Porch Monkey Ghetto Grow


Well-Known Member
so its been about 54 days.

things are moving right along. ive been using the peroxide one watering, and a tea mix of just manure and water. the manure was well composted, and free!

i still pick a few aphids off here and there, and plan on giving one last good spray and shaking to any of them as soon as they go to bud.

I work on rotating every 3 days or so. i found last grow that when they started budding the stems hardened and stopped reaching. but until then ill keep rotating.

i will be arranging them a little differently so the small plants and lower plants can get a little more sun. so the next pictures will look different.

ive pinched some of the new growth from the first pinching, but thats only a few plants.

im not sure on plant identification but the last picture i have uploaded is imo a possible sativa strain, wut do you guys think? compared to the rest it is spindly, and has very narrow more serrated leaves.



Well-Known Member
60 days

watering everytime with the manure tea. no signs of nute burn forunately. the tea was a shot in the dark, i may try to make it a little more potent.

ive taken the lowest leaf sets and the lowest branch or two off the plants. i want more bud to be produced in the tops. this bushed the tops right out. they are loving it.

also every couple of weeks ive been turning the top soil before watering. ill do this right up about a month before harvest. it aerates the soil and allows water to penetrate deeper and past the top roots.

i have identified at least 4 females and a bunch of possibles. the rest i have no idea.

do males show sex later? ive never had one fortunately. last time the only 2 showed female, and other than that ive only worked with clones. so i really have no idea wut look for until the balls show.

i hope you have been enjoying the ghetto grow, and advice is still much appreciated!:peace:



Well-Known Member
I still have a hard time telling sex. a couple are so strongly smelling that its hard to believe they might be male.

im still leaning towards the ones in the back row being male. they are all my tallest plants. the front row is all my smallest bushier plants. hopefully females. the middle row is medium size and many could be preflowers, or just more leaves growing.

last year i didnt see budding until august and it was after a severe wilt. i had gone away on vacation and when i got back they were totally dry. i soaked em and i week later i had buds.

so having said that im letting my plants dry way out, ive lost a few leaves towards the bottom but they really are loving it. very green and full on top.

im just gonna keep doing wut im doing till i see some noticeable pistils or balls. im prolly gonna go get a magnifier sooner or later.

stay tuned.



Well-Known Member
hey thanks, im glad to see things coming along.

how long is your average budding cycle for outdoor weed? would you say 70 to 80 days to be adequate flowering for outdoor nuggets?


Well-Known Member
Well SlamminSalmon I just wanted to say after the first post and pic and seeing ppl starting to bash you I figured thats exactly all this thread would be. But to my enjoyment I continued to read and it looks like you did the same....hung in there and did a lot of learning and they are looking great from that start...so congrats and I hope you get some good buds....And I still cant believe this is on your porch....wtf do you do when ppl come over, I dont even let my best friends know about my shit over fear of thieving and snitching...lol....


Well-Known Member
well a select few of my friends know about it. its hard to keep it secret from everyone.

but the porch was formerly a trash and bottle collecting porch. i live right in the middle of town but the next building over is a hangar style with no windows. so that blocks all vision unless you are on their roof. which i coulda been busted this year when they replaced some tarping. but the plastic covered anything noticeable, many people plastic over their porches around here just to get out of the wind in the winter. while they did the roofing next door i didnt go on the porch and kept all activity to a minimum, even leaving my music low as to not attract any attention at all.

i really keep the traffic in my house to minimum, and rarely let anyone in who would endanger the mellow of my place.

thanks for the kind post "letsgrow"! i truly appreciate it.

im excited to see wuts next. i may possibly get some more pictures of the porch itself. since it is the star of this thread.


Active Member
oh okay i gotcha.. do u get really intense sunlight? cuz i don't know why they would stretch if they got light all day.. i dunno i'm stumped.:peace:


New Member
planting them up to the leaves is about the only thing you can do to save them.... and its not necessarily a bad idea, its just that its obvious that you arent getting enough light to them because they are stretching so bad. Which means that if it isnt improved then they wont get any better.
I may or may not know this guy really well before he got banned and may be borrowing this account for a short bit. ;)
I came in to check on these babies. They look amazing now man. Im glad they look so damn well:hump: How did you get them to start getting more light may I ask?
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Well-Known Member
So you found a sunnier spot for them than you were using, or did you light times change to where that spot you were using got more light?

yeah, same porch same spot, just longer days. i dont rotate as much as i used to. they dont lean for the sun as much anymore. id rather they veg or produce buds, rather than spend energy facing the sun after a rotation.