Police Shame lol


Well-Known Member
Just thought this was funny. The police posted this to channel 9 here and were proud of this bust lol.

So sad to see them waste their time on this. Dude that got caught Posted the raid to Facebook. Seven cars, a raid van and tactical gear and over 20 officers needed for this.
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Just thought this was funny. The police posted this to channel 9 here and were proud of this bust lol.

So sad to see them waste their time on this. Dude that hot caught Posted the raid to Facebook. Seven cars, a raid van and tactical gear and over 20 officers needed for this.
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Looks like they made a $100,000 bust and safely removed 16 pounds of marijuana from the streets.
Its petrol sniffing in Australia not meth lol
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Glue for sure ATM. A big issue with KS bond in the aboriginal community. Speaking of that, they also have this fascination with smoking cigarettes on public transport. Every. Bloody. Day. Yesterday a bunch got on, refused to pay the fare, spat t the driver and threatened to stab him, lit a cigarette each and then called everyone racist.

I had this young aboriginal girl hit me up at the park the other day. Nice enough girl. Wouldn't leave me alone lol. I asked her what she was doing for the night to be polite as she had an 8" hunting knife on her belt. She was so excited to mention the night ahead and the Glue, and had to immediately call the hardware store to reserve a few tubes of KS bond. She called five and they were out. The last one had some in stock and she was like a kid at Xmas. Literally ran off to get it. Such as shame as she was well spoken and gorgeous. Hard to see.
Cops are just people doing a job . The problem is they’re leadership and the politicians giving orders to leadership. Thats why they bust a couple oz of pot but everyone’s running around on meth stabbing people. Priority problems. Keep voting it will get better lol. Sounds like its time to carry a bigger knife. Its the same every where. Imo the real shame is people just stand by and video nowadays gotta get that vine its more important than humanity itself. When a bus full of people are terrorized by a couple fools and all balls and bravery are gone you better get used to the smoke and lacerations
Cops are just people doing a job . The problem is they’re leadership and the politicians giving orders to leadership. Thats why they bust a couple oz of pot but everyone’s running around on meth stabbing people. Priority problems. Keep voting it will get better lol. Sounds like its time to carry a bigger knife. Its the same every where. Imo the real shame is people just stand by and video nowadays gotta get that vine its more important than humanity itself. When a bus full of people are terrorized by a couple fools and all balls and bravery are gone you better get used to the smoke and lacerations
I have no issue with police themselves. I've been busted multiple times for countless stupidity and have near 20k in fines lol. As i was not an ass, they were always decent with me. Most of the issues here come form entitled asshats thinking they are above the law tbh.

I havent learned my lesson and never will. An 8 strong bunch of thugs were assaulting an old man last year and i intervened. 70 stitches later and a plate in my jaw and im all good. I'd do it again in a heartbeat. As you mentioned, everyone stood around screaming and filming.
Cops are just people doing a job . The problem is they’re leadership and the politicians giving orders to leadership. Thats why they bust a couple oz of pot but everyone’s running around on meth stabbing people. Priority problems. Keep voting it will get better lol. Sounds like its time to carry a bigger knife. Its the same every where. Imo the real shame is people just stand by and video nowadays gotta get that vine its more important than humanity itself. When a bus full of people are terrorized by a couple fools and all balls and bravery are gone you better get used to the smoke and lacerations
That’s right, my mom was a criminalist in my country’s capital(eastern europe), and a pretty good one. She wasn’t in the spot of the orders because deaths are deaths and in a country with 10 real crimes a year(not car accidents and deaths that are clear) nobody cares about them. But there was a big fire in a club-Colectiv, you can find the story online. Oh well my country had a thing with the states, a big drug company to be specific, heroin precursors and napalm, and that fire was exactly a cover up when some secret agents came here to investigate. In the club the fire extended in a second. From that moment things changed and my mom retierd because she doesn’t like to take orders:)))i got that from her. But yeah that’s how the world works:(A4BDA19E-2E98-4ACA-B58D-C19D0C97251D.png
Glue for sure ATM. A big issue with KS bond in the aboriginal community. Speaking of that, they also have this fascination with smoking cigarettes on public transport. Every. Bloody. Day. Yesterday a bunch got on, refused to pay the fare, spat t the driver and threatened to stab him, lit a cigarette each and then called everyone racist.

I had this young aboriginal girl hit me up at the park the other day. Nice enough girl. Wouldn't leave me alone lol. I asked her what she was doing for the night to be polite as she had an 8" hunting knife on her belt. She was so excited to mention the night ahead and the Glue, and had to immediately call the hardware store to reserve a few tubes of KS bond. She called five and they were out. The last one had some in stock and she was like a kid at Xmas. Literally ran off to get it. Such as shame as she was well spoken and gorgeous. Hard to see.
i drove a cab in Fargo N.D. for 4 years. there are mostly Sioux and some Chippewa there. you wouldn't see them in town very often, till the end of the month, when tribal funds were disbursed. then you would see them wandering aimlessly, or passed out in doorways downtown, all with rings of gold or silver metallic spray paint on their faces from huffing. they liked the metallic paint because it took more solvent in the can to keep them flowing... it made me ashamed, for them, and for myself. ashamed for them that they had fallen so far, and ashamed of myself and my people for pushing them to it. sorry to hear it's far from a localized problem, even though i knew it wasn't.
i drove a cab in Fargo N.D. for 4 years. there are mostly Sioux and some Chippewa there. you wouldn't see them in town very often, till the end of the month, when tribal funds were disbursed. then you would see them wandering aimlessly, or passed out in doorways downtown, all with rings of gold or silver metallic spray paint on their faces from huffing. they liked the metallic paint because it took more solvent in the can to keep them flowing... it made me ashamed, for them, and for myself. ashamed for them that they had fallen so far, and ashamed of myself and my people for pushing them to it. sorry to hear it's far from a localized problem, even though i knew it wasn't.
It's so sad. I would love to help, and worked in mental health for a while. The issue of race has been polarized so much that you can't even mention the issues in their community, or propose a initiative without being called racist, from them or the white Australian population. I just want the best for everyone. You have both sides claiming its "racist' to want to initiate education and empowerment programs, and I was very vocal about trying to push community based artistic programs which all got labelled as "trying to push white culture" on them, even though they were based around native art, hip-hop, Urban art and Community employment programs and incentives.

I hope for a change, but I couldn't stand being called racist every time i tired to improve community standards and left to work in the steel fabrication industry then on. I still feel guilty as I wasn;t able to cop the abuse. If i could I might have been able to make a change in a few peoples lives.
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