POLL: Who would like to see a Nutrient Forum?

Would you like a forum just to discuss nutrients?

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Active Member
Poll is over but I would also like to request a separate forum.

But here is some of my thoughts:

SuperThrive: 10/10 Get a big bottle of it. It is expensive, but you dont really need to use a ton of it for excellent results. I have used it on all my houseplants, and for instance, one plant of species I have no idea, grew over 28 inches in 2 weeks. TWO WEEKS. I have no idea what the stem is doing growing like it is sans foliage, but it was nearly dead when gf mother gave it to us. Our tarragon is more flavorful since using it and much more aromatic.

FoxFarm GrowBig: 7/10 I used this when I first started my current grow. I wanted something more organic, but ultimately I am an experimenter so I had to buy multiple brands to compare. The GrowBig is easy to use, just shake, measure out and pour. It is simple, but you have to use a lot. Water gets brown and cloudy. However, growth was pretty fast during vegetative under 200cfl or something; 2-4 inches per night.

General Hydroponics Flora Series: 3/10
I used this as my first choice after the FoxFarm because I figured that the oldest ones in the biz would probably be the best. Everytime I used the instructions on the bottle, I burned the shit out of my babies. I always change my rez and sanitize everything every week, so I have had to fix multiple problems by altering the flowering period by interrupting 24/7 light (for example, to repair root rot) For me, the tables are hard to use. I have to convert the units (which taught me the conversions) but it was more difficult to mix than it should be. Plants during that time period were under stress, but I dont think I can contribute the nutrients to being better than the FoxFarm. Plus if I used the instructions on the bottle I would have used it up faster. I ended up using 2/3 of the instructions.

Dutch Masters Advanced A + B Grow / Bloom: First off, it SMELLS LIKE SHIT if you dont have air filtration, think about your house smelling like a sewer. However, it shows results when you use it. Plants look more vigorous but you still cant use the full strength, I just drop top ppm to 1500 rather than 1700+

Dutch Masters Gold A + B Grow / Bloom:
Same as above, except with ridiculous good results. Nice waxy appearance and everything. Still smells horrible.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
This is funny. Sorry folks, a nutrient forum is not about anecdotal evidence, product names and labels designed to attract noobs with fat wallets . It should be about plant nutrition, as in NPK values and micros.


New Member
Uncle Ben they mainly be sheep not Rams. No desire to learn why, just be told what to do. Doesn't work that way in real life, but few are living that firmly based in reality. Too stoned, too often to learn much. Copiers and followers, oh my!

Try to tels them about recommended ratios N:P, N:K, Ca:N, Mg:N, or P:S. Or how roots dump OH- or H+ to maintain, ionic neutrality in their roots (ie adding all + and minus charges must produce zero). Then there are all the standards that efect everything such as pH, temp, CO2 levels, lighting intensity, strains penotypes, growing methods, organic/inorganic etc etc. Watch their eyes roll back in their skulls.

Uncle Ben

Well-Known Member
Uncle Ben they mainly be sheep not Rams. No desire to learn why, just be told what to do. Doesn't work that way in real life, but few are living that firmly based in reality. Too stoned, too often to learn much. Copiers and followers, oh my!

Try to tels them about recommended ratios N:P, N:K, Ca:N, Mg:N, or P:S. Or how roots dump OH- or H+ to maintain, ionic neutrality in their roots (ie adding all + and minus charges must produce zero). Then there are all the standards that efect everything such as pH, temp, CO2 levels, lighting intensity, strains penotypes, growing methods, organic/inorganic etc etc. Watch their eyes roll back in their skulls.
I hear dat!


Active Member
Try to tels them about recommended ratios N:P, N:K, Ca:N, Mg:N, or P:S. Or how roots dump OH- or H+ to maintain, ionic neutrality in their roots (ie adding all + and minus charges must produce zero). Then there are all the standards that efect everything such as pH, temp, CO2 levels, lighting intensity, strains penotypes, growing methods, organic/inorganic etc etc. Watch their eyes roll back in their skulls.

Hit me. Wouldn't mind some of that knowledge.


Well-Known Member

Can't we have both in the same forum?

I'm learning the NPK, micro nutrient stuff because I eventually want to make my own nutes - but I'm also interested in the performance of commercial fertilizers and supplements so I can know the benchmark I have to beat to make my nutes worthwhile.

Have both commercial and DIY factions in the forum, they can battle it out with knowledge and tests. A nutrient forum is a fantastic idea.


Yes, Hobbes,

We need to apply a methodical, scientific approach to this subject. If this has already been stated forgive... as I did not read the whole post.

Let's prove to our people what we do or do not need to do to help or plant flower to its potential.




New Member
Some one needs to start it out by starting up an appropriate thread title. I am too controversial a poster to start threads. My name alone seems to draw argument regardless of the topic no matter what I write. People argue with me when I say water is wet. They immediattely respond with absurdities about ice not being wet. Not much ice used in growing pot but some just can not let anything I write go unchallenged. Something like "methodical, scientific approach to nutrient formulations" would hopefully keep most people from getting into the Big Mikes stuff is best statementsetc. Maybe! It's the formulation that matters and the reasons for those formulations, not brands or names etc.


Well-Known Member
I'd put the Nutrients forum as a sub-forum under MJ Plant Problems.
Nutes seem to be more of a problem then help for newbies.


New Member
Considering that I think most growers that are interested are mainly interested in chemical fertilizers for aeroponic/hydroponic/bublleponics/NTF and DWC I would think for now just a thread under the Hydro and aero section would work. If it takes off the admin people can then move it some place as a subsection where the Mods seem it appropriatte. I don't think there are many credible people who can contribute scientifically a lot specifically on organic nutrients for hydro. Not really much to discuss there anyway, same as for soil. I doubt many newbies are going to garner much from the information that will be useful for their first few grows. Butting it under Marijuan Problems just doen't seem intuitively a place one would look for such information.


Well-Known Member
I think its perfect where its at, under "general marijuana growing". changing it probally wouldnt matter. the talk of noobs not being able to understand it all is a little biased in my opinion. the factor that determines that would be their desire to perfect the setup and get the best grow possible, their are lots of people who have grown many times who dont really possess that drive to perfect it.


New Member
I don't think it is so much that they can not understand it so much as most newbies are more interested in the basics in the beginning and tend to more want to hurry up and get something going rather than learn the more detailed aspects as to why and why not or why bother if just good enough is possible just by others without really know why other than it works. They seems to often be the situation where the person is a newbie or has been growing for several years. Newbies just have the disadvantage of now having anything thing in the way of experience to know what is even readily changable and still safe. Many think such a choice as organic versus chemical based is just a health issue and not an almost totally different ball game with hydrponics.

I am fine with here as log as it is a new thread with a proper title. Someone besides me needs to start it however.


Well-Known Member
I'll make it, what do you want it to say exactly? im kinda skeptical that random non-troll people would start shit with you for no reason and if youve made some enemies so to speak just dont pay attention to them. they dont like you, of course they are gonna try to pick fights. cyberbullying is far too common on here imo. ignore the trolls and the bullies.


New Member
I kinda like Uncle Bens twist on it for a title: "Methodical, scientific approach to nutrients and nutrient formulations." Sounds like the name for a professional paper.


Well-Known Member
I'd be interested in a forum for nutes also, but mainly I'd be interested in mixing up our own from scratch or copying off the shelf formulas.

Not so much into all the brand name battling and stuff. There never is one best way anyway, each plant likes what it likes.

Maybe two forums with a dedicated DIY under the main nutes forum...