Police Interactions.

One of the biggest problems is that the cops go to school for six months or something like that and we’re lucky if they spend a day or two on the constitution and what the relative amendments mean. They get out of stupid school thinking they are above constitutional law. I've had a lot of interations with the police all very minor and many of them were instigated by myself? You don't have to show them your ID when your walking down the street and they can't legally detain you more than 5 minutes before they arrest you. Those are just a couple of examples of the stinkies violating your rights but i could list dozens. I have an app that i just tap on and immediately up to 3 people are alerted that I'm "interacting" with the police. It also immediately starts recording without any indication you are recording? The recording is sent off to where they can't get it, potentially saving your ass. The recording does not have to be a secret however. It's you right to record them. Do you give your receipt to the door clowns when you walk out of Wally World? I always say no thank you and keep walking. They have NO legal right. I invite confrontation when I've done nothing wrong.
Note: I am upper middle class and have the luxury of being able to painfully pay for good attorneys. Most people don't. I'm white so I can play around. Thr fear of not be able to mess with them would suck. Know your rights and let them know that you know what they are. fuck them and record.(Do call them if you need them) wtf.
Did you write this to brag about what white people can do and Black people get beaten or killed for doing?
Think this would have happened with a white kid? Who called the cops for refusing to play kickball? What was his "crime" that he needed to be violently arrested. Taking 10 year old's out of school in cuffs and all the kids happen to be black, the UN should investigate these assholes and try them in the Hague, if America can't do better than this bullshit.

He was treated as a prisoner at school FFS, in prison if you don't comply that's what happens to you. Schools are suppose to help and support kids, not pull this kind of bullshit off on them. Did this happen to you in school for skipping classes, or not wanting to play a sport?

I agree just not that it wouldn’t couldn’t doesn’t happen to anyone but American minorities. I not justifying these cocksuckers . I think we as a country need to come together to crush them but all this bs is keeping us focused on each other and too busy to notice the real enemies of our citizens/country and they are in the wide open to boot
I ask why this is happening to asians and instantly called racist. You ask if it happens to whites. no issue. Watch in 1..2.. stop playing victim. No victims here. I just still believe equality =equality, racism means racism etc etc Have you been outside lately amongst real people just no politics talk to everyone even if you think you know how they vote just talk about something else like hey nice muklucs idk anything. Your an intelligent guy i could probably sit and talk to and learn something from you all day. Im guessing you only fuck with certain people who would agree all day though
I ask why this is happening to asians and instantly called racist. You ask if it happens to whites. no issue. Watch in 1..2.. stop playing victim. No victims here. I just still believe equality =equality, racism means racism etc etc Have you been outside lately amongst real people just no politics talk to everyone even if you think you know how they vote just talk about something else like hey nice muklucs idk anything. Your an intelligent guy i could probably sit and talk to and learn something from you all day. Im guessing you only fuck with certain people who would agree all day thiugh
Look at minorities as kinda canaries in the coal mine, they get hit first, then you. Bully cops will abuse anybody, white or black, as long as they figure they are poor and powerless, and that they can get away with it. Accountability brings professional behavior or dismissal and camera's help enforce that. Also, too often cops are called for social and mental health issues and often make things worse, too many of society's problems are shoved onto police to somehow solve. If the only tool you have is a hammer, you tend to perceive your problems as a series of nails to be hammered.
I with you on the brutality issue. Im not against cameras either actually think they’re more valuable now than ever before even though the true value is the way the pics/ vids can be so rapidly and widely seen.
Why does it always have to be about race? Any footage before cops were brought into it? Im not resisting….,, im sure it was all about not wanting to play kickball.

I would have gel sprayed their asses from my car..part of the issue is that the voyeur did nothing but yell 'hey'..meanwhile I'm watching the nerve/brain damage being done to that kid by what his feet are doing every time he gets hit.

I would have let the Chief know by tagging which I believe voyeur did but I would have followed with 911.

Wonder if he made it or was murdered?

You now have to police the police..tough shit on mental health calls and get your STAR Teams asses out there. None you say? Get one!:finger:
I would have gel sprayed their asses from my car..part of the issue is that the voyeur did nothing but yell 'hey'..meanwhile I'm watching the nerve/brain damage being done to that kid by what his feet are doing every time he gets hit.

I would have let the Chief know by tagging which I believe voyeur did but I would have followed with 911.

Wonder if he made it or was murdered?

You now have to police the police..tough shit on mental health calls and get your STAR Teams asses out there. None you say? Get one!:finger:
they just really need to hit cops who murder people with the toughest sentences possible, and then just stick them into general population when they get to prison. They've been getting special treatment for a long time, bout time for Karma to make a long overdue adjustment.
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I can't believe those 5 guys are even trained police officers,complete lack of professionalism,dialogue on body cams is basically a gang of thugs rapping,a joint manipulation hold or wristlock is the way to handcuff,not punching in the face and kicking in the head. Once cuffed these guys continue the beatdown.When they are finally done no one offers any aid including other "officers" who show up and medical assistance takes an eternity to show up.I didn't see ONE superior officer(seargent) present to reign these idiots in. This is what happens when poorly trained thugs are employed as police officers an absolute discrace to Memphis that those guys ever passed the police academy,let alone a "elite unit",these clowns pepper sprayed each other, condolences to the Nichol's family for your tragic loss,can't say I'd blame you if you are forever jaded by this.
Feel better

No, because very few showed for Tyre on the bridge..someone makes it about color. Beatdowns happen every day..now you got to see police mechanism in action. My ex told me. 'don't make me run'..from the skycop 'you made me run'..I could see a cop bending down in his face his arms flailing wildly 'you made us run'. Gang behavior..getting their stories straight. Though I think the beating of the white kid in Alabama was way worse- I may be wrong..is there an update? Ben Crump? Televised?
Cellphones and cameras have done more for black folks rights and to bust hate and stupidity, than government legislation, though more of that is required for hate crimes and those at civil war with America. Cameras are corrupt cops biggest enemies and bust bigots and bullies daily.

The guy getting the beatdown is white.
I honestly don’t know anything about the story of the white kid. I obviously understand that there is a race component to the issue of brutality and minorities end up dead unfortunately in alo of these.. I just think when that component is found to be part of it then its extra just like i think its extra for doing it under the protection of a badge.