Poor kids who do everything right don’t do better than rich kids who do everything wrong

No, it does not. Not one single constitutional right is granted by the Constitution, nor are any guaranteed by it.
"Since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended twenty-seven times. In general, the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the seventeen later amendments expand individual civil rights. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures."
"Since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended twenty-seven times. In general, the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the seventeen later amendments expand individual civil rights. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures."
The Constitution guarantees nothing, it simply limits the powers of Govt in those areas.
The Constitution guarantees nothing, it simply limits the powers of Govt in those areas.
"Since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended twenty-seven times. In general, the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the seventeen later amendments expand individual civil rights. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures."
Hey Rapewan, even the People's Broadcasting says you're wrong.

"The Constitution and the Bill of Rights only limit the actions of the government, not private parties."


It does both, short stuff, it's called "The Bill of Rights" for fucks sake;

"The Bill of Rights is the collective name for the first ten amendments to the United States Constitution. Proposed to assuage the fears of Anti-Federalists who had opposed Constitutional ratification, these amendments guarantee a number of personal freedoms, limit the government's power in judicial and other proceedings, and reserve some powers to the states and the public. Originally the amendments applied only to the federal government, however, most were subsequently applied to the government of each state by way of the Fourteenth Amendment, through a process known as incorporation."
Yes, but you're fully aware of how the concept of loans work, you will eventually pay that money back (with interest!), and student loans are not forgiven through bankruptcy. This ensures a percentage of students will not have access to education because of the high costs and crippling debt.
The government has all sorts of programs that get you out of the debt if you can't afford to pay it. Taxpayers foot the bill for that 2.0 GPA at ASU.
"Since the Constitution came into force in 1789, it has been amended twenty-seven times. In general, the first ten amendments, known collectively as the Bill of Rights, offer specific protections of individual liberty and justice and place restrictions on the powers of government. The majority of the seventeen later amendments expand individual civil rights. Others address issues related to federal authority or modify government processes and procedures."
I know what you are thinking pad " If wiki says they are guaranteed rights, by god they must be".

But the constitution only limits the government, that is all it does. It conveys no rights to anyone, rights are inherited by the mere fact you are human, not because collective society has decided you should get them. The Constitution would need millions of pages if it were to list all of our rights, and would need to be amended daily to keep listing the new ones we come up with.

If a piece of paper granted rights, then they aren't rights, but privileges, as that same piece of paper can also restrict them.

So anyway, my point is: You are wrong, there are no rights listed in the constitution, only constitutional protections on rights you already had.
I know what you are thinking pad " If wiki says they are guaranteed rights, by god they must be".

But the constitution only limits the government, that is all it does. It conveys no rights to anyone, rights are inherited by the mere fact you are human, not because collective society has decided you should get them. The Constitution would need millions of pages if it were to list all of our rights, and would need to be amended daily to keep listing the new ones we come up with.

If a piece of paper granted rights, then they aren't rights, but privileges, as that same piece of paper can also restrict them.

So anyway, my point is: You are wrong, there are no rights listed in the constitution, only constitutional protections on rights you already had.
You're splitting hairs

We essentially agree with the same thing

Moving on..

The only way you can lower costs is by making government stop subsidizing it. That is the ONLY way it will happen, until then it will be ever increasing expense.

Then why don't we make government stop subsidizing it?
You're splitting hairs

We essentially agree with the same thing

Moving on..

Then why don't we make government stop subsidizing it?
Nope, you're wrong and as a typical uppity young libtard you can't admit it.

You could make college tuition "free" and it'd cost the Govt less than the cost of the inevitable future-defaulted loans.

Cos numbers and shit.
The only way you can lower costs is by making government stop subsidizing it. That is the ONLY way it will happen, until then it will be ever increasing expense.

funny, the government subsidizes health care and education all over the planet and that's not the case.

i guess your silly little rawn pawl fanboi talking point as no basis in reality, like most of the shit you spew.
Starting in kindergarten we are told we can be anything when we grow up. The only thing stopping you would be having shitty parents or yourself. Not how much money you were born into.