Principals of the Founders


New Member
+ rep truth... this liberal bull shit is getting me pissed off. They just don't get it !

edit: sorry man.. i've repped u too much i guess. wont let me
Liberal bullshit, *Uhhhh, Me thinks your tinfoil hat is sending too much info for your pea sized brain to accumulate. Heloooooow, is there an echo in there? You righties are gettin a good ass whoopin and deserve every minute of it, snivel on.


Well-Known Member
Liberal bullshit, *Uhhhh, Me thinks your tinfoil hat is sending too much info for your pea sized brain to accumulate. Heloooooow, is there an echo in there? You righties are gettin a good ass whoopin and deserve every minute of it, snivel on.
Which is why you replied to that post instead of my last post Med o Mao?


Well-Known Member
Liberal bullshit, *Uhhhh, Me thinks your tinfoil hat is sending too much info for your pea sized brain to accumulate. Heloooooow, is there an echo in there? You righties are gettin a good ass whoopin and deserve every minute of it, snivel on.
You guys are taking us all under. :cry:. Seriously man. this isn't good. you'll realize this one of these days. I'm not saying the ideas of liberals are bad. they are very good. The fact of the matter is, it doesn't work. we're going to lose rights over it man. when the government expands, rights get taken.

on paper communism is FANTASTIC. but there hasn't been a true communist state. you know why ? cuz greed/power takes over and then it turn fascist.

i can't stress this enough.

NWO is coming. NAU is also coming. its a crying shame.


New Member
Which is why you replied to that post instead of my last post Med o Mao?
Oh, scuse me, I do have a life outside of RIU. Was that the post where you said Obama and Biden don't pay income taxes, if so, here are the figures: Obamas paid $855,323 in federal income taxes for '08'. Joe Biden Paid $46,952 in federal and $11,164 in state taxes for ,'08'. I guess that clears that bullshit up, EH? Check your facts, Maam.


Well-Known Member
Oh, scuse me, I do have a life outside of RIU. Was that the post where you said Obama and Biden don't pay income taxes, if so, here are the figures: Obamas paid $855,323 in federal income taxes for '08'. Joe Biden Paid $46,952 in federal and $11,164 in state taxes for ,'08'. I guess that clears that bullshit up, EH? Check your facts, Maam.
Out of how much?

I believe what I said was that they do not pay the same percentage as the middle class ( which at a glance is most assuredly true for that useless bottom feeder Biden.)


New Member
Out of how much?

I believe what I said was that they do not pay the same percentage as the middle class ( which at a glance is most assuredly true for that useless bottom feeder Biden.)
No you said they don't pay taxes, helloooow, gettin king of thin in there. Anyway, that's a moot point, Try and come up with some sane reasons why Obama is destroying America, outside of calling him names and making false charges, like were slipping into communism/fascism, jack booted thugs coming to get us. Hey, this country has been a police state long before Obama came along. We have the highest incarceration rate per capita in the world, even outstrips China. We have warrantless home invasion on witness declarations, we actually have seen the end of Habias-Corpus, unless Obama re-instates it, we authorize our secret police to go to foriegn countries and kidnap suspected bad guys, fly them to a country where torture is not a problem, and torture the crap out of them. I'm sure if we really knew all the atrocieties that are being commited in our name, we'd be shocked. This country is not your grandpas country. I think, maybe, Obama may lighten up an the atrocities a bit.


New Member
Med ...

To date, you've not told us how/why "the price of liberty is taxation."

What the fuck would you know about the price of liberty. Where was your pansy ass when Nam was boiling, Oh that's right, sitting on your ass home in the USA. Don't try and lecture me on the price of liberty, you have done nothing to further liberty or serve your country. You and most of the righties that preach liberty have never served your country, so shut the fuck up about liberty. To you, Liberty is something you read in a book, when actual liberty is covered in the blood of patriots.


New Member
What the fuck would you know about the price of liberty. Where was your pansy ass when Nam was boiling, Oh that's right, sitting on your ass home in the USA. Don't try and lecture me on the price of liberty, you have done nothing to further liberty or serve your country. You and most of the righties that preach liberty have never served your country, so shut the fuck up about liberty. To you, Liberty is something you read in a book, when actual liberty is covered in the blood of patriots.

Translation: "I made the statement in an previous post the the price of liberty is taxation. I didn't expect to be called out on this idea, but Vi caught it and wants me to explain my statement. I haven't the vaguest idea of what I was talking about. So, in an effort to divert the attention away from my statement, I'll just post my millionth personal attack against Vi and maybe no one will notice that I'm a totally misinformed, socialist/fascist/communist useful idiot and a complete dork."



Well-Known Member
Translation: "I made the statement in an previous post the the price of liberty is taxation. I didn't expect to be called out on this idea, but Vi caught it and wants me to explain my statement. I haven't the vaguest idea of what I was talking about. So, in an effort to divert the attention away from my statement, I'll just post my millionth personal attack against Vi and maybe no one will notice that I'm a totally misinformed, socialist/fascist/communist useful idiot and a complete dork."

i would + rep.. but won't let me. that's what i got out of his statement as well


New Member
Translation: "I made the statement in an previous post the the price of liberty is taxation. I didn't expect to be called out on this idea, but Vi caught it and wants me to explain my statement. I haven't the vaguest idea of what I was talking about. So, in an effort to divert the attention away from my statement, I'll just post my millionth personal attack against Vi and maybe no one will notice that I'm a totally misinformed, socialist/fascist/communist useful idiot and a complete dork."

Wow, you ran out of adjectives, eh, dork eh, a whale dick. Still doesn't absolve you from being a no show when your country needed you, a slacker and you want to know about liberty. Read it in a book dumbass, because you will never participate, that's been proven.


Well-Known Member
Wow, you ran out of adjectives, eh, dork eh, a whale dick. Still doesn't absolve you from being a no show when your country needed you, a slacker and you want to know about liberty. Read it in a book dumbass, because you will never participate, that's been proven.
the last time the government need anybody was WWII. VI you that old ?


New Member
the last time the government need anybody was WWII. VI you that old ?
Wrongo oh wise one, they had a draft in the early part of Nam, Ask me how I know. There were a lot of slackers, Vi is just one, mostly rich white boys. I only had half the equation, I was white.


Well-Known Member
Med o Mao, the problem is that it doesn't work.

The rich (Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Reid, McCain, et al) don't pay taxes, and consistently rig it so that they don't pay taxes at the same level that the middle class pays.

Redistributing the wealth, yes, from the middle to the poor which makes everyone but the wealthy poor.

The only thing the wealthy and powerful are spreading is poverty.

It does no one any good to have the middle class stuck subsidizing the existence of the poor, and does more harm. The strength of any country has historically been the middle and working class, because they are typically the ones that are at a level where they can see how something will make not only their life easier, but everyone's life easier.

Unfortunately when government steals their money to give it to the poor, not only does it deprive the middle class and working class of the capital necessary to make advancements, it also deprives the middle class and working class of the motivation to work.

Spread the wealth, strange, I don't see the Obama's donating half their wealth to the poor.

Wealth is not income, and taxing income does not spread the wealth. The only thing taxing income does is spread poverty and make it more and more difficult for those at the bottom and the middle to save up and reach a point of financial security.

As usual the hand you hold is the hand wrapped around your throat strangling the shit out of you.

The last thing a responsible individual needs is "government help" typically "government help" equates to stealing their income and the fruits of their labor for some one that behaved in an irresponsible reckless fashion. That's not encouraging the creation and continued existence of a middle class. That's destroying the middle class by reducing the rewards of work.

Failure and recklessness should be discouraged, not encouraged through government programs.

Hard work, savings, and investment should be encouraged, not discouraged through government taxation.

Not only are taxes immoral, but they are typically used in a fashion that encourages dependency on the government. The fact of the matter is that those that are receiving government benefits, either through holding a government position or by receiving government benefits are effectively behaving like a slave, or a pet.

Of course the liberals have no problems equating themselves with animals, for they are of course equal with animals having given up the independence, fearlessness, and self-responsibility that defines humanity. On the other hand conservatives have a problem with being equated to animals, because they have not given up the very traits that define them as being human instead of nothing more than some farm animal.

Keep on kissing your masters' ass Medomao, maybe one of these days they'll acknowledge you by telling you how much they love having you kiss their ass. kiss-ass

The rich (Obama, Pelosi, Biden, Reid, McCain, et al) don't pay taxes, and consistently rig it so that they don't pay taxes at the same level that the middle class pays.

So it it was missing a comma

The rich (names, et al) don't pay taxes, and consistently rig it so that they don't pay taxes, at the same level that the middle class pays.

I don't see how difficult it would be to conjecture that I did indeed mean that they don't pay taxes at the same level as the rest of us, as opposed to not paying any at all.


Well-Known Member
Yeah, though I'm going to add onto that.

Why would we need "protection" from a corporation?

Is a corporation actually capable of forcing you to do something against your will? (Besides when it is granted a monopoly from the government?)

Has a corporation (unless enabled by the government such as in the case of the East India Trading Company (of Tea Party Fame)) ever declare war on a people?

Corporations do not benefit from killing their customers (unless they are Corporations that manufacture weapons in which case their best customers are often governments as opposed to private individuals.)

In the case of a great many people corporations pay them and with the wages they are capable of

1. Keeping a roof over their head
2. Keeping food in their belly
3. Purchasing Shit (often shit that they don't need)

The government on the other hand

1. Taxes people
2. while pretending to be doing it for their own good
(Is there actually any one out there that works and needs the government to protect them?)

Also corporations do not control the money supply (excluding corrupt bankers, but the government has long since enjoined them and is now helping them perpetuate the fraud of paper money.)

Governments have always been the entities that run around
1. Declaring War on other groups of people
2. Starving people to death (by trying to tell them what farming methods they are going to use.)

Corporation on the other hand, produce shit, and sell it.

Take a look at your abode.

How much of what you have in your home is produced by the government?

Everything you bought is produced by a corporation, and you need protection from a corporation?

Yes, there have been cases where corporations have behaved in dishonest, immoral and unethical ways, but ultimately people learned of these behaviors and demanded redress.

Government does not need to protect us from corporations (aside from the usual ensuring that the corporations are being honest)

Nor can government replace corporations (The Soviets tried that experiment and it failed, and the Chinese gave up after it became obvious that it wouldn't work.)

Protection from Corporations, hardly, I'm curious as to where we can find protection from the government.

The Socialists state that their ideal system is a system where the people own the corporations.

From a logical perspective it sounds much like a For Profit Stock Corporation.

I own shares in at least 20 different corporations, and yet according to the Socialists this is not their goal. They don't want the people to own the corporations
they want "the people" (as in "the right people", "their people") to own the corporations.

Socialism is corruption writ large. Whereas under a capitalist system any one with patience, diligence and hardwork can claw their way out of poverty.

Socialists desire for the people to own the means of production is best achieved by for profit stock corporations that are publicly traded.

Protection from the corporations?

Lol, God no, I want to know where I can buy more shares of these corporations to share in the wealth they generate by selling myself and other people shit.

My ultimate goal is to reach the point where I have enough shares that I don't have to work for another person and can strike out on my own trying to start my own business. Corporations are actually enabling that by providing a location for me to invest my hard-earned wealth that will return more wealth to me.

Though speaking of Liberals who want to "protect" us from corporations.

It has also struck me as weird that they are typically very rich. Buffett, Gates, Soros, Obama, Clinton, Pelois, Reid, Miller, Biden, etc. They are often in the top 5%, and they often own giant chucks of corporations.

Surely if corporations were truly evil, wouldn't these people not want anything to do with them?

Why is it that they hate corporations so much when in the public eye, yet have so much of their own wealth invested in them?

It seems to me like it is the Dogma of a perverse religion where the priests are allowed access to knowledge that would "corrupt" the lesser people.

These politicians don't want people to be able to purchase shares in corporations, but it is clear that corporations generated a lot of their wealth...

If owning corporations is so dangerous, why do they own shares?

If corporations are so evil, then how are they not corrupted by their connections to some of the largest corporations?

If corporations are so evil how do they rationalize accepting bribes, err, campaign contributions from them?

Why would we need protection from corporations and yet they don't?

:: key in pseudo religious music ::

These are the mysteries of the Church of the Democrats
to question is to commit heresy and blasphemy against
the Kennedys, Obamas, and Clintons, or
the saints of the Church of the Democrats

Though this is the post I was referring to.

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
that does not answer the question. there obviously needs to be checks and balances we have seen what large corporations do on there own accord. they have proven there incapable of proper business practices and any level of morality because of the blindness greed causes. when is enough profit for an immoral individual enough. these large companies use the term 'capitalism' and 'free market' as get out of jail free cards it has spiraled out of control. the people getting angry about more regulations are the same ones who caused the problems in the first place time for a change.


Well-Known Member
that does not answer the question. there obviously needs to be checks and balances we have seen what large corporations do on there own accord. they have proven there incapable of proper business practices and any level of morality because of the blindness greed causes. when is enough profit for an immoral individual enough. these large companies use the term 'capitalism' and 'free market' as get out of jail free cards it has spiraled out of control. the people getting angry about more regulations are the same ones who caused the problems in the first place time for a change.
I think it answers the question perfectly well, when have you seen a corporation unilaterally declare war. Even arms manufacturers don't do that, because they do not derive their profits from fighting wars, but from selling arms.

Or what about corporations forcing people to do something they don't want?

They can only do that when the government allows them to. Such as the AT&T Monopoly created by the Federal Government.

Even Standard Oil was not able to maintain its monopoly and was losing market share (slipping from I think it was 96% - 90% with even more losses about to be reached, due to the fact that SO didn't control the Texas Panhandle and Louisiana Oil Fields.)

A Monopoly can only be maintained by excellence, and even that doesn't prevent a new competitor from finding a better way of providing whatever product is being provided and thus capturing market share.

Then there's the fact that all my bills are paid through my employment in a Corporation. The government on the other hand steals 15% of my income and orders me to pretend to believe its lies that its for my own good.

The only person failing to address another's post is you. I addressed your post.

We don't need Protection from Corporations, thus your question does not make any sense.


Well-Known Member
15% are you including gas tax auto tax tags license . property tax state and local tax's if you smoke or drink they fuck you on tax. our city tax's your feet to walk on the side walk.
if they can tax air im sure they would..
hey..they are going to do air.LOL it is called cap and trade..
everyones energy bills are going to go up because of it . companys are going to go bankrupt because of it.
and the american consumor is going to take the bill straight up the ass..YET AGAIN

bicycle racer

Well-Known Member
obviously we do and again your response is not based on the question asked big pharma big oil they fuck people while there profits are higher than ever with no control. come on really? this is like arguing religion no different redirection or avoiding prickly issues nothing is black and white.


Well-Known Member
15% are you including gas tax auto tax tags license . property tax state and local tax's if you smoke or drink they fuck you on tax. our city tax's your feet to walk on the side walk.
if they can tax air im sure they would..
hey..they are going to do air.LOL it is called cap and trade..
everyones energy bills are going to go up because of it . companys are going to go bankrupt because of it.
and the american consumor is going to take the bill straight up the ass..YET AGAIN
have you heard of the Carbon tax ? lol