Preflower Help!

Till about the time you said, till the stems crack or make a chrunch noise but don't break then I put them into glass jars and slowly burped them a few hours a day and then keep it closed sealed untill I burped it again till it was dry but not crackling dry, Like still sticky I guess qwould be the best way to say it. it didn't feel like a dry dead leaf were it cracks apart it still has a little moisture in it but not much it is very easy to burn!!! I always keep it in the closet in the glass jars and now that it is dry enough I don't burp it anymore I just keep it in the dark closet. While it was in the closet drying i kept the door ajar and I have central air so it is always blowing, at the time I was drying it because it was so hot here the air was constantly flowing. I think maybe I let it air out too often at one time I think I left the jar open for to long in between burps I left it open for a few hours at a time to burp it instead what should I have left it open for? thanks for letting me know I think that was it leaving it open to burp for like 4 or 5 hours at a time then closing it again. I was so afraid of it getting mold on it that i think I let it open too long at each time I burped it. well let me know what you think , Thanks, BB2112.
P.S. I have 2 more plants growing now they just started opening about a few days ago. How will I know if they are female? as early as possible? Thanks, BB2112!!!!
some plants will show sex a few weeks into veg. Others will take until after you stitch into flowering. Just keep a close eye out for those white hairs which indicate a female plant.
OK, Thank You, Haven't heard from you in a while hows your grow going so far this year? hope all is going well! Talk to you soon, BB2112!!
Beingg in new England I am dealing with the power outtage that is affecting the whole area. There is so much damage. This is thefirst time I've had internet access since Saturday. My plants hsve had no light other then the window but are doing fine since its not too cold in the house.
We were finally able to find fuel for the generator yesterday. Because of the power outage, most of the gas stations are closed around here. The ones that are open have lines of cars waiting to get fuel blocking roads and intersections, though most places are running out of gas before everyone in line can get to a pump. My father and myself had to drive about 45 mins out of state to find a gas station that was open and wasn't out of gas.
Luckily, I have a stock pile of extention cords, power strips and surge protectors because of my grow setup. We have our fridge running, and electronics charging. Since we have satellite our TV service and internet are still up, so we can still entertain ourselves and play xbox. I was even able to power my grow setup since, thankfully, I only have CFL's.
The little buddy is doing great and seemed to enjoy its time out on the porch, in the sun with the other plants.
Power is back and buddy friend is looking great..

... and got bored so I decided to do a little LST
Power is back and buddy friend is looking great..
View attachment 1870739View attachment 1870741

... and got bored so I decided to do a little LST
View attachment 1870750
Hey, they are looking nice!!! how long were you out with no power? Anyway I also wanted to ask you since the time change recently, if I where to plant my plants outside (the clones) From a plant that was mature and I harvested it the last ones. (also clones of a clone) If I were to plant them in the ground now they would mature right away like the others clones I had correct because the light schedule is 12/12 or close, Or would they just grow like my plant last year did? Or do I need to keep them under the lights on a light pattern of 20/4 or keep it on the lights more than 12 hours a day or it will think it is time to mature right? if you understand what I am asking please advise because I really screwed up my shoulder and moving them inside and outside to get sunlight is really hard and if I can just plant them it would be easier but I don't want them to start budding again I want them to grow till next season. Thank You, BB2112!!!! OH yeah what is LST?
P.S. I also saw a little seedling growing in the pot of the other plant, was that an accident did you drop a seed in the dirt or did you plant it after it was already put in a paper towel and grown?
The seedling just popped up one day, a stray something in the topsoil. It's a no no to have more then one plant per container, but I don't have the heart to pull it up. Ill just put it into it's own pot when I transplant. Also, when I germinate, I just drop the seed into the soil. I don't bother with the paper towel thing.
i was without power for about a week. I like camping so this wasn't too big of a deal lol.
LST is Low Stress Training. I'll get a better picture, but you can see that the plant is tied down and has its nodes exposed to the light. It's pretty much completely horizontal.
You can put those plants outside whenever you want or just keep them under the lights. Moving them inside and outside stresses them out from the changing type of light. You could just keep them under the lights 20/4 or 18/6 until they're established (like a week to two weeks), then stick them right outside. You don't have to worry about when you put them outside whether they'll mature. They'll flower when they're ready. You dont want to keep them around till next season, as they'll be too big to do anything with. I try not to keep a plant in the same container for more then two weeks when vegging. My indoor plants get repotted three times before they're done
Yeah, SDo you are saying If I take these clones outside now with just the regular sunlight and let it get dark and not put lights on them , they will flower or start to flower edven though they are only about 6 to 8 inches tall? I want to know if I take them outside right now tomorrow and don't use artificial light will they mature and start budding because of the light being about 12/12 or will they just continue to grow bigger untill next year if they are in the ground? (without putting artificial light on them) what i would like to be able to do is just plant them in the ground and keep the neem ouil on them as the hydroponics shop said to they said pour it into my nutes and put it in the soil and also spray the plant once a week and only once a month or every 28 days put it in the nutes and soil and spray them every 28 days because that's how long it lasts before it breaks down and they are saying I should be bug free. they said the neem oil becomes part of the plant if you put it on the roots and nothing is going to touch it if you keep doing it every 28 days. The only thing I am worried about is that when i planted my last clones in the ground this past harvest they were about 12 inches tall and one was about 8 inches tall and they all started to bud after they got the change of light and these clones were not taken from a mature plant. I was wrong about that I bought one of these plants from a guy at one of the despensaries he said it was an indica strain he showed me the mother plant in the back where he cuts and clones all of his plants for sale. Anyway will these grow all the way till next year without artificial light or will they bud now even though it is a newly cut clone from a plant that has been kept under artificial light the whole time since he planted it or since he started growing it. it is the light schedule that prompts them to bud correct? so when it is equally light in the day as it is dark at night the 12/12 they will start to bud or mature right away correct! So you are saying if I plant them in the ground the only way to keep them from budding is to keep light (artificial light) on them till the light schedule is back to daylight savings or back to a higher light schedule than a 12/12 so like at the time i planted last year around march, I think.If you know what i am saying and you can tell me anything to keep me from making a mistake and planting them outside too soon please advise. I want to plant them as soon as possible for the next harvest season Oct or Nov of next year. I just want to see how big I can grow this clone that i bought and then harvest the other one when it is ready and keep it under artifical light. so i am going to harvest one in about march and the clone i want to go to next year. I think that is possible as long as I am putting the clone in the ground where it can grow as big as it wants, Right? well if you understand, and I know it is confussing let me know what you think. you haven't set me ion the wrong direction yet so i trust what you say. Thank You, BB2112!!!! P.S. Also I am using the nutes the whole season this time so I should get some big buds klike last year or maybe some bigger ones who knows!!!!! C-YA, I am also going to do that ying the plant down soon as well the lst as you showed me in the picture. Thanks. BB!!
if you put them into the ground now, they will most likely bud within a few weeks, until killed by frost or harvest. If you plant them outside now at 8" they will still get to about two feet by the time they're done. Keeping them going until next season will stress them out, just take clones from them and keep the new clones under 20on 4off schedule with your lights. Carrying them inside and outside all the time is more work then its worth, and only does a little good. If it never goes below 48F where you live then there is no too soon or too late to plant outside.
Or you could even try your hand at starting from seed.
Remember, bigger isnt always better. Genetics determine the ideal height and yeld for every individual plant. You put them outide, in the ground, and feed them right and they'll grow just the way they're supposed to.

-This shows the LST a bit better since its grown out a bit
the plants dont know its daylight savings time. My light schedule was off at 12am and on at 6am. I haven't changed anything for daylight savings time so now its off at 11pm and on at 5am. Consistency is the key to stable and happy plants.
Awesome, thanks for letting me know exactly what to do. I do have one that I planted from seed but I don't know if it is a male or female and I know that my clone is a female so I am kind of keeping them away from eachother. as soon as I know what the seedling sex is I will separate them and just get rid of the male or keep it around for seeds I guess or should I just kill it?I just tied my plant down but I didn't pull it over that far yours loos like it is bent totally 90 degrees from straight up. that won't break the stem? So what do you do after it starts growing new nodes and gets bushy on one side and then what do you do slowly turn it so the whole plants gets bushy? or just flop it from that side to the other? Now isn't it going to stay bent like that after staying that way for awhile and when you try to untie it and move it back won't it snap the stock or stem? it looks strange but she's growing very quickly and so are mine one the seedling is about 5 inches tall and the clone is growing very fast she is about 12 inches at least and that is the one that I have tied down. Well thank You again for the advice best of luck with your grow, and I am sure I will have a few question's along the way if that's ok, mainly about when to plant them outside for the next season if I make some new clones out of the this clone. So Thanks, and take care talk to you soon, C-YA, BB2112!!!! I think last year I planted mine in the ground about March, Maybe April, is that about right for them to grow all the way till October or November to harvest
The plant stays that way, it doesn't get moved around or retied. I am encouraging the growth on one side only. The branches grow up towards the light so it's like every branch is a top. The branches on the underside either grow up or get pruned off if they're going to be in the way. I never prune the fan leaves, I use little wires to hook them back and put them where I want them.

When planted outside the light determines flowering time. They will bud faster in winter seasons and take longer in the summer seasons. Keep in mind the summer and winter solstice (when the days start getting longer and shorter). When the days are longer the plant will want to veg. When the days are shorter they want to bud. The only exception, of course, is auto-flowering strains.
Thank You for the info, do you put all of you info in your grow ledger, Dam I can't remeber what you call it your diary whatever it is the thing you keep notes on about your grow so I can get some info without writting and asking you so many question's? I would like to see your "journal that's it" Thanks for writting back so quickly have a nice day and take care. BB2112!
yes i do have one. Its right there on my profile. Just click on my name and you'll see view journal. I have lots of entries from past grows and pics too
That question I asked you before but couldn't think of the name between the two strains was , indica and sativa right? and all the other strains you grow or all the other different kinds of cush, or all the different names are just different strains of sativa and Indica. Is that correct? I am just currious because I was told that the strain I have is indica and that is supposed to be the stronger of the two? or is the sativa the stronger one? or which is better? Thanks and have a good one. BB2112!!!!!
Both indica and sativa have very potent varieties and most strains are a hybrid (combination) of the two. The difference between them are flower times and physical characteristics. Like, sativas take longer to flower and tend to be taller then the low bushy indica plants. Sativas are more accustomed to warm tropical weather and indicas are more suitable for cooler climates and shorter growing seasons. Potency has everything to do with the DNA of each individual plant and the breeder in which you got it from.
Thank you, I have been hearing that indica was better and I always argued that why would they breed a sativa if it couldn't be as potent or more potent . I usually would say that it has to do with how it is grown and alot of people say that , it grows by itself and after I grew it this last time I found out just how much we have to do with it that makes it good or not as good. So Thanks for letting me know the whole truth and nothing but the truth!!! well my grow is going qwell the clones has passed the other plant and I think it is a female the seedling plant the clone even the last clones I did once they get past about 5 or 6 inches they really take off and with the vegging nutes it really grows even faster and healthier and it just looks like a healthier plant. I also found out alot about pesticide or preventing getting pests this last few month from the hydroponics store. It is actually not that difficult, neem oil and moth screens is normally enough to keep them bug free. nice to know i could have saved alot of that last harvest had i known more about the bug sitch. take care and thank you for the excellent explanation about the two strains!!!! BB2112!!!!
I just wanted to ask you a question about a little argument we are having about the measurements and weights of pot weed whatever you want to call it, we were talking about the old days when we had to buy like incraments of either 1 oz. 1/2 oz, 1/4 oz, 1/8 oz and a gram. what I need to know to back up my side is how many grams in an oz, and how would you write by weight if it is a gram it would be .283 grams to an ounce and then 1/2 would .141 approx or .142 and 1/4 .71 then 1/8 = 3.5 gram =? weight and how would you write it am I correct here. If you know could you settle this for me if you don't mind. Thank you, BB2112!!!
one gram is .035 of an ounce. When weighing it up on a scale, an eighth (1/8 ) is 3.5, a quarter (1/4) is 7.0 and so on. There are 28.35 grams in an ounce.

my most recent plant turned up male and I had to pull it
Thank You for the answer to my question's and Dam that sucks that it was a male after all of your attention and work, was it a good strain? I was just wondering if you copuld have put it in some place else in the house and get a batch of seeds. But I guess that would be a lot of work for just seeds and then you might get your females all screwed up huh? you don't even want that pollen in your house do you? If you you did grow it and it did shed it's pollen, would that be a worry for a plant that you may grow later? in other words does it hang around and contaminate a room and if it gets kicked up could it pollenate a female even months later? That sucks, I am sorry to hear that things went bad, that's a bummer. do you have any more seeds? that you can start now?, sorry to hear but thanks again for your weights and measures, I think I was right on a few of those, I will have to look at what i wrote. well take care and best of luck on the next if you try again. Oh was that a feminised seed that just was male or did you have any idea? C-YA, Talk to you later, BB2112!!!!!