediately starts recording without any indication you are recording? The recording is sent off to where they can't get it, potentially saving your ass. The recording does not have to be a secret however. It's you right to record them. Do you give your receipt to the door clowns when you walk out of Wally World? I always say no thank you and keep walking. They have NO legal right. I invite confrontation when I've done nothing wrong.
Note: I am upper middle class and have the luxury of being able to painfully pay for good attorneys. Most people don't. I'm white so I can play around. Thr fear of not be able to mess with them would suck. Know your rights and let them know that you know what they are. fuck them and record.(Do call them if you need them) wtf.
There are disorders that cause people to blink more frequently, or rapidly. I think they call it ticking... but I kinda think this guy did some coke. Any opinions on it?
