post your smoking utensil


Well-Known Member
I just cant decide on which weed star i want

ive got it down to 4 choices

Mahoney ice

Mahoney ice 2
Puncher no ice
Seven Eleven ice

they are all around the same price. I really like the punchers size but kind of want ice notches. The mahoneys are both nice. the 2nd is a little less thick but its a little cheaper and looks like its a bigger tube(wider)

what do you guys think?
they all good. the one i got has the thickest glass, but didnt come with the diffy that ice 2 has. they had the puncher ice instock when i orderd ... that would have been my other choice. ice notches are a must !:weed:


Well-Known Member
broken link dude /\
a 3ft bong would have been cool too ... how much does one of those run tho ?
the 20" 5mm WS bong is my first quality big bong :)


Well-Known Member
they all good. the one i got has the thickest glass, but didnt come with the diffy that ice 2 has. they had the puncher ice instock when i orderd ... that would have been my other choice. ice notches are a must !:weed:
yeah i think im going to get the regular mahoney. I already have a diffuser and a bowl from my old bong ill be using. Yeah id love to have the puncher ice. that would have been my first choice. the regular puncher is looking pretty nice for the price though. not sure i want to pay an extra 20 bucks for a shorter bong just because its a bit thicker and has ice notches


Well-Known Member
aiight biotches ..back on topic .. . got my new shit today :) :)
very pleased ... this is a thick ass bong...quality piece
the only thing is the carb hole ... why ? why why why ? i donno but ill be geting a stopper for it
clean peace man, i like it. might have to get me a new bong:joint::weed:


Well-Known Member
yeah i think im going to get the regular mahoney. I already have a diffuser and a bowl from my old bong ill be using. Yeah id love to have the puncher ice. that would have been my first choice. the regular puncher is looking pretty nice for the price though. not sure i want to pay an extra 20 bucks for a shorter bong just because its a bit thicker and has ice notches
thats what i was thinkn too ... but it does have the colors on the base and on the head ,and the sand blasted logo which is tight... when you feel the weight of this thing in your hand ... it totally worth it :mrgreen:

clean peace man, i like it. might have to get me a new bong:joint::weed:
thanks man, yes, yes! new bongs for all !!:blsmoke::blsmoke:bongsmiliebongsmiliebongsmilie


Well-Known Member
its my first "professional" smoking device .... im lovin this glass on glass slide action too ... fucking sweet :)


Active Member
This was my piece before the summer. In June some asshole knocked a glass cup over off of a desk and it took a chip out of the base, thank god it still stood just fine. Then on Thursday of this week, my friend's girlfriend broke the $100 illadelph ash catcher by being careless, not only that but I ended up finding a very large burn hole in my BRAND NEW CARPET later that night. That's another $100 I have to spend to fix the damn carpet, careless bitches (no offense to the girls on this forum). I was heartbroken and pretty disappointed. In a way I regret buying the tube because I dropped wayyy too much money into it and it seems like anytime it's been broken it was by somebody other than me. Either way, here it is:

That was right after I bought it back in October of 2007. Funny how the tube barely lasted a year once I revealed it to my friends.

That's the RooR party bowl I got back when I ordered the ash catcher in January.

I also have a RooR Carbon Filter I put on it, I just had it off for a while because I liked having less drag for the time being.

At this point in time, it's back to having it's original blue&white label diffuser and just the RooR Carbon Filter and bowl, but I have been avoiding using it, it's sitting on a shelf next to me and every time I use it I'm reminded of how I spent a butt load of money only to have other people destroy it with carelessness. I guess you live and you learn. I'm working on investing in a Volcano, that way I really don't have to worry about idiots breaking glass anymore.


Well-Known Member
RooR's are G as fuc, both of mine it was me who broke them so it was all good haha, i need to buy another one


Active Member
how much did you pay for the illy?

i want one so bad
I bought the tube in October of 2007 after my house was burglarized and my small bong was broken. I hit my friends illy and fell in love. I bought it from for $200 + $40 for rushed shipping, they were more than helpful and provided extensive tracking. I even got the tube before the ETA date. The site isn't currently up right now, so IDK what's going on with it.

Tube = $240
Ashcatcher = $120
RooR Bowl = $20
RooR Carbon Filter = $40
Heat wand I used with it = $10
Having it broken pretty much piece by piece over 2008 = priceless.

Overall, they're incredibly durable tubes, I've banged it against the sink one too many times and it always held up. But for the money, I'm sure you could find something just as nice for the same price or a lot less. I'm from near the Philly area so it was kind of more than just a tube to me since it said Illadelph.